whowould you npurge from JPP

shove a dead mule up your ass you fucking evil sociopathic monster

That you respond proves you don't believe what you claim liar.

Why don't try to do it yourself bitch.

I'd say shove something up your ass but your latest client seems to have already done that.
Fine, I could care less. The extent of your knowledge and belief in science boils down to "Well Bubba the good ole boy tole me it taint true, so it can't be.".

At least someone like Tom, who is in the minority of the scientific community in his beliefs on this topic, at least are based on the principles of science and not good ole boyism.

Next you'll probably say something dumb and scientifically illiterate like "Evolution is just a theory and not a fact.".

Facts don't change. That it's called a theory proves it isn't fact.

If you believe the global warming science that man made CO2 is the problem, voluntarily stop breathing and prove it.
This about sums up your knowledge of science and math outside of claiming global warming is man made

She won't voluntarily stop emitting the very thing she says is causing global warming. Tells me she really doesn't believe what she says .
mott why are you defending right wing stupid here

science says GW is real

science says its man effected

you insult me for backing science over right wing political hackery

see why I never trust you
Desh your forget that I've made not only a career but a vocation in the environmental field. One of the truly frustrating facets about this field is the staggering ignorance of the public about the environmental field. Having said that it is a science and one of the most important and humbling aspect of working in any field of science is the foundational principle that you can't ever be 100% certain about anything. You can determine a very high probability of being correct but there is always, ALWAYS, a probability that you are wrong, even if that probability is minutely small. This principle is what not only makes science self correcting but it is also what makes science such a hard discipline to master because its very nature assures that you will be wrong more often than you are right.

So anyone with a solid education in science keeps that in mind through out the progress of their work. There is nothing sadder in science than to watch a beautiful theory or hypothesis slain by an ugly fact. It happens all the time though in science.

So the fact that someone in this field, like myself, who has forgotten far, far, far more than you know always considers the rational prospect that "hey....I might be wrong.".

The most common mistake lay people have in regards to science Desh is that it is monolithic. To those of us who actually practice the discipline for a living that is hugely frustrating as nothing could be further from the truth.

Objectivity and understanding what the facts are to the best of your ability does not gaurentee one is right and understanding this isn't political partisanship. This is how science work. You have vast numbers of competing ideas but all of them are only as good as the predictions that can be tested and INDEPENDENTLY verified.

Now if this makes me a partisan lefty or rightist, as has often been claimed by partisans who disagree. So be it. That's more an indication of that persons illiteracy in science than it is indicative of my political beliefs.
Facts don't change. That it's called a theory proves it isn't fact.

If you believe the global warming science that man made CO2 is the problem, voluntarily stop breathing and prove it.
Thank you for proving my point that you're scientifically illiterate. You don't even know what a scientific theory is. LOL LOL LOL.

Wow...stop breathing...I'm awed by your scientific insight. LOL

Stick with the good ole boy bubbaism thing. You're much better at that than science.
science is the BEST information of the time.

you praise your self too much
Only if you understand what it means and how to use it Desh. I'm not praising myself at all Desh. I'm just explaining some scientific facts to you. Do you have a problem with scientific facts?

Good lord....I"m doing what I give Cawacko a hard time about.
dear fuckin g pretzel brain

I side with science

why are you pissed at me for not having a degree in science?
and yet you insult me for going with science
Desh, pointing out that someones knowledge about how science works is flawed is hardly an ad hominem attack. I'm trying to teach you. Try to be more open minded. Supporting science is great. Just understand this...you could be wrong.
dear fuckin g pretzel brain

I side with science

why are you pissed at me for not having a degree in science?
Desh, pointing out that there are gaps in your knowledge about science is not an ad hom attack. I'm glad you side with science but that's not the same thing as understanding science. Try not to take it personal. I'm trying to teach you about science, not attack you.

I'm also great full that you and the lay public places far, far more trust in science and Scientist than they do in hack politicians, good ole boy bubbas or K-Street lobbyist.

I'm just saying if you want to use science to support your arguments improving your understanding of science wouldn't hurt. I have a huge faith in science too but no one in science really cares about my belief. They only care about what, to the best of our knowledge, are the facts. The only care about the predictions I make based on those facts and how they can be tested and independently verified to assure their validity. That's science. No man is an island yet every man is king of his own thoughts.
why the fuck you mad at me for accepting science asshole?
Who is mad at you Desh? Shoot you gave me a good chuckle. I think I've only ever got mad at someone once in the entire time I've been a member of JPP.

In fact you are and always will be one of my favorite JPP members. Even if it does piss off Grind for me to say that. :)
what the fuck did I do to science that made you insult me for siding with science asshole self promoter