Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

Well, this sure does explain a lot about USF. (how come professional JPP Therapists haven't been called in?)
How come JPP hasn't had an Intervention for USF? (I'm sure I'm not the first that has called for this?)
Is there still time to save him from himself!

It doesn't look like it.
You know, just between you and me Jack, ... uh I mean Anne, no I mean Mason, no, well who ever I'm talking to ... I'm thinking of starting a Poll: 'Who is the Biggest Gossip Queen on JPP'?
It doesn't look like it.
You know, just between you and me Jack, ... uh I mean Anne, no I mean Mason, no, well who ever I'm talking to ... I'm thinking of starting a Poll: 'Who is the Biggest Gossip Queen on JPP'?

Did you catch,that Mason finally admitted that his sock is named Top!
I knew it!
Just a bit....:laugh:

Here, I got you a pair too. :laugh:

2010? Nine years ago? Talking about events three years before that?

Get the fuck over it! Grudges from the nastiest divorces don’t last that long.

Fuck o Dear.

When someone asks show someone who called me a stalker I didn't realize that came with a time limit. If you want to talk sh*t about others Domer, don't throw stones from a glass house.
These comments should give any readers pause about this long-running drama.

"This was a hell of a thread from 2010. Post #72 below."


"Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails..."

Superfreak is still stalking Cypress about some argument from 2007. That makes 12 years of Superfreak's creepiness and obsessiveness; he's right up there with freedumb when it comes to hounding posters year after year.

My theory is that Superfreak himself must have been the spurned one and he just cannot get over it, even after all this time.

For the most part, I stay out of all this sh*t. But you were all this board when all this went down. And the fact that Darla calls out Cypress and praised SF tells you all you need to know.

I've never talked about this until now because it didn't involve me and honestly I didn't care. But if Cypress wants to talk sh*t and act holier than thou this info was posted on the board for all to see at the time. Maybe you don't like Darla. I don't know and it's really none of my business. But she was a liberal through and through so this wasn't some partisan b.s.
For the most part, I stay out of all this sh*t. But you were all this board when all this went down. And the fact that Darla calls out Cypress and praised SF tells you all you need to know.

I've never talked about this until now because it didn't involve me and honestly I didn't care. But if Cypress wants to talk sh*t and act holier than thou this info was posted on the board for all to see at the time. Maybe you don't like Darla. I don't know and it's really none of my business. But she was a liberal through and through so this wasn't some partisan b.s.

That shit happened, whatever it was, 9 years before I even joined this forum. I don’t know who the fuck Darla is or was, nor do I care. Nor does anyone who joined in the last several years.

Fuck o dear. I’ve forgiven people that have done me infinitely more harm than anyone on a two bit political could ever do.

There are some really fucked up people that will carry a grudge that long. Mentally unstable and mentally unhealthy.

When you allow people under your skin that long, you give them power. For fucks sake, take your own power back and move on.
These comments should give any readers pause about this long-running drama.

"This was a hell of a thread from 2010. Post #72 below."


"Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails..."

Superfreak is still stalking Cypress about some argument from 2007. That makes 12 years of Superfreak's creepiness and obsessiveness; he's right up there with freedumb when it comes to hounding posters year after year.

My theory is that Superfreak himself must have been the spurned one and he just cannot get over it, even after all this time.

Holy smoke, there is a lot of INCEL creepiness out there. Its a sickness I tell you!

Yes, the source of this decade-long obsession and libel is an INCEL"s butthurt, and unrequited infatuation. . For some creepy reason, this unrequited infatuation manifested as a creepy obsession with me, including publically posted death fantasies about me.

The record has been corrected privately as it should be, because my consensual trysts really aren't the business of INCEL. There were no phone calls after the fact, there was no record of relentless emails. Both parties expressed regret for anything stupid we did. Claims of stalking and sexual harrassment have been rejected privately and publically by all relevant parties and also by all women who have been asked. INCEL do not get to speak for women.
I leave INCEL to yet another decade of obsession and late night dreams about this.
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For the most part, I stay out of all this sh*t. But you were all this board when all this went down. And the fact that Darla calls out Cypress and praised SF tells you all you need to know.

I've never talked about this until now because it didn't involve me and honestly I didn't care. But if Cypress wants to talk sh*t and act holier than thou this info was posted on the board for all to see at the time. Maybe you don't like Darla. I don't know and it's really none of my business. But she was a liberal through and through so this wasn't some partisan b.s.

I was on the board in 2010 but not in 2007, which is the original reference. And at least one time, if not several, Rana contacted a bunch of women to ask if they had been stalked and the answer was no.

I like Cypress so I'm biased but truly do not understand the mind set of Superfreak, who apparently thinks he's performing a public service by constantly rehashing something that happened close to a decade and a half ago. I think he's shooting himself in the foot with his actions. He looks vengeful and unstable and I don't see where he's persuaded anybody to change their minds. It's not like Darla is still posting and the two are on JPP and feuding to this day. SF is bringing up stuff that literally 90% of the posters weren't around to see and couldn't care less about.

There's never been any love lost between me and SF so it's easy for me to question his memory and his motives, especially when I recall his own treatment and name-calling of Darla. SF is not a neutral bystander in the various male-female conflicts on this forum and his word isn't sacrosanct.
Holy smoke, there is a lot of INCEL creepiness out there. Its a sickness I tell you!

Yes, the source of this decade-long obsession and libel is an INCEL"s butthurt, and unrequited infatuation. . For some creepy reason, this unrequited infatuation manifested as a creepy obsession with me, including publically posted death fantasies about me.

The record has been corrected privately as it should be, because my consensual trysts really aren't the business of INCEL. There were no phone calls after the fact, there was no record of relentless emails. Both parties expressed regret for anything stupid we did. Claims of stalking and sexual harrassment have been rejected privately and publically by all relevant parties and also by all women who have been asked. INCEL do not get to speak for women.
I leave INCEL to yet another decade of obsession and late night dreams about this.

I know, and I'm not going to get any more specific than you have here, but as far as correcting the record privately, right on!
That shit happened, whatever it was, 9 years before I even joined this forum. I don’t know who the fuck Darla is or was, nor do I care. Nor does anyone who joined in the last several years.

Fuck o dear. I’ve forgiven people that have done me infinitely more harm than anyone on a two bit political could ever do.

There are some really fucked up people that will carry a grudge that long. Mentally unstable and mentally unhealthy.

When you allow people under your skin that long, you give them power. For fucks sake, take your own power back and move on.

A good insight. Mentally disturbed. A prime candidate for mental health counseling.

You know what's weird? Rightwing dudes who have a decade-long obsession with me, an unrelenting grudge with me, people who have spent countless hours thinking about me, gossiping about me, even dreaming about me, are presenting themselves as unbiased about me, and not having an agenda.

My theory? I chalk it all up to inferiority complexes and INCEL frustrations.