Who's better?

Who's better?

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He doesn't know where they are. The Chinese attempt at claiming all the south China sea as their territorial waters has played a major role in the U.S. recent treaty to open two new bases in the Philippines. The Philippine people are not exactly thrilled with the treaty but the Chinese claiming the Spratly's woke their asses up.

I know exactly where the Spratlys are. They're not the only country to claim sovereignty over them. We only recognize the Philippines claim because it's in our self interest to do so. That's still not making war though.
Hitler's ideology was so childish and farcical that there's really nothing about him or the Nazi movement to keep future generations intellectually stimulated. Discussing Hitler is only ever fascinating due to WWII, "German efficiency," and the way his outburst against the civilized world severely altered history. The only thing of note, really, was how he got Germany out of the depression before anyone else could. But that intriguing tidbit is nullified by the fact that the communist USSR out-produced him during the war.

Marxism is equally childish and farcical, yet it has cleverly created its own language, which it constantly uses to trap people into an excruciating and pointless conversation. You say "up," and they kindly inform you that they reject your bourgeois-capitalist definition of "up," and, regardless, you are using it out of context, anyway. Nevertheless, Marxism has managed to attract many intellectuals who are willing to harp-on about it, thus giving it longevity. To use a China reference, it has become a cult like Nazism, but the trendy sort of cult, like Falun Gong, and the government seems unable to stamp it out, yet will never admit defeat.

Wartime is probably the one situation where a command economy has advantages. The state can order as many weapons factories as it wants, put them wherever it wants, move them wherever it wants (Siberia, pls), and cut off consumer goods as much as is necessary. All of which is beneficial during a total war. Hell, Hitler wouldn't even start rationing consumer goods, he wanted to conquer all of Russia while pretending that no actual war was ongoing.
Yeh I don't agree with any of that, as for illegally occupied territory can I mention the Spratly Islands again?

Mao was pretty well justified in coming to NK's defense once the allies crossed the parallel and started talking about conquering NK. It's not like Mao attacked them, he told them very well that he would come to NK's aid in such a situation, and they ignored him. And they got what they were asking for. Then he pwned them without even having any air presence.
The only reason you dismiss China's claim to the Spratly's out of hand is because you're scared of them. Their claim to the area is perfectly reasonable.
I know exactly where the Spratlys are. They're not the only country to claim sovereignty over them. We only recognize the Philippines claim because it's in our self interest to do so. That's still not making war though.

They are the only ones that are building artificial islands and runways suitable for military aircraft. They are also the only ones warning aircraft and ships to keep away from them in total defiance of international law. I will be in Vietnam next month so will see what is going on there. Last time I went in 2011, there was a massive demonstration in Saigon.
Mott, you seriously think I don't know where the Spratly's and Paracel's are? The islands that any map published of China within China are bound by law to include? Which you can't go five seconds without reading about in any discussion of Chinese current affairs?
The Chinese were the first to discover and explore the islands, hundreds of years before imperialist Europeans ever arrived in the area. The Vietnamese shamefully try to derive claims from their imperialist French occupiers (claims which are null and void anyway, because they were made by an imperialist power).
Mao was pretty well justified in coming to NK's defense once the allies crossed the parallel and started talking about conquering NK. It's not like Mao attacked them, he told them very well that he would come to NK's aid in such a situation, and they ignored him. And they got what they were asking for. Then he pwned them without even having any air presence.

They intervened in a UN sanctioned action against North Korea, that's against international law. Having said that, McArthur was a pompous arse for underestimating the zeal and doggedness of the Chinese forces.
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Sure, Europeans can lay claim to any area they want by sending a ship their and planting a flag, and only Europeans. That right doesn't apply to yellow people.
They intervened in a UN sanctioned action against North Korea, that's against international law.

A UN action is supposed to restore the status quo, not punish the aggressor by taking territory or conquering the entire country. The allies attempts to conquer North Korea and make it part of their puppet state were utterly exceeding any authorities granted to them. The fact that they had no Soviet permission in the affair gave their UN action even less legitimacy and they should've recognized that. Mao was coming to North Korea's self-defense, which is the right of any nation.
The Chinese were the first to discover and explore the islands, hundreds of years before imperialist Europeans ever arrived in the area. The Vietnamese shamefully try to derive claims from their imperialist French occupiers (claims which are null and void anyway, because they were made by an imperialist power).

Using that perverted logic, the USA could say that the Canadian border is no longer recognised as legitimate!! The same is true of India and Pakistan and many other places round the world.
A UN action is supposed to restore the status quo, not punish the aggressor by taking territory or conquering the entire country. The allies attempts to conquer North Korea and make it part of their puppet state were utterly exceeding any authorities granted to them. The fact that they had no Soviet permission in the affair gave their UN action even less legitimacy and they should've recognized that. Mao was coming to North Korea's self-defense, which is the right of any nation.

Why don't you fuck off to North Korea, maybe they will give you a job?