Who's better?

Who's better?

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A UN action is supposed to restore the status quo, not punish the aggressor by taking territory or conquering the entire country. The allies attempts to conquer North Korea and make it part of their puppet state were utterly exceeding any authorities granted to them. The fact that they had no Soviet permission in the affair gave their UN action even less legitimacy and they should've recognized that. Mao was coming to North Korea's self-defense, which is the right of any nation.

Oh you mean like in Libya!!
The Chinese were the first to discover and explore the islands, hundreds of years before imperialist Europeans ever arrived in the area. The Vietnamese shamefully try to derive claims from their imperialist French occupiers (claims which are null and void anyway, because they were made by an imperialist power).
Oh quit trolling Tom. Filipino's have had settlements on the Spratly's, based off of Palawan, and have been fishing off the Spratly's for millennia. Their claims have superseded China's in international law and maritime law for nearly 100 years.

China's claims, if not protested would allow them to dominate some of the most important sea lanes in the world traversing the south China sea and thus the Straits of Malacca into India and the middle east and the straits of Lombok to Australia.

If you think the U.S. is going to let that happen you've either lost your mind (possible) or are just having fun trolling Tom (most likely).
North Korea's website could use a little work.

I wonder if there was a specific day when the Chinese CP was in meeting, and someone pointed to the situation in NK, and was like, "okay, these people have become a complete joke. We can no longer expect anything good to come of it."
I wonder if there was a specific day when the Chinese CP was in meeting, and someone pointed to the situation in NK, and was like, "okay, these people have become a complete joke. We can no longer expect anything good to come of it."

NK is the one place in the world the Chinese can look and say, "Well, at least we're not them." If NK stopped existing, they would lose that valuable service it provides them with.
Calling you an utter retard would be an insult to the mentally challenged. Good lord; more proof how our liberal educational establishment has totally failed to educate the idiots we breed.


The rightists will be disposed of, pull them up from the roots of society, and we shall restore the greatness they have taken from our country. All patriots will spit on the rightists, and we shall seal all knowledge of rightism away for 10,000 years, until society is wise enough not to be poisoned by it. Rightism is a societal disease of the heart, which must be ripped out, lest it infest and destroy the whole. Socialism is the cure. Socialism is the future. The workers and peasants will rise and seize for themselves what is theirs.