I think replying and changing a posters post,like I do should be stopped!
I think replying and changing a posters post,like I do should be stopped!
USF could you pls stfu and stop spamming with that retarded image?
So how was the debate?
Interesting. Elizabeth Warren won me over with her passion. Not the 'Nerd' she has been portrayed.
What do you mean "passion"!
Very energized. Rousing. Passionate. (she wasn't just reading off a prepared script)
Oh!Your track record,kind of made it confusing!
#242 Grind calls out USF!Poor USF
SURE, right after the Amazonerds STFU and STFD, regarding their constant whining.
USF could you pls stfu and stop spamming with that retarded image?
OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??
Actually, they just spent another evening "pursuing" didn't miss it, did you?... pages of meltdownsThink it over and tell me.
Actually, they just spent another evening "pursuing" didn't miss it, did you?... pages of meltdowns
Desperation was setting in by the time they settled down...they're making up new stuff now....
That was easy You're welcome
...and the the "pursuit" continues
The PursuitbyCommittee continues Glad to see Golden will get the answer to her comment directly from the source Put the blame where blame is due