whowould you npurge from JPP

I didn't insult you Desh. Why are you taking my teaching you about science personal? That's no way to learn. I'm offended that with a graduate level of education in science and nearly 30 years of practicing science as a technologist that you would take my teaching you about science as an insult or a personal attack.

You should be flattered that I would even bother. Most people whom I believe are poorly educated in science I don't even bother to try and teach as they are not interested in actually learning about science. Is my teaching you about science that offensive to you?

I don't know what is funnier, Deshtard talking about science as if it has human qualities or Mott saying that he has a graduate level degree in science. Mott you were a fucking biology major. The only less rigorous science is geology. Stop passing yourself off as something more than you are.

Saying you are a scientist is like a janitor saying he works in the environmental services industry.

But this is amusing to watch. A retard vs a blowhard. The question is who is who?
Why shouldn't I pat myself on the back? I spent 6 years in college/grad school, 2 years as a research assistant at a major university and over 25 years in the field mastering my profession and have been very productive in my field. The consequences of my work benefit the quality of life tremendously in the areas in which I work. Why shouldn't I be proud of that? Why shouldn't I be patted on the back for making the world a cleaner safer place to live? I'm very proud of my achievements while also being humbled by the responsibility.

You should be more open minded Desh and quit being offended that someone who is a master in their field is telling you some facts that you don't like hearing. What I said does not apply to just you. It applies to anyone who wishes to learn this discipline called science.

Don't believe me just ask Tom who seriously disagrees with me on the topic of Climate Change. He will verify that what I'm discussing with you are fundamental and universal principles of science.

it is hilarious watching Mutt tell Deshtard to be humble while he literally is calling himself the master in his field.

This has to be one of the most entertaining threads I have ever read on JPP

Two fucking idiots arguing over who is the most sciency.

BTW Mutt, Deshtard is correct you are majorly self promoting at her expense. Just sayin.
How do you know you're on the correct side of science Desh. How do you know that you are right? Is there any possibility that you could be wrong?

That's the only thing I'm pointing out to you Desh. I'm sorry that offends you.

She doesn't have any critical thinking skills at all, she bases everything on her left wing politics and her touchy feely emotions.
Oh my GOD I can't take it anymore would you please just this one time SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?

Why are you incapable of discussing ANYTHING with ANYONE?

Mott is being perfectly reasonable with you and all you can do is berate him again and again?

Good to see that you've finally seen the light, I pity her poor husband he must be a saint!
Oh my GOD I can't take it anymore would you please just this one time SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?

Why are you incapable of discussing ANYTHING with ANYONE?

Mott is being perfectly reasonable with you and all you can do is berate him again and again?

he insulted me for nothing

I don't like be insulting for nothing

do you?
you clearly insulted me

you called me a pinhead who was too ingorant to discuss science

why the fuck did you do that?
The left on this site attacks their own for no fucking reason here

Unlike any other chat place I have ever been at

its fucking weird as hell
Doing this, in that manner, only takes into account what's happening to that small sample.
It doesn't have any way of taking into account outside sources that might have an affect; such as wind, variants in sun light, rain, etc.

It would be similar to taking a person, placing them into a prebuilt enclosure in the desert, and then saying anyone in the desert will die within a certain time period; because this also doesn't take into account the person being able to move from place to place, finding water or food, etc.
You don't understand the experiment. It only demonstrates that carbon dioxide is a green house gas.
next time you think I get some science fact incorrect try telling me at that point instead of just insulting me for nothing MMMMkay?
Fine, I could care less. The extent of your knowledge and belief in science boils down to "Well Bubba the good ole boy tole me it taint true, so it can't be.".

At least someone like Tom, who is in the minority of the scientific community in his beliefs on this topic, at least are based on the principles of science and not good ole boyism.

Next you'll probably say something dumb and scientifically illiterate like "Evolution is just a theory and not a fact.".
Evolution is fueled by the power of God. Of course it's a fact.