Who's the most fair, or nicest poster on JPP?

Is this about me? I have both Havana and Freedumpy on ignore, if it’s about Sherri, is was supposed dying from cancer, had twins, the environment was toxic, I told her to get off the messageboard and spend time with her family.

I know, it’s horrible, I never should have said such a thing to her. Freedumpy and his buddies went crazy over it.

I don't believe she had cancer. Too many of her stories just didn't add up. Do you remember the one about the brother-in-law who supposedly died on 9/11 but they couldn't release his name publicly because it would be too upsetting to his family? What a steaming load. Or how she had a law practice but didn't know the difference between slander and libel? I could go on and on about her stories...
Back to the OP, I'd say leaningright even though we've had some spirited sparring over certain issues.

(LR does your teacher's brain appreciate the alliteration? :) )
I laugh, because Havana is from England, and often acting like he can play the role of an American in our politics.

I laugh at the fact that a supposedly adult man of 32 still goes on holiday with his mummy. I also bet that I know more about your politics than you, albeit that's probably not saying much.
You're a click bait troll, a real master baiter.

It cracks me up that Havana Moron constantly replies to my posts even though he knows that I have him on ignore. What's even more hilarious -- another JPPer told me that he states in his sig line that he has *me* on ignore.

Someone's pants are on fire, and it's not because they're hot. lol
When I drifted here along with my fellow Amazonians last October, several others came on our lifeboat as well. They were the civil, rational, "nice" posters on Amazon. I'm not even sure if any of them even posted. They basically took a look at the hate, the racism, the extremely crude comments and photos, and left. Their names are still on the member list, but their spirits are elsewhere.

Snowflakes who assume the world owes them a safe space....separated from the right of others to "SPEAK" or "OPPOSE"? Some of the most ruthless creatures on earth appear to be the most beautiful and tempting....but hiding within is the nature of a predator that makes a living from the "gullibility" of the ignorant and stupid.
Snowflakes who assume the world owes them a safe space....separated from the right of others to "SPEAK" or "OPPOSE"? Some of the most ruthless creatures on earth appear to be the most beautiful and tempting....but hiding within is the nature of a predator that makes a living from the "gullibility" of the ignorant and stupid.

I suggest you read the declaration of independence.
I vote for grind, the grinder. He is a fair benevolent dictator who always returns my calls with courtesy and respect.
grind was born to rule.

Oh, and yeah. He easy to find. All you need to do is look for the vape clouds or follow the blood trail.
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