Who here believes that the woman is the weaker vessel?

I am sorry, I apologise.

I have the flu and am not thinking stright today.

No worries. We all know how you Floridians are so easily confused. Hell, if you cannot figure out how to vote, how can anyone expect you to actually think coherently? ;)

The Lord instructs us that women are the care-givers, the home-makers, the ones who raise children, the ones who cook, and most importantly - the ones who give us husbands massages.

Anyone who says otherwise is a lefty DemocRAT.

Take me with you Jesus,

Besides. I think we all know women are the superior gender.

I have more fun when I'm hanging out with women. They are smart and funny, and I always have a blast. If men didn't have sole ownership of the penis, I doubt I'd ever talk to them. Well, actually, they are really good at changing tires too.
I have more fun when I'm hanging out with women. They are smart and funny, and I always have a blast. If men didn't have sole ownership of the penis, I doubt I'd ever talk to them. Well, actually, they are really good at changing tires too.


Who you gonna get to move heavy furniture, and kill spiders?
