Who's more of a martyr. St. Floyd or Jesus?

Marxism was a political theory created by Karl Marx. It states that all means of production should be controlled by the state. Everyone should have equal income regardless of the job. No inheritance from you family is allowed. Society should be "classless." Basic summary.

This sounds exaxtly like factoids you remember hearing from rightwing media personalities.

You just telegraphed your ignorance and lack of knowledge about Karl Marx.

Time for you to frantically google for correct information
This sounds exaxtly like factoids you remember hearing from rightwing media personalities.

You just telegraphed your ignorance and lack of knowledge about Karl Marx.

Time for you to frantically google for correct information

Sounds like a Marxist fan. You'd think being from eastern europe you'd know how shitty it is.
Sounds like a Marxist fan. You'd think being from eastern europe you'd know how shitty it is.

^ A tepid and tacit acknowledgement that all you actually knew about Karl Marx are soundbites you heard from rightwing media personalities.

Karl Marx had nothing to do with Eastern Europe. The west Slavic and Balkan nations if Eastern Europe were in a miltary occupation by a Leninist Stalinist totalitarian aggressor state. Marx said nothing miltary occupations by totalitarian states, nor did he advocate for despotic government. Karl Marx actually said very little about how a communist state would actually function. His claim to fame was as a social critic and for his theory of historical determinism.

As for Leninism and Soviet totalitarianism, I have a body of writing on this forum in opposition to the Soviet system which is more informed, compelling, and effective than any of the anti-communist Fox News inspired sound bites you have ever blurted out.