Who's more of a martyr. St. Floyd or Jesus?

Way to use the lord in vain, Irish. I pray you aren't a Christian acting like that. Floyd isn't even a martyr since he didn't embrace dying willingly. He is a victim being used as a symbol against such injustices and abuses. Now grow up.
Ok. What is Marxism?

Marxism was a political theory created by Karl Marx. It states that all means of production should be controlled by the state. Everyone should have equal income regardless of the job. No inheritance from you family is allowed. Society should be "classless." Basic summary.
Marxism was a political theory created by Karl Marx. It states that all means of production should be controlled by the state. Everyone should have equal income regardless of the job. No inheritance from you family is allowed. Society should be "classless." Basic summary.

Nope. Marxism is about collective ownership, not just letting the state control everything. Though I do give you credit for coming close considering you just googled this now.
And of course inheritance from family is allowed. You just can't inherit means of production since that belongs to the community.

So with that being said, BLM obviously isn't Marxist since they're not concerned with economics at all. They're only focused on racism. Maybe a few of them are Marxists, Capitalists, or Social Democrats. But the movement isn't about any of that and most of them probably know nothing about Marxism.
Nope. Marxism is about collective ownership, not just letting the state control everything. Though I do give you credit for coming close considering you just googled this now.
And of course inheritance from family is allowed. You just can't inherit means of production since that belongs to the community.

So with that being said, BLM obviously isn't Marxist since they're not concerned with economics at all. They're only focused on racism. Maybe a few of them are Marxists, Capitalists, or Social Democrats. But the movement isn't about any of that and most of them probably know nothing about Marxism.

I didn't google anything fuck face. That was all from memory.
Marxism was a political theory created by Karl Marx. It states that all means of production should be controlled by the state. Everyone should have equal income regardless of the job. No inheritance from you family is allowed. Society should be "classless." Basic summary.

IOW nothing that's happening, or will happen in the US.
Their message is stop harassing, beating, killing black people. Is that Marxism, to you? Not wanting the police to beat you?

Who's beating harassing and beating black people? Out of millions of interaction with police, this isn't happening. A few isolated incidents here or there by bad cops that's it.