Who here believes that the woman is the weaker vessel?

If you do... start tapping your foot... see if that works as a hetero "I want me some action" signal too.

:) No foot tapping required ofr any action.

I still have a couple of steady ladies on tap.

And sometimes that is two more than I want .

It is much cheaper to hire a cleaning lady than to marry one :)

Who you gonna get to move heavy furniture, and kill spiders?


Pffffttt, yourself! :rolleyes: My husband has a sporadic back problem so I get to do all the heavy work, and I'm the one who deals with spiders, salamanders, snakes, etc. :D
I always move furniture by myself and you dont kill the spiders(unless they are a black widow) you put them outside.

Wow really? Look at all these women moving furniture around.

Maybe this is why I'm a "spinzer". I don't lift stuff.
I always move furniture by myself and you dont kill the spiders(unless they are a black widow) you put them outside.

HaHa...I was just teasing. Spiders are cool. I always capture them and release them outside.

But, you have to give me credit for desparately flailing around to find relevance for males!
HaHa...I was just teasing. Spiders are cool. I always capture them and release them outside.

But, you have to give me credit for desparately flailing around to find relevance for males!

You guys are great to have arround for at least one reason.

OK well more than that actually who would wat to hang arround with only people who are having "that time of the month" or menapausaul symptoms.

You know its true girls:tongout:
You guys are great to have arround for at least one reason.

OK well more than that actually who would wat to hang arround with only people who are having "that time of the month" or menapausaul symptoms.

You know its true girls:tongout:

Pfffftttt. You think only women get like that? Check out the various meltdowns we've had on this board from Dixie, battleborne, and superfreak :cof1:
Well yeah mine did wind up that way :)

But is it common in middle age marriges.
In my area anyway.
KY is not NYC.

For which I am thankful :)