Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

I seriously doubt that. I've heard a completely different story from "the women on the board that know."

Ask yourself WTF is the problem with someone who obsesses about some anonymous Internet guy for 12 years, repeating the same scurrilous gossip over and over and over. Stand in front of a mirror while asking.

No need. Again, read the comments from the woman who was actually involved. Again... at the time she and I were friends, despite the fights we had on the board. So yes, I will call out sexual predators every time. It is truly funny watching the liberal women defend him... you would think liberal women would be the ones least likely to forgive a predator. Someone you know has stalked another woman. But you all keep defending that cretin. It shows you really don't give a fuck about predators if you 'think they are nice'.

Pretty sure that is what a lot of women said about Bundy 'he was such a charmer'. LMAO... idiots.
I seriously doubt that. I've heard a completely different story from "the women on the board that know."

Ask yourself WTF is the problem with someone who obsesses about some anonymous Internet guy for 12 years, repeating the same scurrilous gossip over and over and over. Stand in front of a mirror while asking.

""Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.


Please... do defend that creep.
What are you rambling about?

No, I was just wondering. I've heard the stories, the rumors, the innuendo. It's always good to come across someone that has 'first hand knowledge'. USF has told his Tales, but no one believes HIM.
He doesn't need my defense. He's perfectly capable of putting you and your nasty gossip where it belongs.

Owl... how many times must I post her actual words saying it happened, before you stop calling it gossip? He is a sexual predator. It is a very personal issue for me as both my niece and sister were tormented by stalkers. So yeah, I will continue to remind him who he is, especially when I see a bunch of women lining up to defend the idiot.
He doesn't need my defense. He's perfectly capable of putting you and your nasty gossip where it belongs.

""Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.


So no... he cannot stand up to me. He is a coward.
Why don't you come over here and sit a little closer? Now, where were we? I'm guessing USF fits in here somewhere, ... along with Darla. And Rana ... something about 'running away from home'?
Lol, I moved to Alaska with my now husband, that’s what USF refers to as “running away from home”. My parents were worried about my moving so far away from home, a natural concern of a parent and nonetheless, to Alaska which is so misunderstood. USF is prone to exaggeration.

Darla laughs that she has been gone for three years and people are still still talking about her. She’s an icon, some are obsessed with her. They had it bad...
So many women on the board rushing to defend a known sexual predator. I guess they only condemn an abusive man if the man is conservative. The self proclaimed 'enlightened' liberal men are free to torment women.
I seriously doubt that. I've heard a completely different story from "the women on the board that know."

Ask yourself WTF is the problem with someone who obsesses about some anonymous Internet guy for 12 years, repeating the same scurrilous gossip over and over and over. Stand in front of a mirror while asking.
I’m still friends with the person as is Rune, she wishes he’d STFU.
I’m still friends with the person as is Rune, she wishes he’d STFU.

LMAO... she has my email and knows who I am in real life. She is free to tell me that. If she does, then I will.

I don't like predators. The fact that you idiots keep defending that creep and pretend it didn't happen, just encourages that type of behavior. Stop for a moment and think what happens if he decides to stalk someone person, rather than via the internet. Your choice.
Lol, I moved to Alaska with my now husband, that’s what USF refers to as “running away from home”. My parents were worried about my moving so far away from home, a natural concern of a parent and nonetheless, to Alaska which is so misunderstood. USF is prone to exaggeration.

Darla laughs that she has been gone for three years and people are still still talking about her. She’s an icon, some are obsessed with her. They had it bad...

Somehow, I thought it would be much 'juicier' than that. :(
More shit from 9 years ago? Grow up, bitch.

Darla: "No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."
Jack: (shaking Head) I don't know who is worse, Superfreak or Howard 3Ducks. (where's the Moderators?

Phantasmal: "I think it is because it was brought up at all. She was mortified when it happened and now it is being revived and some here think it is just a laugh riot. A true gentlemen would not have breached the subject at all, ever again."
Jack: Hmmmm ... 'laugh riot' ... Darla ... 'cybersex' ... Cypress. If it was consensual, where's the Problem?

Am I missing something here?
Creepy creepsters defend other creepy creepsters....she's one of the biggest....

Your obsession with me is showing again, my dear. Does SuperFreak know that you stalked me and other women, even taking personal names of family members and photos from our Facebook pages, and sharing them with your little coven of creeps? Did you tell him that you followed me here? Well, that's easy to tell -- just check our join dates.

Have you PMd him my real name and location yet, as you've done with a few others here?

Did you mention that psycho ex-con on the other forum, the one who started sending your enemies threats of rape and murder, after you posted our real names on a public forum? Did you disclose the many times you got banned for that, and kept crawling back for more because you just can't stay away from me?

Did you let him know that when I took a month break from here last year, that you talked about me every single day? You still bring me up. Every. Single. Day. Yet because you're a coward, you won't reply directly to this. You'll make some oblique comment about how "He'll learn," "She's not well," "Oh look, a meltdown," etc.

Even your fan club from Amazon has dropped the vendetta that you keep fanning. You even summoned a guy who hasn't posted here in over a year, to get involved with your obsession with me. Didn't work out so great, did it? Where's he at now?

Don't you think it's time you move on, stop lying and playing the poor pitiful victim, and trying to get other ppl involved in your obsession? No one cares, Toxic. They mostly think you're either insane or a lonely ditz with no life; both are accurate. I know that you lap up pity like a kitten with cream, but really.... try to show a little self-pride and stop crawling after me. It's unbecoming for a girl of your age.

</Acme Attention Whore Chow(tm)>
So many women on the board rushing to defend a known sexual predator. I guess they only condemn an abusive man if the man is conservative. The self proclaimed 'enlightened' liberal men are free to torment women.

Just because YOU claim that he is a predator doesn't make it so. Where's the woman involved? You told someone that you have her email addy., why don't you ask her to come and accuse him to his face? And WHY are you so wrapped up in this anyways? Why are YOU now trying to make it political? I bet if the accused was one of your ilk, you would have brushed it off years ago. You're getting shrill about this; what's your emotional involvement?
More meltdowns. Many more lies... More meltdowns... more lies....Repeat... Not a bit of truth in that entire implosion-not a single letter...sigh....Creepiest creepster...Ever.....