Who's more of a martyr. St. Floyd or Jesus?

My pick is St. Floyd.

All Jesus did was die on a cross for all mankind.

St. Floyd, had a felony record and 2 different drugs on him. He was dealing drugs and trying to use phony currency. He also pushed a gun into a black pregnant woman's gut and robbed her.

Floyd was a the true martyr. What a great man to base this Marxist uprising on!

A martyr? You kidding, Trump, is there anyone on the right that doesn’t think everyone and anyone is picking on Donny?
Who's beating harassing and beating black people? Out of millions of interaction with police, this isn't happening. A few isolated incidents here or there by bad cops that's it.

Statistics prove my assertion. If you don't know much about the issue I suggest you educate yourself. I mean, you don't even know what Marxism is.
How many have said that? Where is the evidence that more than 1% of the people who march as BLM know anything about Marxism?

They may not know but they are puppets to the leaders. First step in any Marxist take over is getting rid of law and order, and getting rid of institutions. This is what happened under Mao. That's why they want police defunded and ultimately abolished.

Next they will demand state takeover of all business. Bernie and AOC are already proposing such.
Statistics prove my assertion. If you don't know much about the issue I suggest you educate yourself. I mean, you don't even know what Marxism is.

Let's see these mysterious statistics you claim.

A 2019 study found only NINE unarmed blacks were shot. And all those cases were ruled justified.

I know what Marxism is. You clearly do you. Then again you don't know how links work.
Let's see these mysterious statistics you claim.

A 2019 study found only NINE unarmed blacks were shot. And all those cases were ruled justified.

I know what Marxism is. You clearly do you. Then again you don't know how links work.

I know Marx didn't write books about police tactics.
They may not know but they are puppets to the leaders. First step in any Marxist take over is getting rid of law and order, and getting rid of institutions. This is what happened under Mao. That's why they want police defunded and ultimately abolished.

Nope. Marx never said we should get rid of law and order. His idea was that collective ownership would create such an orderly society, that eventually there would be no need for the government and the state would wither away. He never said we should overthrow the government.

Next they will demand state takeover of all business. Bernie and AOC are already proposing such.

Nope. Marx never said we should get rid of law and order. His idea was that collective ownership would create such an orderly society, that eventually there would be no need for the government and the state would wither away. He never said we should overthrow the government.


True he wants law and order done by the communist party. But like the Mao take over, they had to get rid of police and law and order first, before they could imitate their communist utopia.

Anyone who dissented was killed. Sound familiar?
True he wants law and order done by the communist party. But like the Mao take over, they had to get rid of police and law and order first, before they could imitate their communist utopia.

Anyone who dissented was killed. Sound familiar?

Again, that's not Marxism. Marx simply wanted collective ownership. Mao and Stalin didn't allow collective ownership, they created Capitalist societies. If you're going to say they were Marxist because they used the word, then you'd also have to say North Korea is a Republic.

Do you also believe in Cultural Marxism?
Again, that's not Marxism. Marx simply wanted collective ownership. Mao and Stalin didn't allow collective ownership, they created Capitalist societies. If you're going to say they were Marxist because they used the word, then you'd also have to say North Korea is a Republic.

Do you also believe in Cultural Marxism?

LOL if you think they had capitalism.
LOL if you think they had capitalism.

They didn't have collective ownership. They had State Capitalism. And if you think that's not "real" Capitalism because the government and the corporations are in bed together, well, guess what America has.
True he wants law and order done by the communist party. But like the Mao take over, they had to get rid of police and law and order first, before they could imitate their communist utopia.

Anyone who dissented was killed. Sound familiar?

I see. You have no idea what Marxism is.