Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
Geez, I'm so insignificant I'm not even on the list. Thanks, \(\(\(\/)/)/)/.
Christiefan aka Chopped Liver
You are not alone.... I too failed to make the list
Geez, I'm so insignificant I'm not even on the list. Thanks, \(\(\(\/)/)/)/.
Christiefan aka Chopped Liver
I didn't. I voted for Dixie. He may be an antideluvian reactionary who I rarely agree with but no one on JPP, not anyone, has come even remotely close to starting as many 500+ post threads as Dixie does.Allright... Who voted for themselves?
Give em hell Dixie!!!!...the fuck you mean, LOLZ? I can't help that you didn't answer the question honestly, dipshit.
This was probably the easiest poll question I've ever answered here. Who else can blow up a thread with a single well-timed post? Who else can inspire over 5,000 posts to argue a simple elementary math problem? Who else can send the most astute pinhead to their room crying and whimpering like a little baby? Why do you think these morons got started changing their names here? It was because they couldn't bear the embarrassment of being totally schooled six ways from Sunday by me, and it was either change their names, or put a bag over their heads.
No, Charver is the funniest.There is no question. Charver is the best on these forums.
Fixed that for you.Dixie. He tends to be long-winded, but he's always right wing.
Don't fix what ain't broke.
Dixie. He tends to be long-winded, but he's always right.
Why would I believe you? You lie!Beleive me....that desperately needed to be clarified! LOL
I never lie! (Whoooops!Why would I believe you? You lie!
I would have to say that the best posters I've seen on JPP in terms of being the most informed as well as having the best writing/communication skills would be Cypress and Bare Knuckled Pundit. It's always nice to have members as erudite and learned as they are. In terms of creating posts that stimulate participation in passionate discussion and one comes close to Dixie. So in that respect Dixie is probably not only JPP's best poster but is probably JPP's most important poster.
Weird, Damo removed the warning label that used to appear on all public polls.
Too busy voting for me.We need more votes for Rana. Seriously, how can you not vote for a Goddess in this poll?
Yea...un huh....where was it you said you earned your PhD and in what science did you earn it? I can certainly understand your resentment towards Cypress....I had many a good laugh reading your silly anti science comedy in your discussions with him. Apparently he enjoyed the comedy too.Cypress was a fucking cut and paste poster to links. He never formed an original thought, nor would he respond to any questions. He was a complete party hack, similar to yourself. Here is a prime example of what one could expect from that total pervert....