Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

Victim card played,daily!

That LiG-gonna-blame-us-boat sailed a long time ago, then was sunk by a truth torpedo. :laugh:

How sad to get up at 4:30am just to rush to some obscure message board and start bickering and sniping at others. So much healthier to go outside and work in the garden, walk the dogs, volunteer at an animal shelter, tutor disadvantaged kids, fix breakfast for loved ones, read a good book, play/listen to music, visit with the neighbors. But like all good advice, this too will fall upon ears plugged with bitterness and envy. :(
That LiG-gonna-blame-us-boat sailed a long time ago, then was sunk by a truth torpedo. :laugh:

How sad to get up at 4:30am just to rush to some obscure message board and start bickering and sniping at others. So much healthier to go outside and work in the garden, walk the dogs, volunteer at an animal shelter, tutor disadvantaged kids, fix breakfast for loved ones, read a good book, play/listen to music, visit with the neighbors. But like all good advice, this too will fall upon ears plugged with bitterness and envy. :(

3:17 am this morning.
3:17 am this morning.

Perfect examples in reply to your comments, LIG... re: who are the creepycreepsterstalkers in constant "pursuit":)?
We need to start a TOP Derangement Syndrome part 3.....) but you should have never closed the first one...if was perfect....) I do understand what "convinced" you to close it though;)
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I do not think I ever use these threads to bad mouth anyone, and I take the opportunity to hand out some awards.

Most erudite poster: Mott
Best researcher: Christie
Least tolerant of rightwing horseshit: Domer and Rune (tie)
Quickest wit: Owl
Highest ethical standing: Phantasmal
Most friendly and composed: Bill
Most widely read poster: Evince
Best taste in Metal: Jade
Most socially and racially tolerant: Text Drivers

Biggest Arselicker: Crypiss
That LiG-gonna-blame-us-boat sailed a long time ago, then was sunk by a truth torpedo. :laugh:

How sad to get up at 4:30am just to rush to some obscure message board and start bickering and sniping at others. So much healthier to go outside and work in the garden, walk the dogs, volunteer at an animal shelter, tutor disadvantaged kids, fix breakfast for loved ones, read a good book, play/listen to music, visit with the neighbors. But like all good advice, this too will fall upon ears plugged with bitterness and envy. :(

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

Actually, they just spent another evening "pursuing"...you didn't miss it, did you?... pages of meltdowns;)
Desperation was setting in by the time they settled down...they're making up new stuff now....
That was easy:) You're welcome;)
Guess I missed it. I don't think making a post is a meltdown. That said, if someone you consider a stalker makes a post, why would you antagonize them? Your words say one thing but your behavior says another.
Guess you missed the multiple "pursuits".... again....;)
but, I'm still going "'strong" when I mention them:laugh:
(Everything "antagonizes them"
;) Remember your thread;)
Perfect examples in reply to your comments, LIG... re: who are the creepycreepsterstalkers in constant "pursuit":)?
We need to start a TOP Derangement Syndrome part 3.....) but you should have never closed the first one...if was perfect....) I do understand what "convinced" you to close it though;)

Professional victim
Perfect examples in reply to your comments, LIG... re: who are the creepycreepsterstalkers in constant "pursuit":)?
We need to start a TOP Derangement Syndrome part 3.....) but you should have never closed the first one...if was perfect....) I do understand what "convinced" you to close it though;)

What's wrong with TDS part 2?Tired of saying "good morning" to yourself !?lol
Why would LiG have to start a TDS part 3 thread.You're supposedly a adult college graduate.
Start your own fucking thread!
Face it,Life is Golden is on to your act!
What's wrong with TDS part 2?Tired of saying "good morning" to yourself !?lol
Why would LiG have to start a TDS part 3 thread.You're supposedly a adult college graduate.
Start your own fucking thread!
Face it,Life is Golden is on to your act!

What if they gave a thread, and nobody came? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
