Why are there so many people with racist feelings on these boards?

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
I'm not talking about this website specifically but in a lot of online forums I venture to, I notice a lot of people with internal racist feelings regarding people of color (most specifically black people). It's really noticeable on yahoo especially those who say the following:

"Anti-Racist is code word for anti-white"

Which has to be the most insulting and stupidest philosophy towards people of Caucasian descent who abhor racism. It's funny how when I read the comments especially on facebook the amount of people with internalized racist feelings yet, they don't want to be called racist. Even racist themselves believe at least subconsciously that the word "racist" carries an ugly tone and being associated as such carries an ugly signature.

I would like everyone to read the following:

LOL "whitey haters?"

Give an example that I hate "whiteys" as in go in the threads I've made or comments and please show any comment I've made that demonstrates your accusations.

This should be good.

I'm personally challenging you Big Money (whose threads get closed because of stupidity).
I'm not talking about this website specifically but in a lot of online forums I venture to, I notice a lot of people with internal racist feelings regarding people of color (most specifically black people). It's really noticeable on yahoo especially those who say the following:

"Anti-Racist is code word for anti-white"

Which has to be the most insulting and stupidest philosophy towards people of Caucasian descent who abhor racism. It's funny how when I read the comments especially on facebook the amount of people with internalized racist feelings yet, they don't want to be called racist. Even racist themselves believe at least subconsciously that the word "racist" carries an ugly tone and being associated as such carries an ugly signature.

I would like everyone to read the following:


It's really easy to lable someone as racist based on a incomplete view of something.

It's also real easy to confuse a inherent prejudice with racism.
It's really easy to lable someone as racist based on a incomplete view of something.

It's also real easy to confuse a inherent prejudice with racism.


However there is a fine line between racial prejudices and racist feelings. They appear interchangable. If I base my view of people of different cultures without knowing them personally based on so-called racial stereotypes it is possible to display racist feelings because I may interact (or refuse) with people based on those racial stereotypes and depending on how I display that behavior, it is quite possible to display racist feelings.

For example when I made the Sherman thread, in actuality, it was in response to what I had seen on Facebook and the many people calling him a thug, yet recently Justin Bieber (yes I know bad example but quite relevant) gets a DUI, sags his pants, spits on his fans and people observing him call him a "troubled kid." These are the things that begs the question on whether on the internet people exposing their "racial feelings" in accordance to social media are they truly honest with themselves about how they see people of different cultures?

However there is a fine line between racial prejudices and racist feelings. They appear interchangable.
But they're not. One is an initial reaction or based on unwillful ignorance. The other is a willing decision and has effort and "logic" (often times faulty but at least a thought process is involved) behind it.
If I base my view of people of different cultures without knowing them personally based on so-called racial stereotypes it is possible to display racist feelings because I may interact (or refuse) with people based on those racial stereotypes and depending on how I display that behavior, it is quite possible to display racist feelings.
Then you've crossed the line and made a concious effort towards being, at least somewhat, racist. However, actual racism deals with the idea that race is determined (or indiciated) by pigmintation, that such races are biologically different, and that one race is superior to another. If you were to say, for example, that you find 'black' culture offensive or personally distastful that's not racist. That's a personal opinion on a cultural or societal facet. If you find white women personally unattractive (as I do) then you're not being racist. You're holding an opinion. But if you think that blacks (or whites, or Asians or whatever) are incapable of the same feats as another race, and you refuse to accept evidence to the contrary, then you are being racist rather than prejudice.

For example when I made the Sherman thread, in actuality, it was in response to what I had seen on Facebook and the many people calling him a thug, yet recently Justin Bieber (yes I know bad example but quite relevant) gets a DUI, sags his pants, spits on his fans and people observing him call him a "troubled kid." These are the things that begs the question on whether on the internet people exposing their "racial feelings" in accordance to social media are they truly honest with themselves about how they see people of different cultures?
Well Beiber is the king of fags, and Sherman was at most a little classless, at least in my opinion. So there's that. But also that's a common reaction, because it relates to how we identify as a tribe.
There can be many reasons:

1. There are actually lot more racist people in society than we think, but in the real world they have to hide it, and online they are free to let out their inner fillings with zero social repercussions. Thus, the internet isn't so much "more racist" than real life, rather it is a more true look at our society. More unfiltered. I guarantee you that even someone like ILA wouldn't call someone a nigger to their face. The internet simply makes it very easy to speak your mind.

2. Building off of number one, it's very hard IRL to find people that agree with said racist viewpoints, or dare to agree with them openly. Online it all of a sudden becomes trivially easy to find like minded people

3. Trolls. The amount of effort someone needs to put into trolling these days for a huge reaction is negligible. Trolling used to involve a lot of subtlety and underhandedness, one would seldom just say "I am a troll" as that would ruin the ruse. Nowadays, you can just come right out and say "I am trolling... you cunt bitch nigger" and simply hit and run and watch a 400 post thread develop because of your 3 second comment. Additionally, people pay more attention to trolls than ever before. I personally think it is a generational thing. Remember in the old days when your parents/grandparents, aunts and uncles weren't on facebook? Back when the internet was heavily more catered to the youth?

(I know some of the older folks on here will take issue with that, but the bototm line is, go look at pretty much every popular site from 6-10 years ago. Youtube, digg, facebook, twitter, and on and on and on, the main demographic for those sites ALWAYS skewed young).

We grew up with knowing how to ignore trolls and not pay them attention. Nowadays there are a lot of (old) people that see some 11 year old make a "death threat" and end up writing a thesis about mean people online. It's. just. a. kid. Kids have like zero empathy and like being edgy. That's how it is always going to be.

But overall, in a nutshell the internet makes it easier for everyone to communicate. It's a megaphone for everyone, including very stupid bigoted people.
Also people have no interest in playing nice. That's boring. Even the non-racists, they love slugging it out and mudslinging. They may not say racist things, but they'll still mock and say nasty stuff. The internet is a place for people to vent and unwind. Very few sites would exist that had strict policing of language. And even if those sites existed, those same users would undoubtedly go to the "other" sites as well.

A fun fact is actually this song:

was made by time traveling liberal JPP'ers about our site. I checked the IP addresses and everything.
3. Trolls. The amount of effort someone needs to put into trolling these days for a huge reaction is negligible. Trolling used to involve a lot of subtlety and underhandedness, one would seldom just say "I am a troll" as that would ruin the ruse. Nowadays, you can just come right out and say "I am trolling... you cunt bitch nigger" and simply hit and run and watch a 400 post thread develop because of your 3 second comment. Additionally, people pay more attention to trolls than ever before. I personally think it is a generational thing. Remember in the old days when your parents/grandparents, aunts and uncles weren't on facebook? Back when the internet was heavily more catered to the youth?

(I know some of the older folks on here will take issue with that, but the bototm line is, go look at pretty much every popular site from 6-10 years ago. Youtube, digg, facebook, twitter, and on and on and on, the main demographic for those sites ALWAYS skewed young).

We grew up with knowing how to ignore trolls and not pay them attention. Nowadays there are a lot of (old) people that see some 11 year old make a "death threat" and end up writing a thesis about mean people online. It's. just. a. kid. Kids have like zero empathy and like being edgy. That's how it is always going to be.

One needs only look at who complains the most about our own trolls to know this is true.
Also people have no interest in playing nice. That's boring. Even the non-racists, they love slugging it out and mudslinging. They may not say racist things, but they'll still mock and say nasty stuff. The internet is a place for people to vent and unwind. Very few sites would exist that had strict policing of language. And even if those sites existed, those same users would undoubtedly go to the "other" sites as well.

A fun fact is actually this song:

was made by time traveling liberal JPP'ers about our site. I checked the IP addresses and everything.

I agree 100%. People love slinging mud. This whole "I am just looking for civil debate" is a complete crock of shit.

You can say what you want about my online personna. But I am 100% honest about who I am and make no bones about it. The rest of these folks are frauds. Winterborn is probably one of the biggest frauds of all. I hate self righteous pricks
There can be many reasons:

1. There are actually lot more racist people in society than we think, but in the real world they have to hide it, and online they are free to let out their inner fillings with zero social repercussions. Thus, the internet isn't so much "more racist" than real life, rather it is a more true look at our society. More unfiltered. I guarantee you that even someone like ILA wouldn't call someone a nigger to their face. The internet simply makes it very easy to speak your mind.

2. Building off of number one, it's very hard IRL to find people that agree with said racist viewpoints, or dare to agree with them openly. Online it all of a sudden becomes trivially easy to find like minded people

3. Trolls. The amount of effort someone needs to put into trolling these days for a huge reaction is negligible. Trolling used to involve a lot of subtlety and underhandedness, one would seldom just say "I am a troll" as that would ruin the ruse. Nowadays, you can just come right out and say "I am trolling... you cunt bitch nigger" and simply hit and run and watch a 400 post thread develop because of your 3 second comment. Additionally, people pay more attention to trolls than ever before. I personally think it is a generational thing. Remember in the old days when your parents/grandparents, aunts and uncles weren't on facebook? Back when the internet was heavily more catered to the youth?

(I know some of the older folks on here will take issue with that, but the bototm line is, go look at pretty much every popular site from 6-10 years ago. Youtube, digg, facebook, twitter, and on and on and on, the main demographic for those sites ALWAYS skewed young).

We grew up with knowing how to ignore trolls and not pay them attention. Nowadays there are a lot of (old) people that see some 11 year old make a "death threat" and end up writing a thesis about mean people online. It's. just. a. kid. Kids have like zero empathy and like being edgy. That's how it is always going to be.

But overall, in a nutshell the internet makes it easier for everyone to communicate. It's a megaphone for everyone, including very stupid bigoted people.

I have been using the internet since the '90s.
I'm not talking about this website specifically but in a lot of online forums I venture to, I notice a lot of people with internal racist feelings regarding people of color (most specifically black people). It's really noticeable on yahoo especially those who say the following:

"Anti-Racist is code word for anti-white"

Which has to be the most insulting and stupidest philosophy towards people of Caucasian descent who abhor racism. It's funny how when I read the comments especially on facebook the amount of people with internalized racist feelings yet, they don't want to be called racist. Even racist themselves believe at least subconsciously that the word "racist" carries an ugly tone and being associated as such carries an ugly signature.

I would like everyone to read the following:


Basically, primitive people with low intelligence and no education feel the need to suppose themselves superior to some imagined group or other, and suppose that anyone who belongs to the group they imagine themselves to belong to has to feel and think as stupidly as themselves. They tend also to be paranoid, so that anyone educated or decent seems to them a traitor. Their masters have seen to it that these mugs never try to improve their own condition instead.
Basically, primitive people with low intelligence and no education feel the need to suppose themselves superior to some imagined group or other, and suppose that anyone who belongs to the group they imagine themselves to belong to has to feel and think as stupidly as themselves. They tend also to be paranoid, so that anyone educated or decent seems to them a traitor. Their masters have seen to it that these mugs never try to improve their own condition instead.

Doing a little self-evaluation I see. Well done sir.
1. They truly feel that way but cant express it in public, the anonymous nature of posting here gives them freedom to finally share hidden feelings.
2. They don't truly feel that way, but get attention by expressing such shocking tripe.
Doing a little self-evaluation I see. Well done sir.

You are typical, aren't you? What have you said that is sensible, useful or just? You are one very sick bugger, and in a decent country you could get treatment. Hard luck, you poor brainwashed sod.
Basically, primitive people with low intelligence and no education feel the need to suppose themselves superior to some imagined group or other, and suppose that anyone who belongs to the group they imagine themselves to belong to has to feel and think as stupidly as themselves. They tend also to be paranoid, so that anyone educated or decent seems to them a traitor. Their masters have seen to it that these mugs never try to improve their own condition instead.

Is it really necessary for you to constantly make references to Wales and their backwards thinking? :palm:
You are typical, aren't you? What have you said that is sensible, useful or just? You are one very sick bugger, and in a decent country you could get treatment. Hard luck, you poor brainwashed sod.

Is this a way of letting us know that you're unable to get treatment in Wales and that's why you're the way you are?
Basically, primitive people with low intelligence and no education feel the need to suppose themselves superior to some imagined group or other, and suppose that anyone who belongs to the group they imagine themselves to belong to has to feel and think as stupidly as themselves. They tend also to be paranoid, so that anyone educated or decent seems to them a traitor. Their masters have seen to it that these mugs never try to improve their own condition instead.

LOL I knew you would come in with some wisdom....Probably one of the most wises things I've read today.