Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

She actually did get in once, under the sock name "Mary." As I recall, you told her several times that she would be welcome to join if she would use her regular screen name instead of fakes. Remember how she would copy Goodread people's comments and re-post them here, like she did with the Toxic's So Deranged thread? She never posted in any discussions; she only wanted to be in the group in order to get JPP ppl involved. Once you made me mod, I rooted out "Mary" and her other fake account "Robynne" and banned them. Like magic, the re-posting stopped. But Toxic never stopped trying to sneak in. Grumpy felt sorry for her and made a GR group just for her. Well, for "Mary" and "Robynne." :laugh:

Life is Golden is absolutely right. No one in their right mind who had really been stalked and ever so victimized like Toxic claims would continue to pursue and coat-tail and goad and provoke her alleged attackers. Sane ppl get as far away from them as they can. You know, like Aimee, Leigh, Susan, Lisa, me, etc. did with the Nazi creep.

OH-LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

You were asked to stop back in 2012 but you didn't respect her wishes enough to do so.

06-20-2012, 07:18 PM No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me.

cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

Hey bhaktajan,
That's right, Mr bhaktajan, I'm talking to you!

What's your problem? You need attention?

99% of your posts make no sense. Bhaktajan, you are so full of your self.

Your speech patterns are in-decipherable. I get a headache from giving you a moments read.

Where do I get the nerve to think I know what I'm talking about?

From now on I shall be ignoring any comments I make!

I can't take it anymore, do I hear myself good enough for you--propbably not--you are so vain, I meant it! I am so vain and tire of me!

Well, you know what I stand for and everybody else knows what I stand for --and I can't take it any more.
I am such a loud opinionated veteran that the last person I need telling how to think and speak is me!

You are not going to have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore.

Do I really think that nobody knows about my Uncle Gupta's affliction?
We all know about my un-controlled out-bursts against fools like myself.
We have been waiting for some one to finally put myself in his place and tell me where I sould go --well, finally, here I am.

And I will not put up a fight. Do you hear me?

Yes, I think Bhaktajan thinks he can cut the cheese better than others can.

We all know about how puffed-up Bhaktajan is, it's no secret--he'd be the first to tell you replete with some fancy-shmancy Sanskrit Alphabet Poster into the bargain.

Well no more. I am logging out and I don't know how many minutes until I will allow myself another post.

I hope this makes you happy, there! I've gone and said and that's that!

From now on I will just keep things to myself not.

good bye,
you know who I am; stop being sooo smart,
Seek help
Well Anonymous, the 'Amazon Tavern' has certainly failed to live up to it's reputation as a den of serious thinkers. I would have thought that by now, Cypress would have been 'blackbagged', brought into the Tavern, had a lamp 'unshaded', and Interrogators like, Mason, Controlled Opposition, RB60, and, well, myself, had the opportunity to quiz the Accused.

Poor Jack ,wants to make the Tavern a neighborhood dump!
Poor Jack ,wants to make the Tavern a neighborhood dump!

A Place of Serious Inquiry!

Did Cypress, as has been alleged, Cyberfuck Darla without her consent???

Sure, you and the Dandies over at the Tea Room refuse to discuss the possible Rape at Bergdorf (by Trump) because it's too controversial, ... it's beneath the 'dignity' of your Patrons.
1. Tavern Owners across America should have a Class Action Lawsuit on the Owners of said Establishment for 'Name Tarnishment'.
2. ... and using the name 'Amazon'. That should be some kind of Copyright infringement. Only using it to promote the highest levels of Integrity! Then ... coming up with some kind of bullshit 'Rule' that talking about 'other people's sex lives are Off Limits'. This is OUTRAGEOUS! In fact, I DEMAND a Meeting of THE COMMITTEE to investigate and come back with a Report and Suggestions!
A Place of Serious Inquiry!

Did Cypress, as has been alleged, Cyberfuck Darla without her consent???

Sure, you and the Dandies over at the Tea Room refuse to discuss the possible Rape at Bergdorf (by Trump) because it's too controversial, ... it's beneath the 'dignity' of your Patrons.
1. Tavern Owners across America should have a Class Action Lawsuit on the Owners of said Establishment for 'Name Tarnishment'.
2. ... and using the name 'Amazon'. That should be some kind of Copyright infringement. Only using it to promote the highest levels of Integrity! Then ... coming up with some kind of bullshit 'Rule' that talking about 'other people's sex lives are Off Limits'. This is OUTRAGEOUS! In fact, I DEMAND a Meeting of THE COMMITTEE to investigate and come back with a Report and Suggestions!

To have an investigation,only members of the Committee,can ask for an investigation.
Do you like Fish,Bread,and Wine made from water?

No. Why would you ask that? Is this some kind of 'Diversion' tactic you learned at Trump University?
Why are you so determined to protect Cypress from scrutiny?

'Did he or did he not Cyberfuck Darla?' If you go back and read the Official Transcripts, Cypress admits to having 'cyber sex/phone sex' with numerous women ... and claims it was consensual. I believe THAT part.

Why the 'Cover-Up' Mason?
(sigh) Where's Robert Mueller when you need him?

(this is obvious Collusion AND Obstruction)

I can't give any names,but a secret member of the Committee,who won't go in the Tavern campaigned against you!
She had very "Toxic",feelings against you,Jack!
I can't give any names,but a secret member of the Committee,who won't go in the Tavern campaigned against you!
She had very "Toxic",feelings against you,Jack!

... I can see your nose getting longer and longer from here ... why is that?
No. Why would you ask that? Is this some kind of 'Diversion' tactic you learned at Trump University?
Why are you so determined to protect Cypress from scrutiny?

'Did he or did he not Cyberfuck Darla?' If you go back and read the Official Transcripts, Cypress admits to having 'cyber sex/phone sex' with numerous women ... and claims it was consensual. I believe THAT part.

Why the 'Cover-Up' Mason?

A "Toxic" member of the Committee,has you at the top of her hit list!