Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

I think replying and changing a posters post,like I do should be stopped!

Think it over and tell me.
Actually, they just spent another evening "pursuing"...you didn't miss it, did you?... pages of meltdowns;)
Desperation was setting in by the time they settled down...they're making up new stuff now....
That was easy:) You're welcome;)
Actually, they just spent another evening "pursuing"...you didn't miss it, did you?... pages of meltdowns;)
Desperation was setting in by the time they settled down...they're making up new stuff now....
That was easy:) You're welcome;)

You're truly insane!Reality and you aren't friends.
The PursuitbyCommittee continues;) Glad to see Golden will get the answer to her comment directly from the source;) Put the blame where blame is due;)