Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

No, she left on her own accord.

Mott: "Shit like this is what makes it difficult to recruit new blood to this board. I've sent three people here recently and they all sited the "lack of civility" and "3D is a douchebag" as reasons why they weren't interested in joining."
Jack: A lot of fingers pointing at 3d.

I try to stay out of this, it's more a USF thing, but having read the unredacted parts of the Transcript, it looks like Cypress was walking around like a Peacock, wings spread, claiming to be 'Johnny Big Cock' on the Forum, and Superfreak (along with others) became enraged with envy. Apparently, Darla was some Hot Property that many were fawning over, and Cypress claimed a Conquest, which seems to be in question. Then, like you said at the time, Darla was 'mortified' that her illicit cybersex had been exposed.

Now, my question: Why is Darla being 'Cyberslut Shamed'?
Mott: "Shit like this is what makes it difficult to recruit new blood to this board. I've sent three people here recently and they all sited the "lack of civility" and "3D is a douchebag" as reasons why they weren't interested in joining."
Jack: A lot of fingers pointing at 3d.

I try to stay out of this, it's more a USF thing, but having read the unredacted parts of the Transcript, it looks like Cypress was walking around like a Peacock, wings spread, claiming to be 'Johnny Big Cock' on the Forum, and Superfreak (along with others) became enraged with envy. Apparently, Darla was some Hot Property that many were fawning over, and Cypress claimed a Conquest, which seems to be in question. Then, like you said at the time, Darla was 'mortified' that her illicit cybersex had been exposed.

Now, my question: Why is Darla being 'Cyberslut Shamed'?
I have no idea, I like her, she is my friend. It is why I advocate for it to be dropped and another argument is used whenever they are upset with Cypress. They need new insults when he’s besting them in an argument. It’s the same droll gossip and if they really respected Darla, they would do so.
I have no idea, I like her, she is my friend. It is why I advocate for it to be dropped and another argument is used whenever they are upset with Cypress. They need new insults when he’s besting them in an argument. It’s the same droll gossip and if they really respected Darla, they would do so.

Seems like some here have a long memory.

Cypress: "Jesus, supertool have you really been obsessed for three years about the private consensual sexual affairs of two people you don't even know? Are going to wish death on me again? Seek psychological counseling man! I've never actually had some dude who I don't even know stressing about my sex life. You are very creepy, dude!"

Cancel: "What private consensual sexual affair are you referring to? I am stating what you did to a woman who is no longer on the board. I am not stressing about your sex life... I am simply reminding Tiana what a complete pervert you are and that she and I have a mutual friend who knows first hand what you are like as a stalker.
I think you are a piece of shit for treating women like that. Especially when you in public proclaim yourself to be an enlightened man who tries to pretend that you understand women blah blah blah. That is why I call you out on it. You are a coward, for cowards are the only ones that treat women in that manner. They do it because they see women as objects. Just as you do. No matter how much you profess otherwise on the board, you and I both know what you did... and we both know how pathetic you are."

Cypress: "SuperCelibate, I've had cyber sex and phone sex with several women from various message boards, in the past. Its none of your damn business. I haven't named any names, because I'm a gentleman. You are the one naming names and posting private information. You need counseling man."

3D: "I thought it was just us Youngin's that had sexual fantasies about Darla and LadyT. What the fuck is this site coming to?!!?"

Darla: "Lying about what Cypress? If you think SF is lying that I'm disgusted that you implied I was one of these "women" you have had cyber or phone sex with, you are dead wrong."

I<3 Hezbollah: "And darla brings down the hammer....'

I'm glad that none of the Amazonerds had to deal with this kind of stuff. This bickering at each other is ... well, it's just shameful.
I have no idea, I like her, she is my friend. It is why I advocate for it to be dropped and another argument is used whenever they are upset with Cypress. They need new insults when he’s besting them in an argument. It’s the same droll gossip and if they really respected Darla, they would do so.

You continue this line of defense, even after Grind posted:

Wow looks like the beta soyboy loser hypocrite cypress just got burned pretty hardcore by super freak
Thanks. There's a lot of 'blanks' in these 'stories' here.

Why does the 'man' always get patted on the back and 'high fived' when he has cybersex, but a 'woman' is shamed when she does the same thing, being called 'cyberwhore' and cyberslut shamed?
It's 2019, it shouldn't matter how many men Darla cyber slept with, it's entirely her business.

--->I would normally bring this to the Amazon Tavern for adjudication, in depth analysis, and clearing names of all involved, BUT ...
... some fucking asshole claims "Personal sex lives of other Posters is Off Limits". (Who the fuck came up with THAT Rule?)<---

She is not a slut, and I there has never been a single woman on this or any forum who is a "slut" - and that goes for both leftwing and rightwing women. Slut is an artificial construct of the feeble, cruel, and weak. We are all adults living our own lives, and unless we are actually friends, we are just digital representations of anonymous people we don't know and will never meet. We do not have access to facts, context, and texture about each other lives nor are we entitled to them. What the internets do provide is space for girlish gossip, guesswork, and speculation by teabaggers and others who spend a decade or more obsessing about the lives of people they have never met. At that point, I maintain that it is time to bring in an intervention of mental health counselors.
She is not a slut, and I there has never been a single woman on this or any forum who is a "slut" - and that goes for both leftwing and rightwing women. Slut is an artificial construct of the feeble, cruel, and weak. We are all adults living our own lives, and unless we are actually friends, we are just digital representations of anonymous people we don't know and will never meet. We do not have access to facts, context, and texture about each other lives nor are we entitled to them. What the internets do provide is space for girlish gossip, guesswork, and speculation by teabaggers and others who spend a decade or more obsessing about the lives of people they have never met. At that point, I maintain that it is time to bring in an intervention of mental health counselors.

Cypress: "there has never been a single woman on this or any forum who is a "slut" "
Jack; I'm not sure that is true. Like, if I was a girl, I would probably be a slut. I would probably fuck a lot of guys, just because it sounds fun. I met this girl once who fucked me and this other guy at the same time. She told me I was Number 178. As I uttered "Huh?", she told me she got married to this Navy guy, and when he goes out to sea, she fucks different people. I saw her a few weeks later and she told me she was on 212.

Cypress: "Slut is an artificial construct of the feeble, cruel, and weak."
Jack: Really? I thought it was a word that meant 'a girl that likes to fuck'.

Cypress: "What the internets do provide is space for girlish gossip, guesswork, and speculation by teabaggers and others who spend a decade or more obsessing about the lives of people they have never met."
Jack: News Flash ... it's not just 'teabaggers'.

Cypress: "I maintain that it is time to bring in an intervention of mental health counselors."
Jack: Yes. I didn't want to bring up USF, but yes, we do need a JPP Staff of Professional Counselors and Therapists on 24 hour Stand By.

So. Anyway. Did you Cyberfuck Darla?
Thanks. There's a lot of 'blanks' in these 'stories' here.

Why does the 'man' always get patted on the back and 'high fived' when he has cybersex, but a 'woman' is shamed when she does the same thing, being called 'cyberwhore' and cyberslut shamed?
It's 2019, it shouldn't matter how many men Darla cyber slept with, it's entirely her business.

--->I would normally bring this to the Amazon Tavern for adjudication, in depth analysis, and clearing names of all involved, BUT ...
... some fucking asshole claims "Personal sex lives of other Posters is Off Limits". (Who the fuck came up with THAT Rule?)<---

where the fuck are you getting this shit
What the internets do provide is space for girlish gossip, guesswork, and speculation by teabaggers and others who spend a decade or more obsessing about the lives of people they have never met. At that point, I maintain that it is time to bring in an intervention of mental health counselors.

It's rather "self-explanatory", isn't it?

I'm guessing there was more to it than that one thread. Now that so much time has passed by, it's probably better that Phantasmal 'writes the history' from her perspective.
Or ... we could let USF 'write the history', but I'm not sure he was there?
I'm guessing there was more to it than that one thread. Now that so much time has passed by, it's probably better that Phantasmal 'writes the history' from her perspective.
Or ... we could let USF 'write the history', but I'm not sure he was there?
I think we all know all we need to know....I don't think we'd get an accurate history from those you mention....