Who's the 'Biggest Idiot' at JPP? (non partisan)

She thought if we shit on her at GR,that = a ban here.
What kind of shithead believes that!

She is a damaged soul with a huge # of issues. It's probably best if we continue to just let her stew in her own bitter juices. Everyone's got her number by now. Real friends have tried to help, to no avail. Fake ones just use her for their drama rewards. So very sad.
Here's my example, SF. You were asked to stop this six years ago but you didn't. Only a misogynistic creep would keep this going after being asked to stop by the person herself. Even Damo weighed in on your obsession.

"No I know that fucking idiot 3d bumped it. But you brought it up. You started relitigating the whole thing on that darla thread. Do you really think I want this shit back up here? I regret this. I should have handled it better. Yes he was terrible to say those things but you goaded him into it and I could have handled it better. And it keeps getting brought back up because pissants like three dee love reading about it, and you never let it go. I seriously don't know what your problem is. I can't even talk to you because you are like Jekyll and Hyde to me."

Damocles - 6/21/2012 I wish this stayed in the back pages. I don't think it is something Darla wants to see out here again.

I have purposefully tried to steer clear of certifiable obsessions and mental instability being paraded here, but that was a real dick move from me to allow myself to be goaded into disclosing anything, and for that I am regretful. The sane, the normal, and the mentally well-adjusted have moved on from some something that happened over a decade ago. I appreciate my friends here, and personally I am just here to bash Trumpf!
I'm serious. If I was scared and thought I was being stalked, would I follow and antagonize those who I thought were "stalking" me? No. Who would?

I was stalked by a few trolls on Amazon before. They'd sock neg my reviews, etc. I made an entirely different account to review with, and never dealt with it again. From what I've learned of Top, she will stalk certain people, and do stuff hoping to get attention out of it. People give her crap, she plays innocent, and makes them out to be bad guys. From what Owl has explained, she knew Top had been creeping on her Facebook, because Top tried to innocently make, and use accounts that were named after friends, and relatives on her Facebook.
I was stalked by a few trolls on Amazon before. They'd sock neg my reviews, etc. I made an entirely different account to review with, and never dealt with it again. From what I've learned of Top, she will stalk certain people, and do stuff hoping to get attention out of it. People give her crap, she plays innocent, and makes them out to be bad guys. From what Owl has explained, she knew Top had been creeping on her Facebook, because Top tried to innocently make, and use accounts that were named after friends, and relatives on her Facebook.

Plus grabbing the photo I posted of my bike accident, and sending it to Catfish & company. She also spite-negged my Amazon reviews, and Lisa's and Leigh's, and openly bragged about it. Kinda ironic for someone whose only Amazon product review was for a set of plastic dinnerware. 'Cause that's what all the best gourmets use. lol
That's always been her modus operandi!

OH - LOOK, Mason is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

I was stalked by a few trolls on Amazon before. They'd sock neg my reviews, etc. I made an entirely different account to review with, and never dealt with it again. From what I've learned of Top, she will stalk certain people, and do stuff hoping to get attention out of it. People give her crap, she plays innocent, and makes them out to be bad guys. From what Owl has explained, she knew Top had been creeping on her Facebook, because Top tried to innocently make, and use accounts that were named after friends, and relatives on her Facebook.

You would be surprised what you learn about someone who messages you at 6 am.
And sends emails daily!
Plus grabbing the photo I posted of my bike accident, and sending it to Catfish & company. She also spite-negged my Amazon reviews, and Lisa's and Leigh's, and openly bragged about it. Kinda ironic for someone whose only Amazon product review was for a set of plastic dinnerware. 'Cause that's what all the best gourmets use. lol

The only thing I miss from those days, is being able to not see discussions started by those you ignore. It cleared up the troll spam, and idiots. If that was somehow implemented here, it would sink a few posters.
The only thing I miss from those days, is being able to not see discussions started by those you ignore. It cleared up the troll spam, and idiots. If that was somehow implemented here, it would sink a few posters.

I think replying and changing a posters post,like USF does should be stopped!
She is a damaged soul with a huge # of issues. It's probably best if we continue to just let her stew in her own bitter juices. Everyone's got her number by now. Real friends have tried to help, to no avail. Fake ones just use her for their drama rewards. So very sad.

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

I have purposefully tried to steer clear of certifiable obsessions and mental instability being paraded here, but that was a real dick move from me to allow myself to be goaded into disclosing anything, and for that I am regretful. The sane, the normal, and the mentally well-adjusted have moved on from some something that happened over a decade ago. I appreciate my friends here, and personally I am just here to bash Trumpf!

cypress brings this stuff on himself. I often see him talking about how he "respects women" and makes fun of "incel losers on the internet" when in actuality, he is a internet creeper. Everything he says is projection. You know the number of times I've creeped a woman out in my life? Zero. Cypress? At least one.

Cypress is a fat beta loser who can only get girls on the internet, and even then they get creeped out by him. Cypress is a creepy internet weirdo. He'll probably be metoo'd one day. Gross. I bet he wears Hawaiian shirts and jorts.

I was stalked by a few trolls on Amazon before. They'd sock neg my reviews, etc. I made an entirely different account to review with, and never dealt with it again. From what I've learned of Top, she will stalk certain people, and do stuff hoping to get attention out of it. People give her crap, she plays innocent, and makes them out to be bad guys. From what Owl has explained, she knew Top had been creeping on her Facebook, because Top tried to innocently make, and use accounts that were named after friends, and relatives on her Facebook.

OH - LOOK, Jade is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??

Plus grabbing the photo I posted of my bike accident, and sending it to Catfish & company. She also spite-negged my Amazon reviews, and Lisa's and Leigh's, and openly bragged about it. Kinda ironic for someone whose only Amazon product review was for a set of plastic dinnerware. 'Cause that's what all the best gourmets use. lol
OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl hypocritical self"??
