Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

A good insight. Mentally disturbed. A prime candidate for mental health counseling.

You know what's weird? People who have a decade-long obsession with me, an unrelenting grudge with me, people who have spent countless hours thinking about me, gossiping about me, even dreaming about me, are presenting themselves as unbiased about me, and not having an agenda.

My theory? I chalk it all up to inferiority complexes and INCEL frustrations.
You are really funny sometimes. :laugh:
A good insight. Mentally disturbed. A prime candidate for mental health counseling.

You know what's weird? Rightwing dudes who have a decade-long obsession with me, an unrelenting grudge with me, people who have spent countless hours thinking about me, gossiping about me, even dreaming about me, are presenting themselves as unbiased about me, and not having an agenda.

My theory? I chalk it all up to inferiority complexes and INCEL frustrations.

And even weirder yet.... the PMs flying between those sicktards and obsessed former Amazon stalkers eager to get some dirt... even though they never had issues with you here or elsewhere. Turds of a feather and all.
more like biggest jackasses.
Rune is borderline dumb, and domer is just a nasty creep

I sure enjoy kicking the collective asses of the uninformed, willfully ignorant RW fucktards on this forum. A fun little pastime for me to humiliate them and allow them to humiliate themselves.

However, it doesn’t take much effort, since your idiot friends pull bullshit out of their asses and post out of sheer ignorance. Low hanging fruit.

The gift that keeps on giving. :rofl2:
You are really funny sometimes. :laugh:

I've always liked Cypress from when we first landed here. Of course I'm biased because we share the same political POV. But he's always been civil, intelligent, humorous, informed and even though we have PMd each other now and then.... I've never gotten a single taint of stalkery shit. Not even a whiff, and as you know from our own PMs I'm pretty sensitive to that shit.
I've always liked Cypress from when we first landed here. Of course I'm biased because we share the same political POV. But he's always been civil, intelligent, humorous, informed and even though we have PMd each other now and then.... I've never gotten a single taint of stalkery shit. Not even a whiff, and as you know from our own PMs I'm pretty sensitive to that shit.
I always laugh when he starts talking about the INCELs. lol


I see you're still trying to sooth that butt rash of yours.

I've always liked Cypress from when we first landed here. Of course I'm biased because we share the same political POV. But he's always been civil, intelligent, humorous, informed and even though we have PMd each other now and then.... I've never gotten a single taint of stalkery shit. Not even a whiff, and as you know from our own PMs I'm pretty sensitive to that shit.

I appreciate you!
What is the point of stalking? That is something an INCEL will have to explain to me. I hever have, and never will pursue or flirt with women unless their is a clear mutual attraction at the outset. That is probably another foreign concept to INCEL. I make mistakes, am nowhere near perfect, and have done and said dumb things. But I do not believe there is anything about me that is obsessive, compulsive, or remotely neurotic, and I believe the testimony of multitudes of friends, internet pals, and cyber-buddies will attest to that. I certainly do not cling to an obsession for a decade, like we have seen with some INCEL on this forum. I would like to give some dating advice to INCEL so they can perhaps move on from a decade-long obsession with the lives of people they do not know and will never meet. But I am not one to offer unsolicited advice unless asked!

And here is evidence of yours... though Damo did delete the epic meltdown post of yours...


Lying about what Cypress?

If you think SF is lying that I'm disgusted that you implied I was one of these "women" you have had cyber or phone sex with, you are dead wrong.

You have some nerve whining about personal information being posted by SF (and conflating what happened here with egregious things happening to others like Zappa), when he in fact, is the gentleman on this thread.

I have been holding back from saying anything, but you better look in the mirror. Whatever grenade SF lobbed at you, it is pretty low to throw me on top of it because you can't handle him.

And publically implying that I did those things with you...you have a good kick in the nuts coming mister.""

and another...

""Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.


mike drop.jpg wonder what comes next?
I appreciate you!
What is the point of stalking? That is something an INCEL will have to explain to me. I hever have, and never will pursue or flirt with women unless their is a clear mutual attraction at the outset. That is probably another foreign concept to INCEL. I make mistakes, am nowhere near perfect, and have done and said dumb things. But I do not believe there is anything about me that is obsessive, compulsive, or remotely neurotic, and I believe the testimony of multitudes of friends, internet pals, and cyber-buddies will attest to that. I certainly do not cling to an obsession for a decade, like we have seen with some INCEL on this forum. I would like to give some dating advice to INCEL so they can perhaps move on from a decade-long obsession with the lives of people they do not know and will never meet. But I am not one to offer unsolicited advice unless asked!

"Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.


"Lying about what Cypress?

If you think SF is lying that I'm disgusted that you implied I was one of these "women" you have had cyber or phone sex with, you are dead wrong.

You have some nerve whining about personal information being posted by SF (and conflating what happened here with egregious things happening to others like Zappa), when he in fact, is the gentleman on this thread.

I have been holding back from saying anything, but you better look in the mirror. Whatever grenade SF lobbed at you, it is pretty low to throw me on top of it because you can't handle him.

And publically implying that I did those things with you...you have a good kick in the nuts coming mister."


Good night dumbass. Do tell us about INCELs again Cypress... ROFLMAO
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Again Cypress... as stated many times. As long as you continue your holier than thou shit... I will remind you who you really are.

When you cease, so will I. Not sure how many times I have to tell you before you get it. But until you learn... I will continue to own you.
I've always liked Cypress from when we first landed here. Of course I'm biased because we share the same political POV. But he's always been civil, intelligent, humorous, informed and even though we have PMd each other now and then.... I've never gotten a single taint of stalkery shit. Not even a whiff, and as you know from our own PMs I'm pretty sensitive to that shit.

Yeah, that is what the women thought prior to his meltdown as well. Now a few of them defend him and pretend it didn't happen. I get you have only seen his holier than thou crap... but those that have known him long enough... know what he really is.
Wow, gossipy little she-males on a roll today. Yuck.

So one gal who had a relationship that went south is believable, but all the rest who think Cypress is just fine are lying? No wonder you idiots support Trump.

You might want to check with the women on the board that know that 'one woman'. She did not have a relationship that went south. Cypress created the 'relationship' in his head. He was obsessed.

Is one woman not enough? Does he need to do it to multiple women before you believe? how many? 2? 10?

Not gossip. Pure fact. It happened.
These comments should give any readers pause about this long-running drama.

"This was a hell of a thread from 2010. Post #72 below."


"Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails..."

Superfreak is still stalking Cypress about some argument from 2007. That makes 12 years of Superfreak's creepiness and obsessiveness; he's right up there with freedumb when it comes to hounding posters year after year.

My theory is that Superfreak himself must have been the spurned one and he just cannot get over it, even after all this time.

LMAO... So you are too dumb to read her comments?

"Lying about what Cypress?

If you think SF is lying that I'm disgusted that you implied I was one of these "women" you have had cyber or phone sex with, you are dead wrong.

You have some nerve whining about personal information being posted by SF (and conflating what happened here with egregious things happening to others like Zappa), when he in fact, is the gentleman on this thread.

I have been holding back from saying anything, but you better look in the mirror. Whatever grenade SF lobbed at you, it is pretty low to throw me on top of it because you can't handle him.

And publically implying that I did those things with you...you have a good kick in the nuts coming mister."

""Cypress, it is really stunning to me that because you were attacked by another man, you post these kinds of things about me. Or about any woman. I feel sorry for you because you are so pathetic. A man would be able to handle SF without this kind of fantastic meltdown and slanderous accusations against a woman. You must cry for your mommy in between posting this rude and offensive nonsense.

Three years after my spurning of your drunken emails and you are still not over it. You are a sad half-man. You're also the joke of the whole board. The few who don't laugh at you are busy pitying you. I haven't posted here in over a year, or talked to you in close to three, and you are masturbating all over the board with your fabulist stories.

And all because you don't know how to shut SF down without dragging a woman into it.

A good insight. Mentally disturbed. A prime candidate for mental health counseling.

You know what's weird? Rightwing dudes who have a decade-long obsession with me, an unrelenting grudge with me, people who have spent countless hours thinking about me, gossiping about me, even dreaming about me, are presenting themselves as unbiased about me, and not having an agenda.

My theory? I chalk it all up to inferiority complexes and INCEL frustrations.

LMAO... Funny how the leg humping stalker continues to create these wonderous stories about how others are so fascinated with him. In reality, I just call him out every time he pretends to be a good enlightened man who treats women with respect.

Again moron... it is not unrelenting. Stop pretending it didn't happen and I will stop reminding you it did.
You might want to check with the women on the board that know that 'one woman'. She did not have a relationship that went south. Cypress created the 'relationship' in his head. He was obsessed.

Is one woman not enough? Does he need to do it to multiple women before you believe? how many? 2? 10?

Not gossip. Pure fact. It happened.

Why don't you come over here and sit a little closer? Now, where were we? I'm guessing USF fits in here somewhere, ... along with Darla. And Rana ... something about 'running away from home'?
You might want to check with the women on the board that know that 'one woman'. She did not have a relationship that went south. Cypress created the 'relationship' in his head. He was obsessed.

Is one woman not enough? Does he need to do it to multiple women before you believe? how many? 2? 10?

Not gossip. Pure fact. It happened.

I seriously doubt that. I've heard a completely different story from "the women on the board that know."

Ask yourself WTF is the problem with someone who obsesses about some anonymous Internet guy for 12 years, repeating the same scurrilous gossip over and over and over. Stand in front of a mirror while asking.
I was on the board in 2010 but not in 2007, which is the original reference. And at least one time, if not several, Rana contacted a bunch of women to ask if they had been stalked and the answer was no.

I like Cypress so I'm biased but truly do not understand the mind set of Superfreak, who apparently thinks he's performing a public service by constantly rehashing something that happened close to a decade and a half ago. I think he's shooting himself in the foot with his actions. He looks vengeful and unstable and I don't see where he's persuaded anybody to change their minds. It's not like Darla is still posting and the two are on JPP and feuding to this day. SF is bringing up stuff that literally 90% of the posters weren't around to see and couldn't care less about.

There's never been any love lost between me and SF so it's easy for me to question his memory and his motives, especially when I recall his own treatment and name-calling of Darla. SF is not a neutral bystander in the various male-female conflicts on this forum and his word isn't sacrosanct.

Yes Christie, I will continue to remind the board. Each and every time he gives his holier than thou routine. It is the same reason we have registered sex offenders. You may not care, that is your choice... but women should know who he really is. Unless you think protecting such people is in the interest of the board?