Who will win the VP debate next Tuesday?

Who will win the VP debate?

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This is better:

“They are eating the dawgs”
Nice job by Vance on convicting parents of mass shooters since he's right, it depends. If Walz had said that, MAGAts would shit bricks. LOL

MAGAts are great at spending money but think we can cut taxes to do it. They're not very good economists.
Kind of like how neither is going for mindless personal attacks.

Politics CAN be like this. It doesn't have to be as toxic as it often is.
It's what a normal debate looks like, not one with Trump stalking Hillary or screaming about dogs and cats.

Notice that Vance keeps pushing spending more money but never mentions how to pay for it.
Vance thinks the VP can sign spending bills and pass legislation.

He previously blamed immigrants for driving down wages, but now blames them for driving up the price of $300K homes.
Every response Trance gives he manages to find some flimsy, transparently bogus way harp on "Kamala Harris' open border".

Slick and sleazy as always.
He has also repeatedly given the VP more powers than Constitutional. I wonder if Trump is having second thoughts about having a "co-President". LOL
Imagine having 20,000 Haitians dropped in your 50k community - your car insurance doubles, housing insurance too - five-six car wrecks a day, including deaths from people who do not know how to drive, let alone follow or understand driving laws - your kids’ school overwhelmed with masses of students who do not speak English or haven’t been to school, taking away resources - resources that YOU paid for - from your children.