Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

LMAO... Funny how the leg humping stalker continues to create these wonderous stories about how others are so fascinated with him. In reality, I just call him out every time he pretends to be a good enlightened man who treats women with respect.

Again moron... it is not unrelenting. Stop pretending it didn't happen and I will stop reminding you it did.

Nobody is talking about this but you and freedumb. You're both stalkers in your own ways.

Yes Christie, I will continue to remind the board. Each and every time he gives his holier than thou routine. It is the same reason we have registered sex offenders. You may not care, that is your choice... but women should know who he really is. Unless you think protecting such people is in the interest of the board?

I think your hatred has made you deranged. Did she shoot you down or something? You sound like someone who was spurned.

Btw do you think Darla appreciates you doing this?
No need. Again, read the comments from the woman who was actually involved. Again... at the time she and I were friends, despite the fights we had on the board. So yes, I will call out sexual predators every time. It is truly funny watching the liberal women defend him... you would think liberal women would be the ones least likely to forgive a predator. Someone you know has stalked another woman. But you all keep defending that cretin. It shows you really don't give a fuck about predators if you 'think they are nice'.

Pretty sure that is what a lot of women said about Bundy 'he was such a charmer'. LMAO... idiots.

"The woman who was actually involved" left this forum because of all the drama, yet you and freedumb keep dragging her name into your stupid bickering with Cypress. I guess somewhere in your thick head you think you're doing womankind a favor. I guess you must think women don't have the right to make their own decisions on whom they want to engage with on the forum. Maybe every time you post I'll call you out for being dishonest and vengeful... just to give the JPP womankind a heads-up of course.
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You have it confused with General Hospital and Sonny ran off with Carly.

Thanks. There's a lot of 'blanks' in these 'stories' here.

Why does the 'man' always get patted on the back and 'high fived' when he has cybersex, but a 'woman' is shamed when she does the same thing, being called 'cyberwhore' and cyberslut shamed?
It's 2019, it shouldn't matter how many men Darla cyber slept with, it's entirely her business.

--->I would normally bring this to the Amazon Tavern for adjudication, in depth analysis, and clearing names of all involved, BUT ...
... some fucking asshole claims "Personal sex lives of other Posters is Off Limits". (Who the fuck came up with THAT Rule?)<---
I can only imagine that she doesn't need the idiot to keep stirring things up.

If you read the link Rune provided, Howard (3d) Duck is the one Darla claims keeps bringing it up. The whole thing was very sordid. One of the Moderators had to Delete some of the Posts because, well, I can just guess why. Poor Darla, cyberslut shamed off the Forum.
"The woman who was actually involved" left this forum because of all the drama, yet you and freedumb keep dragging her name into your stupid bickering with Cypress. I guess somewhere in your thick head you think you're doing womankind a favor. I guess you must think women don't have the right to make their own decisions on whom they want to engage with on the forum. Maybe every time you post I'll call you out for being dishonest and vengeful... just to give the JPP womankind a heads-up of course.

Cypress could always leave.
Sure, Truth Detector jumps right to the forefront, but no, this is on a more serious note.

You sad pathetic moron; put yourself at the top of that list along with Domer76, Nomad, Katzgar, reagansghost, Evince, CharacterAssassin, guno, Adolf_Twitler and Poor Richard Saunders.
If you read the link Rune provided, Howard (3d) Duck is the one Darla claims keeps bringing it up. The whole thing was very sordid. One of the Moderators had to Delete some of the Posts because, well, I can just guess why. Poor Darla, cyberslut shamed off the Forum.
No, she left on her own accord.
Your obsession with me is showing again, my dear. Does SuperFreak know that you stalked me and other women, even taking personal names of family members and photos from our Facebook pages, and sharing them with your little coven of creeps? Did you tell him that you followed me here? Well, that's easy to tell -- just check our join dates.

Have you PMd him my real name and location yet, as you've done with a few others here?

Did you mention that psycho ex-con on the other forum, the one who started sending your enemies threats of rape and murder, after you posted our real names on a public forum? Did you disclose the many times you got banned for that, and kept crawling back for more because you just can't stay away from me?

Did you let him know that when I took a month break from here last year, that you talked about me every single day? You still bring me up. Every. Single. Day. Yet because you're a coward, you won't reply directly to this. You'll make some oblique comment about how "He'll learn," "She's not well," "Oh look, a meltdown," etc.

Even your fan club from Amazon has dropped the vendetta that you keep fanning. You even summoned a guy who hasn't posted here in over a year, to get involved with your obsession with me. Didn't work out so great, did it? Where's he at now?

Don't you think it's time you move on, stop lying and playing the poor pitiful victim, and trying to get other ppl involved in your obsession? No one cares, Toxic. They mostly think you're either insane or a lonely ditz with no life; both are accurate. I know that you lap up pity like a kitten with cream, but really.... try to show a little self-pride and stop crawling after me. It's unbecoming for a girl of your age.

</Acme Attention Whore Chow(tm)>

OH-OH, is this Owl "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl self"??

"The woman who was actually involved" left this forum because of all the drama, yet you and freedumb keep dragging her name into your stupid bickering with Cypress. I guess somewhere in your thick head you think you're doing womankind a favor. I guess you must think women don't have the right to make their own decisions on whom they want to engage with on the forum. Maybe every time you post I'll call you out for being dishonest and vengeful... just to give the JPP womankind a heads-up of course.

Please show who's name I've "dragged" into this; because I've mentioned no one, you lying POS cunt.
