whowould you npurge from JPP


typos are so important

why cant you ever do more than shitting red bricks?
mott why are you defending right wing stupid here

science says GW is real

science says its man effected

you insult me for backing science over right wing political hackery

see why I never trust you
mott why are you defending right wing stupid here

science says GW is real

science says its man effected

you insult me for backing science over right wing political hackery

see why I never trust you

If man made CO2 is causing it as you claim and you emit CO2 when you exhale, voluntarily stop breathing and prove it.
I know it's a hoax and that's all I need to know.
Fine, I could care less. The extent of your knowledge and belief in science boils down to "Well Bubba the good ole boy tole me it taint true, so it can't be.".

At least someone like Tom, who is in the minority of the scientific community in his beliefs on this topic, at least are based on the principles of science and not good ole boyism.

Next you'll probably say something dumb and scientifically illiterate like "Evolution is just a theory and not a fact.".