Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

Yeah, well, that was a given. See you around in the other threads, Jack!

This Event of whether Darla was Cyberfucked should have been allowed to be brought up at the Amazon Tavern, but Nooooooooooo ... "we can't talk about other people's sex lives".
(sigh) It's been turned into a fucking 'Tea Room'. (I'm really disappointed in the Management there) :(
If there was some stalking here, were the police involved? Since stalking is illegal, they could have at least taken a report. If it was bad enough, was there a protection order?

If the police weren't contacted, then you are wasting your time and energy here in this pointless endeavour.

I don't know any of the people involved here, so I am not protecting anyone. I am just tired of reading about it. If you were as truly noble as you claim, you would be out advocating for victims of stalking and other crimes instead of typing angrily on an obscure, anonymous message board. Food for thought.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well said!!!

Exactly! Remember the creepy Nazi guy on Amazon? He stopped with the stalking and threats after I went to the police dept. with the documentation. Seems to me that that's the sensible thing to do when that happens. The stupidity of constant veiled references to stalking by some here (some of whom weren't even here when the alleged stuff went down and have only heard about it fourth- or fifth-hand) is just the desire to fan some flames by some sicko drama queens.
It explains something happened amongst some posters here almost a decade ago.....and someone is still grinding an ax about perceived slights and issues. Whether they are true or not, I have no idea and don't really care.

Obsessing over and carrying a grudge for that long indicates someone is in need of intensive psychotherapy.

Maybe SF and his distaff obsessee can get a group rate.
It explains something happened amongst some posters here almost a decade ago.....and someone is still grinding an ax about perceived slights and issues. Whether they are true or not, I have no idea and don't really care.

Obsessing over and carrying a grudge for that long indicates someone is in need of intensive psychotherapy.
..absolutely...you started a thread about it...the mods have dealt with over a dozen incidences involving that committee....they should stop, shouldn't they?;)
I hope they take your advice;)
As stated to others... if he stops with his bullshit, it stops. Yet not one of you has suggested that to him... why is that? Pretty simple for someone who is 'tired of reading about it'.

Aha. So what this is *really* about is your desire to be the virtue-signaling white knight, who is pissed because your particular political POV has been attacked and put down. So rather than go into the political stuff, you are making up accusations out of whole cloth against your opponent.

Cypress doesn't need to stop doing anything. He has not "stalked" or done anything else actionable to anyone here. Even the woman you claim he stalked wants you to STFU about it, by all accounts. So why don't you?

BTW, as a survivor myself of DV and stalking, I can testify that I went to the police. I didn't go to some message board to get help and allies.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well said!!!

Exactly! Remember the creepy Nazi guy on Amazon? He stopped with the stalking and threats after I went to the police dept. with the documentation. Seems to me that that's the sensible thing to do when that happens. The stupidity of constant veiled references to stalking by some here (some of whom weren't even here when the alleged stuff went down and have only heard about it fourth- or fifth-hand) is just the desire to fan some flames by some sicko drama queens.

That wouldn't work now,the head of the Nazi Party is President!
This Event of whether Darla was Cyberfucked should have been allowed to be brought up at the Amazon Tavern, but Nooooooooooo ... "we can't talk about other people's sex lives".
(sigh) It's been turned into a fucking 'Tea Room'. (I'm really disappointed in the Management there) :(

Amazonians live to disappoint.
Why someone who was being stalked relentlessly pursue the alleged "stalkers" on a backwater message board?
? Do you mean why would they? I see no "relentless pursuit"...Just responses in kind to continued stalking:) The better question to ask is why continue to stalk on a backwater message board? Would it not?
See? Nothing but continued lies/stalking...silly right?
I didn't even now about the GR threads/violations...until...........................
I can't disclose the source that fateful NY's eve;)
No one is asking for you to share 'more'. Did it occur to you that I simply quoted her words? You continue to pretend those weren't said?

Are you pretending these words weren't said? All you're doing is feeding your massive ego and showing how obsessive and vindictive you are. You have zero respect for her wish that you stop already.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."