Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

I think we all know all we need to know....I don't think we'd get an accurate history from those you mention....

Well, ... you could always ask Grind, he was there. I'm not sure he wants to go Back in Time though.
(Plus, I got the impression he was trying to get in Darla's pants too) :whoa:
Well, ... you could always ask Grind, he was there. I'm not sure he wants to go Back in Time though.
(Plus, I got the impression he was trying to get in Darla's pants too) :whoa:
Hmmm, ok...there's no need -I've got all the info I need....anyway, I can't ask Grind...I'm "terrified of him"...remember? Or so we've been told by the obsessed one:laugh:
Hey bhaktajan,
That's right, Mr bhaktajan, I'm talking to you!

What's your problem? You need attention?

99% of your posts make no sense. Bhaktajan, you are so full of your self.

Your speech patterns are in-decipherable. I get a headache from giving you a moments read.

Where do I get the nerve to think I know what I'm talking about?

From now on I shall be ignoring any comments I make!

I can't take it anymore, do I hear myself good enough for you--propbably not--you are so vain, I meant it! I am so vain and tire of me!

Well, you know what I stand for and everybody else knows what I stand for --and I can't take it any more.
I am such a loud opinionated veteran that the last person I need telling how to think and speak is me!

You are not going to have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore.

Do I really think that nobody knows about my Uncle Gupta's affliction?
We all know about my un-controlled out-bursts against fools like myself.
We have been waiting for some one to finally put myself in his place and tell me where I sould go --well, finally, here I am.

And I will not put up a fight. Do you hear me?

Yes, I think Bhaktajan thinks he can cut the cheese better than others can.

We all know about how puffed-up Bhaktajan is, it's no secret--he'd be the first to tell you replete with some fancy-shmancy Sanskrit Alphabet Poster into the bargain.

Well no more. I am logging out and I don't know how many minutes until I will allow myself another post.

I hope this makes you happy, there! I've gone and said and that's that!

From now on I will just keep things to myself not.

good bye,
you know who I am; stop being sooo smart,
Hey bhaktajan,
That's right, Mr bhaktajan, I'm talking to you!

What's your problem? You need attention?

99% of your posts make no sense. Bhaktajan, you are so full of your self.

Your speech patterns are in-decipherable. I get a headache from giving you a moments read.

Where do I get the nerve to think I know what I'm talking about?

From now on I shall be ignoring any comments I make!

I can't take it anymore, do I hear myself good enough for you--propbably not--you are so vain, I meant it! I am so vain and tire of me!

Well, you know what I stand for and everybody else knows what I stand for --and I can't take it any more.
I am such a loud opinionated veteran that the last person I need telling how to think and speak is me!

You are not going to have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore.

Do I really think that nobody knows about my Uncle Gupta's affliction?
We all know about my un-controlled out-bursts against fools like myself.
We have been waiting for some one to finally put myself in his place and tell me where I sould go --well, finally, here I am.

And I will not put up a fight. Do you hear me?

Yes, I think Bhaktajan thinks he can cut the cheese better than others can.

We all know about how puffed-up Bhaktajan is, it's no secret--he'd be the first to tell you replete with some fancy-shmancy Sanskrit Alphabet Poster into the bargain.

Well no more. I am logging out and I don't know how many minutes until I will allow myself another post.

I hope this makes you happy, there! I've gone and said and that's that!

From now on I will just keep things to myself not.

good bye,
you know who I am; stop being sooo smart,

What a freakin twit!
I can only imagine that she doesn't need the idiot to keep stirring things up.

How hard is this for you to grasp? He knows all he has to do is stop. Then I stop. I have said it multiple times. As long as he continues, I will remind him what he is. He can stop this anytime. But he won't. Because you idiots continue to enable him.

As I told Rana, she has my email, she knows who I am in real life... if she emails me and says stop, that is the only other way I will. Cypress has the power to stop it. So does she. that is it.
"The woman who was actually involved" left this forum because of all the drama, yet you and freedumb keep dragging her name into your stupid bickering with Cypress. I guess somewhere in your thick head you think you're doing womankind a favor. I guess you must think women don't have the right to make their own decisions on whom they want to engage with on the forum. Maybe every time you post I'll call you out for being dishonest and vengeful... just to give the JPP womankind a heads-up of course.

Hey moron, in what way am I saying any such nonsense? You want to protect a misogynistic creep, you have that right. I am not stopping you. But I will call you out for it. Please highlight where I have been dishonest about this or anything else. Would love to see your examples. In this thread we have proof that you are dishonest.

Feel free to provide the examples you claim exist.

Vengeful... I will give you that one. I hate cowards that abuse women. So yeah, I will continue. But again, I have given the coward a way to make it stop... but he refuses to take it.
Hey moron, in what way am I saying any such nonsense? You want to protect a misogynistic creep, you have that right. I am not stopping you. But I will call you out for it. Please highlight where I have been dishonest about this or anything else. Would love to see your examples. In this thread we have proof that you are dishonest.

Feel free to provide the examples you claim exist.

Vengeful... I will give you that one. I hate cowards that abuse women. So yeah, I will continue. But again, I have given the coward a way to make it stop... but he refuses to take it.

If there was some stalking here, were the police involved? Since stalking is illegal, they could have at least taken a report. If it was bad enough, was there a protection order?

If the police weren't contacted, then you are wasting your time and energy here in this pointless endeavour.

I don't know any of the people involved here, so I am not protecting anyone. I am just tired of reading about it. If you were as truly noble as you claim, you would be out advocating for victims of stalking and other crimes instead of typing angrily on an obscure, anonymous message board. Food for thought.
Wow....that explains quite a bit;)
It explains something happened amongst some posters here almost a decade ago.....and someone is still grinding an ax about perceived slights and issues. Whether they are true or not, I have no idea and don't really care.

Obsessing over and carrying a grudge for that long indicates someone is in need of intensive psychotherapy.
If there was some stalking here, were the police involved? Since stalking is illegal, they could have at least taken a report. If it was bad enough, was there a protection order?

If the police weren't contacted, then you are wasting your time and energy here in this pointless endeavour.

I don't know any of the people involved here, so I am not protecting anyone. I am just tired of reading about it. If you were as truly noble as you claim, you would be out advocating for victims of stalking and other crimes instead of typing angrily on an obscure, anonymous message board. Food for thought.

Ah good, another self righteous person. No one is forcing you to read anything. It is a message board as you state. You choose what you want to read.

In the future, probably a good idea to ask a person if they have done so, before pretending that you know they do not. Helps you from looking foolish. Because I am an advocate for victims of abuse. I work with two shelters that provide safe havens. I have a sister an niece that have been abused, so this is a issue I care a lot about. So next time, don't pretend you know me. You don't.

I never claimed to be 'noble' or any such nonsense.

As stated to others... if he stops with his bullshit, it stops. Yet not one of you has suggested that to him... why is that? Pretty simple for someone who is 'tired of reading about it'.
It explains something happened amongst some posters here almost a decade ago.....and someone is still grinding an ax about perceived slights and issues. Whether they are true or not, I have no idea and don't really care.

Obsessing over and carrying a grudge for that long indicates someone is in need of intensive psychotherapy.

Lol... try reading the posts. He makes claim after claim that conservatives are evil/racist/misogynist/etc... then goes on to tell us how enlightened he is... blah blah blah. As long as he continues, so will I. He also continues to proclaim that people are lying about him, which is not the case.
Lol... try reading the posts. He makes claim after claim that conservatives are evil/racist/misogynist/etc... then goes on to tell us how enlightened he is... blah blah blah. As long as he continues, so will I. He also continues to proclaim that people are lying about him, which is not the case.

Did Cypress Cyberfuck Darla or Not? ... and was it Consensual?
Ah good, another self righteous person. No one is forcing you to read anything. It is a message board as you state. You choose what you want to read.

In the future, probably a good idea to ask a person if they have done so, before pretending that you know they do not. Helps you from looking foolish. Because I am an advocate for victims of abuse. I work with two shelters that provide safe havens. I have a sister an niece that have been abused, so this is a issue I care a lot about. So next time, don't pretend you know me. You don't.

I never claimed to be 'noble' or any such nonsense.

As stated to others... if he stops with his bullshit, it stops. Yet not one of you has suggested that to him... why is that? Pretty simple for someone who is 'tired of reading about it'.

I am sorry that your niece and sister have been abused, but you still need to get over whatever happened here.

To be honest with you, I don't want to know any pompous blowhards, thank you.

I am not self-righteous. I am just stating it as I see it.
I am sorry that your niece and sister have been abused, but you still need to get over whatever happened here.

To be honest with you, I don't want to know any pompous blowhards, thank you.

I am not self-righteous. I am just stating it as I see it.

Yes, you are self righteous... you came on here telling me to let go of a 'grudge' and to do something for real. All without knowing a damn thing about the situation other than you not knowing at all what was going on other than you were tired of reading about it.

First, I see a misogynistic stalker pretending to be something he is not, I am going to call him out on it. Same as I do in the real world. Same as I would for a pedophile or any other type of sex offender. Pretending it didn't happen, enables those types of creeps. The fact that women, not you, are defending him and pretending it is no big deal... is flat out wrong. That is what he wants.

Second, if you think I am a pompous blowhard, please feel free to use the IA feature. Your choice.