Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

How hard is this for you to grasp? He knows all he has to do is stop. Then I stop. I have said it multiple times. As long as he continues, I will remind him what he is. He can stop this anytime. But he won't. Because you idiots continue to enable him.

As I told Rana, she has my email, she knows who I am in real life... if she emails me and says stop, that is the only other way I will. Cypress has the power to stop it. So does she. that is it.

You were asked to stop back in 2012 but you didn't respect her wishes enough to do so.

06-20-2012, 07:18 PM No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me.
? Do you mean why would they? I see no "relentless pursuit"...Just responses in kind to continued stalking:) The better question to ask is why continue to stalk on a backwater message board? Would it not?
If someone thought they were actually being stalked, they would not be pursuing the alleged "stalkers". That's common sense.
See? Nothing but continued lies/stalking...silly right?
I didn't even now about the GR threads/violations...until...........................
I can't disclose the source that fateful NY's eve;)

GR wasn't part of JPP!
Violations are not transferable.
Hey moron, in what way am I saying any such nonsense? You want to protect a misogynistic creep, you have that right. I am not stopping you. But I will call you out for it. Please highlight where I have been dishonest about this or anything else. Would love to see your examples. In this thread we have proof that you are dishonest.

Feel free to provide the examples you claim exist.

Vengeful... I will give you that one. I hate cowards that abuse women. So yeah, I will continue. But again, I have given the coward a way to make it stop... but he refuses to take it.

Here's my example, SF. You were asked to stop this six years ago but you didn't. Only a misogynistic creep would keep this going after being asked to stop by the person herself. Even Damo weighed in on your obsession.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."

Damocles - 6/21/2012 I wish this stayed in the back pages. I don't think it is something Darla wants to see out here again.
Are you pretending these words weren't said? All you're doing is feeding your massive ego and showing how obsessive and vindictive you are. You have zero respect for her wish that you stop already.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."

Best damn read I've ever had on this site. I didn't even remember being a part of that thread. Then it got brought-up several years later, and I got to revisit it.
If people want to be entertained, go dig-up the Emmett Till thread. Powered by major fucking douchebags/terrible people, and no salacious gossip.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well said!!!

Exactly! Remember the creepy Nazi guy on Amazon? He stopped with the stalking and threats after I went to the police dept. with the documentation. Seems to me that that's the sensible thing to do when that happens. The stupidity of constant veiled references to stalking by some here (some of whom weren't even here when the alleged stuff went down and have only heard about it fourth- or fifth-hand) is just the desire to fan some flames by some sicko drama queens.

Thank you! Yes, absolutely. I still have the threats that General gave me in a file on my iPad. I was ready to go to the police if he persisted. You did the right thing in that situation by having a report taken. No, I didn't see any first-hand accounts of squat.
Then she must not really think she's being stalked, but just likes stirring up shit under the guise of being a victim.

Perhaps you should have stayed with your first instinct when you started the "Top Derangement Syndrome" thread.

What I find interesting about this thread is that the guy who is always going on about INCELs gets himself off on telephone voices and pixels.
Amazonians live to disappoint.

Well Anonymous, the 'Amazon Tavern' has certainly failed to live up to it's reputation as a den of serious thinkers. I would have thought that by now, Cypress would have been 'blackbagged', brought into the Tavern, had a lamp 'unshaded', and Interrogators like, Mason, Controlled Opposition, RB60, and, well, myself, had the opportunity to quiz the Accused.
Owl caught her 4 times sneaking onto "The cesspool",moderated by Mason and Owl.

She actually did get in once, under the sock name "Mary." As I recall, you told her several times that she would be welcome to join if she would use her regular screen name instead of fakes. Remember how she would copy Goodread people's comments and re-post them here, like she did with the Toxic's So Deranged thread? She never posted in any discussions; she only wanted to be in the group in order to get JPP ppl involved. Once you made me mod, I rooted out "Mary" and her other fake account "Robynne" and banned them. Like magic, the re-posting stopped. But Toxic never stopped trying to sneak in. Grumpy felt sorry for her and made a GR group just for her. Well, for "Mary" and "Robynne." :laugh:

Life is Golden is absolutely right. No one in their right mind who had really been stalked and ever so victimized like Toxic claims would continue to pursue and coat-tail and goad and provoke her alleged attackers. Sane ppl get as far away from them as they can. You know, like Aimee, Leigh, Susan, Lisa, me, etc. did with the Nazi creep.
Something doesn't add up. If I thought someone was stalking me, I would just disappear instead of ramping up the pursuit of them. Makes little sense.

Bingo. Most of us do not enjoy victimhood and do everything we can to avoid it. Others, though, slurp up pity like Trump and a milkshake. :laugh:
Then she must not really think she's being stalked, but just likes stirring up shit under the guise of being a victim.

Keep in mind that "stalking," to some, includes replying to any and all comments that they make. For instance, when there's a rare political comment made by that one and I respond to it, I'm "stalking." This also applies to simply posting in the same thread. :laugh: