whowould you npurge from JPP

I was insulted for being on the side of science


You just say you are "on the side of science" as if science is somehow infallible and if you just agree with what the scientists say all will be well and you sound smart.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Science is a never ending search for answers. It neither provides truth nor certainty.

One of the biggest reasons I ignore the climate alarmists is because their methods are flawed.

Your entire understanding of man made global warming is based on nothing more than computer models which are fabulously flawed.

When people try to point out to you the flaws in the science you merely say "I support science" ad nauseum as if that is some answer.

As I said before it isn't what you don't know that makes you dangerous. It is what you THINK you know that you are completely wrong about that makes you dangerous.

At the end of the day you and Mutt are no different because you both believe in unfounded bogus science of man made global warming.
science is our best information at the time

the world has tried using religion instead

TOO many people get dead
it is hilarious watching Mutt tell Deshtard to be humble while he literally is calling himself the master in his field.

This has to be one of the most entertaining threads I have ever read on JPP

Two fucking idiots arguing over who is the most sciency.

BTW Mutt, Deshtard is correct you are majorly self promoting at her expense. Just sayin.

Here's one of the most entertaining threads you'll ever read.

it is hilarious watching Mutt tell Deshtard to be humble while he literally is calling himself the master in his field.

This has to be one of the most entertaining threads I have ever read on JPP

Two fucking idiots arguing over who is the most sciency.

BTW Mutt, Deshtard is correct you are majorly self promoting at her expense. Just sayin.
I am a master in my field. I have a Masters degree too prove it. :)
That isn't quite the same as Co2 in the free atmosphere is not trapped. 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that the energy may only move to cooler unless it is contained.
Only in a thermodynamicly closed system. The test I proposed, and the atmosphere are open systems.
You don't understand the experiment. It only demonstrates that carbon dioxide is a green house gas.

But it also intends to demonstrate that it's going to continue down a predestined road, without allowing for outside influences that might affect the demonstration.

If you take a car, tie down the steering wheel, wedge the gas pedal, it will continue pretty much in the direction you point it; until something else interferes with the car, ie.: flaws in the road, curves, a rock, wind, hills, dips, another car, etc.
In my experiment Avagadro's law is only significant in maintaining solution equilibrium as non-variable in the experiment. To demonstrate that CO2 is a green house gas. If you want a better experiment than this take a sample of carbon dioxide, irradiate it via infrared radiation and measure the spectrum by which it is absorbed by FTIR spectroscopy. That experiment has been done ad nauseam conclusively demonstrating that C02 is a green house gas.

I wonder if you have any idea how many IR spectographs I had to run at university? I used to be able to remember off by heart the bending and stretching IR frequencies for the most common functional classes such as alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, amines, ketones etc. In addition I could remember functional groups like carbonyls, esters, thiols, thiocarbonyl and so on!! Yes I could have looked them up but I prided myself on my ability to remember that stuff. Anyway you need to know that shit for finals exams especially the practical exams. Anyway here are the thoughts of a retired professional infra-red astronomer of 40 years standing.

[h=2]IR Expert Speaks Out After 40 Years Of Silence : “IT’S THE WATER VAPOR STUPID and not the CO2”[/h]

I’m a professional infrared astronomer who spent his life trying to observe space through the atmosphere’s back-radiation that the environmental activists claim is caused by CO2 and guess what? In all the bands that are responsible for back radiation in the brightness temperatures (color temperatures) related to earth’s surface temperature (between 9 microns and 13 microns for temps of 220K to 320 K) there is no absorption of radiation by CO2 at all. In all the bands between 9 and 9.5 there is mild absorption by H2O, from 9.5 to 10 microns (300 K) the atmosphere is perfectly clear except around 9.6 is a big ozone band that the warmists never mention for some reason. From 10 to 13 microns there is more absorption by H2O. Starting at 13 we get CO2 absorption but that wavelength corresponds to temperatures below even that of the south pole. Nowhere from 9 to 13 microns do we see appreciable absorption bands of CO2.

This means the greenhouse effect is way over 95% caused by water vapor and probably less than 3% from CO2. I would say even ozone is more important due to the 9.6 band, but it’s so high in the atmosphere that it probably serves more to radiate heat into space than for back-radiation to the surface. The whole theory of a CO2 greenhouse effect is wrong yet the ignorant masses in academia have gone to great lengths trying to prove it with one lie and false study after another, mainly because the people pushing the global warming hoax are funded by the government who needs to report what it does to the IPCC to further their “cause”.

I’m retired so I don’t need to keep my mouth shut anymore. Kept my mouth shut for 40 years, now I will tell you, not one single IR astronomer gives a rats arse about CO2. Just to let you know how stupid the global warming activists are, I’ve been to the south pole 3 times and even there, where the water vapor is under 0.2 mm precipitable, it’s still the H2O that is the main concern in our field and nobody even talks about CO2 because CO2 doesn’t absorb or radiate in the portion of the spectrum corresponding with earth’s surface temps of 220 to 320 K. Not at all. Therefore, for Earth as a black body radiator IT’S THE WATER VAPOR STUPID and not the CO2.
I was insulted for being on the side of science


It was pointed out that you don't know what science is and so cannot know where that side is.
If you find that having your ignorance is insulting, become less ignorant.
Or just go on marginilizing your self.
It was pointed out that you don't know what science is and so cannot know where that side is.
If you find that having your ignorance is insulting, become less ignorant.
Or just go on marginilizing your self.

She is too long in the tooth and lazy to educate herself, her dogs are more clued up than her!
She is too long in the tooth and lazy to educate herself, her dogs are more clued up than her!

She can't admit that her entire world view is fatally flawed and everyone knows it. If you treat politics as belief then all you can do is be a zealot / martyr.