Who here believes that the woman is the weaker vessel?

How much of that mental wiring is due to the way they are raised and treated by society v. the way they are born. Do we not give different toys to boys than girls? Do we not decorate the nursuary different for girls than boys?
LOL. Much of it is actually hard-wired. I thought this way, until I had girls. Man, they would take a plastic gun and pretend it was a baby, dude. Believe me, I didn't treat them any differently than my Nephew when I had adopted him, until their different behavior demanded it of me.
What? Why ask me? I had to do a google search to see what the hell you were talking about. Fucking liar.... I mean lawyer

Oh. I thought you became born again while I was in Washington. I was going to start calling you Father SF. Or, Reverend.

I'm kind of disappointed now.
I think he is trying to refer to Peter calling women the "weaker vessel"... he is ignoring the fact that the bible also says that woman is mans equal. Probably an attempt by Jarod to attack those who believe in the bible and try to paint them as sexist pigs or some such nonsense.

You've lived a sheltered life, if you don't think fundamentalists of any religion - christian or muslim - think women are subservient to men. Its one reason fundamentalists are too be despised, IMO.
True it just says

"7Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."
He's using an analogy. The "weaker vessel" he speaks of is the more expensive cup. Note how he says, as unto... This shows he is speaking in analogy. You have to treat it better, give it a place of "honor". It does not mean that women are weaker, only that they should be treated with honor.
You've lived a sheltered life, if you don't think fundamentalists of any religion - christian or muslim - think women are subservient to men. Its one reason fundamentalists are too be despised, IMO.
Now this is different than what we are speaking of. How fundamentalists act and teach is often different than what the text says.
LOL. Much of it is actually hard-wired. I thought this way, until I had girls. Man, they would take a plastic gun and pretend it was a baby, dude. Believe me, I didn't treat them any differently than my Nephew when I had adopted him, until their different behavior demanded it of me.

Well, I am about to see that first hand, come January Ill have a little girl to follow my boy!
So what does it mean to you that Peter said this about women?

Are they to be subservant to Men even though equal?

Not exactly sure. Perhaps he meant they are "weaker" because they are more succeptible to abuse? Perhaps he meant that they are "weaker" because they tend to have kinder hearts and are taken advantage of more? Perhaps he simply meant they are "weaker" because they would get their ass kicked in a bar fight?
I think that in 1 Corinthians 11 it says something like at the head of every man is god and at hte head of every woman is man.
Right, but that is an extension of the previous subservience that I stated. When Eve was put into that role because she "tempted Adam" with the fruit. It doesn't state that she is weaker.
Well, I am about to see that first hand, come January Ill have a little girl to follow my boy!

First off Congratulations.

Second... in about 14 years you are going to be hating life... plotting the deaths of the boys that are chasing after her... that shit takes time. :)
Direct quote from SUPERFREAK...

"I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel.""

In context below!

I believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. I believe the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. I believe that Enoch never died but that God "took him." I believe that an iron ax head floated on the water because the Bible tells me this. I believe that homosexuality is sinful because the Bible teaches that it is. I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin made pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God. I believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose on the third day, lived on the earth for some 40 more days and ascended to heaven and is now sitting on the right had of the throne of God. I believe we are to follow His teaching in the New Testament on things like being kind to one another, caring for one another, etc. I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel." I do not believe that we are to "tolerate " sinful behavior, but must point out that it is behavior that is in contradiction to God's word.

I do not support the government teaching my kids this in school....that's my job. I do not support wars with impunity. I do not believe in a rapture or an armageddon. But I do believe the Bible. That is why out of all of the candidates I would vote for Huckabee if it were possible. It will never happen and so I likely won't vote for president in the next election.
Direct quote from SUPERFREAK...

"I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel.""

In context below!

I believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. I believe the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. I believe that Enoch never died but that God "took him." I believe that an iron ax head floated on the water because the Bible tells me this. I believe that homosexuality is sinful because the Bible teaches that it is. I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin made pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God. I believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose on the third day, lived on the earth for some 40 more days and ascended to heaven and is now sitting on the right had of the throne of God. I believe we are to follow His teaching in the New Testament on things like being kind to one another, caring for one another, etc. I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel." I do not believe that we are to "tolerate " sinful behavior, but must point out that it is behavior that is in contradiction to God's word.

I do not support the government teaching my kids this in school....that's my job. I do not support wars with impunity. I do not believe in a rapture or an armageddon. But I do believe the Bible. That is why out of all of the candidates I would vote for Huckabee if it were possible. It will never happen and so I likely won't vote for president in the next election.

Jarod, there is no way SF wrote that stuff.

You should go back and look at the post you got this from. I didn't see it, but there's no way he wrote that crap.
Jarod, there is no way SF wrote that stuff.

You should go back and look at the post you got this from. I didn't see it, but there's no way he wrote that crap.

It was leaningright, not Superfreak.

I believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. I believe the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. I believe that Enoch never died but that God "took him." I believe that an iron ax head floated on the water because the Bible tells me this. I believe that homosexuality is sinful because the Bible teaches that it is. I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin made pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God. I believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose on the third day, lived on the earth for some 40 more days and ascended to heaven and is now sitting on the right had of the throne of God. I believe we are to follow His teaching in the New Testament on things like being kind to one another, caring for one another, etc. I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel." I do not believe that we are to "tolerate " sinful behavior, but must point out that it is behavior that is in contradiction to God's word.

I do not support the government teaching my kids this in school....that's my job. I do not support wars with impunity. I do not believe in a rapture or an armageddon. But I do believe the Bible. That is why out of all of the candidates I would vote for Huckabee if it were possible. It will never happen and so I likely won't vote for president in the next election.
Direct quote from SUPERFREAK...

"I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel.""

Huh? Where did I state this?

"I believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. "

No I don't. I think the Bible, like the Koran and Torah were written by men and their interpretations on what they believe "God" told them.
"I believe the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested."

I believe in evolution. While I leave open the possibility that God could have created the world in 6 days and that the men simply could not comprehend what a "day" was to God, it is not what I personally believe.

"I believe that homosexuality is sinful because the Bible teaches that it is."

I have no problem with people being gay.

"I believe that abortion is murder."

Yes, I do. Anytime an innocent human life is taken in an unnatural way without their consent it is murder. Genetics dictate that the product of a human sperm cell and human egg cell can be nothing other than a unique human life.

"I do not support the government teaching my kids this in school....that's my job."

Agreed, the government should not mandate religious beliefs to our kids.

"I do not support wars with impunity. I do not believe in a rapture or an armageddon. But I do believe the Bible. That is why out of all of the candidates I would vote for Huckabee if it were possible. It will never happen and so I likely won't vote for president in the next election.

Are you on crack?