Hey bhaktajan,
That's right, Mr bhaktajan, I'm talking to you!
What's your problem? You need attention?
99% of your posts make no sense. Bhaktajan, you are so full of your self.
Your speech patterns are in-decipherable. I get a headache from giving you a moments read.
Where do I get the nerve to think I know what I'm talking about?
From now on I shall be ignoring any comments I make!
I can't take it anymore, do I hear myself good enough for you--propbably not--you are so vain, I meant it! I am so vain and tire of me!
Well, you know what I stand for and everybody else knows what I stand for --and I can't take it any more.
I am such a loud opinionated veteran that the last person I need telling how to think and speak is me!
You are not going to have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore.
Do I really think that nobody knows about my Uncle Gupta's affliction?
We all know about my un-controlled out-bursts against fools like myself.
We have been waiting for some one to finally put myself in his place and tell me where I sould go --well, finally, here I am.
And I will not put up a fight. Do you hear me?
Yes, I think Bhaktajan thinks he can cut the cheese better than others can.
We all know about how puffed-up Bhaktajan is, it's no secret--he'd be the first to tell you replete with some fancy-shmancy Sanskrit Alphabet Poster into the bargain.
Well no more. I am logging out and I don't know how many minutes until I will allow myself another post.
I hope this makes you happy, there! I've gone and said and that's that!
From now on I will just keep things to myself not.
good bye,
you know who I am; stop being sooo smart,