Why are there so many people with racist feelings on these boards?

I did say racists, sexists and homophobes, not just racists! There is no doubt that these are the same people and generally all sexists are racists for numerous reasons the most important of which is their need to feel domineering and superior. They want to be superior to men of a different skin color, they want to be superior to women because they are the patriarchy and must be obeyed to maintain order in the universe and they want to be superior to gays because they just demand to be superior. So all of these problems stem from a desire to be superior, which usually paradoxically stem from an inferiority complex.

The most extreme case from history that I know of is that contained in the salve narrative of Sojouner Truth. Truth unlike many slaves for whom we have their narratives, was help in captivity by Dutch people in Upstate New York. When New York finally and incrementally freed the slaves on July 4th, 1827, those who were younger were to be held in indentured servitude until about the 1850s. Her youngest son Peter who was 6 years old was to be held until 1849. But before the day of freedom even arrived, Peter was sold down river to Alabama against New York's emancipation law which said children headed for indentured servitude could not be sold down river into Southern slavery. Truth took the case to court and won, and Peter's owner was forced to return him to New York.

When a man named Fowler who owned her son returned Peter to his mother, Truth saw that the boy has been severely beaten for most of the year he was in the South. But remarkably, the same man who had beaten her son so severely killed his wife shortly after losing Peter. The lesson Truth learned from this according to Nell Painter is that "a man who would abuse a black child so cruelly could murder someone white, even one of his own, especially a woman." l this shows a clear linkage between the beating of a slave and the murder of a white woman.

For all those who are going to come and demand a website, I got this from two books. And for those who are going to claim that slaves were never beaten, prove that anything I said here is false.

His neighbors must have really wagged their fingers at him! That's what usually kept slave owners from mistreating their slaves, and it still keeps men from beating women. So I am very surprised to hear of this...
His neighbors must have really wagged their fingers at him! That's what usually kept slave owners from mistreating their slaves, and it still keeps men from beating women. So I am very surprised to hear of this...

I thought of all the people here you would clearly be the most surprised. That peer pressure is why so many police never beat or shoot their wives as well.
There are a lot of good people on that board. I have seen worse things said on this board in my short time here, and they were said without using a single derogatory term.

They've got smarter people, probably just by virtue of size. I posted there for a while, but didn't particularly care for it.
They've got smarter people, probably just by virtue of size. I posted there for a while, but didn't particularly care for it.

It's not for everybody. I like this forum, but I do enjoy USMB more because of it's size. I hate posting something, and having to wait half a day for a response. To each their own. :)
I'm not talking about this website specifically but in a lot of online forums I venture to, I notice a lot of people with internal racist feelings regarding people of color (most specifically black people). It's really noticeable on yahoo especially those who say the following:

"Anti-Racist is code word for anti-white"

Which has to be the most insulting and stupidest philosophy towards people of Caucasian descent who abhor racism. It's funny how when I read the comments especially on facebook the amount of people with internalized racist feelings yet, they don't want to be called racist. Even racist themselves believe at least subconsciously that the word "racist" carries an ugly tone and being associated as such carries an ugly signature.

I would like everyone to read the following:

Could it be that they are well...racist?
Yurt is over there, so make of that what you will. I am a member but I just can't get my head around the place it is just too confusing.

Yurt is the person who told me about this board. I disagree with him on some things, but I like him. It's not his fault that he's always wrong, and I'm always right.
No sir, I find myself drinking more while on unployment. Now buying drinks for a guy with a $90 million contract was a new thing. But I appreciate you recognizing yours truly looking good while doing so. Thank you sir.
Using your unemployment check on booze.
Fucking taker, and your football team is as productive as a USC education.
Are you kidding me? For Psychology USC is one of the top schools in the United States. When I go full-time my tuition alone is over $45k

Ah, it's so wonderful not having to pay for school. Almost worth the nightmares, insomnia, hearing loss, and myriad of other problems I have. Almost.