Why are there so many people with racist feelings on these boards?

I have been using the internet since the '90s.

Hey Sun Devil is a Trojan (yes we all question why that is your avatar) so he is smarter than anyone else here. Respect that.
Also people have no interest in playing nice. That's boring. Even the non-racists, they love slugging it out and mudslinging. They may not say racist things, but they'll still mock and say nasty stuff. The internet is a place for people to vent and unwind. Very few sites would exist that had strict policing of language. And even if those sites existed, those same users would undoubtedly go to the "other" sites as well.

Raw Story, Huffington Post and many other sites are much more closely moderated, don't allow the stuff that goes on her every day by so many people it is unconscionable, both service millions of more hits a month than JPP does and they don't allow a tenth of the racist, sexist and homophobic language that is allowed on this board under the same rubric of free speech that this stupid billboard is hiding behind. And don't confuse any of the shit that goes on the internet with freedom of speech or the first amendment, the first amendment does not have anything to do with the internet or the people who run it or the individual websites they run. If you wanted to you could stop people from using the "n" word and the "c" word and various pornographic rape imagery especially anal rape and other egregious symptoms of derangement but you choose to cater to the lowest common denominator and you have no one but yourselves to blame for your slow growth. In addition, you seem to believe that racists, sexists and homophobes need a place to go and that you are serving them by providing such a place. It is nothing but justification for doing nothing and encouraging the kind of behavior you maintain is everywhere because that is just the way people are. This is the kind of circular thinking that characterizes the management of this place from top to bottom!
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Raw Story, Huffington Post and many other sites are much more closely moderated and they don't allow half the shit that goes on her every day by so many people it is unconscionable and they both service millions of more hits a month than JPP does.

More folks look at Huffington Post than JPP? For reals? Hey Grind, I'm not on the JPP BOD but if I was I'd have several suggestions for this site to get more viewers than the sites Prak visits.
Hey Sun Devil is a Trojan (yes we all question why that is your avatar) so he is smarter than anyone else here. Respect that.

If he can read and understand a story in The New York Times written at the tenth or eleventh grade level he is smarter than you!
More folks look at Huffington Post than JPP? For reals? Hey Grind, I'm not on the JPP BOD but if I was I'd have several suggestions for this site to get more viewers than the sites Prak visits.

You really are one sick puppy aren't you? Yes this place is a backwater. Get used to it. It doesn't represent much of anything! Why do you think there are so few people left who were here five years ago and why are people like ILA and Big Money and others of equally despicable character here? There is a reason they have been banned from every other board and it isn't because they are misunderstood!
If he can read and understand a story in The New York Times written at the tenth or eleventh grade level he is smarter than you!

Why do you hate him Prak? Why do you hate a fellow black man? Because he went to USC and you couldn't get near our school? If he can read he's smarter than me but he iS way more educated than your sorry ass.
Which is of course why you try and over compensate.

Struck a nerve did I?

You're so cute when you're drunk and even cuter when you are hung over. I guess being on unemployment has put a kink in your bingeing, huh? So you're doing less drinking now. Oh, well, it was bound to come to this. At least you'll have your health!
Struck a nerve did I?

You're so cute when you're drunk and even cuter when you are hung over. I guess being on unemployment has put a kink in your bingeing, huh? So you're doing less drinking now. Oh, well, it was bound to come to this. At least you'll have your health!

No sir, I find myself drinking more while on unployment. Now buying drinks for a guy with a $90 million contract was a new thing. But I appreciate you recognizing yours truly looking good while doing so. Thank you sir.
Basically, primitive people with low intelligence and no education feel the need to suppose themselves superior to some imagined group or other, and suppose that anyone who belongs to the group they imagine themselves to belong to has to feel and think as stupidly as themselves. They tend also to be paranoid, so that anyone educated or decent seems to them a traitor. Their masters have seen to it that these mugs never try to improve their own condition instead.

So you wouldn't call the antipathy that many Welsh people have to the English as racist but I would lay even money that you perceive every slight, real or imagined, by the English as unbridled racism nonetheless.
Raw Story, Huffington Post and many other sites are much more closely moderated, don't allow the stuff that goes on her every day by so many people it is unconscionable, both service millions of more hits a month than JPP does and they don't allow a tenth of the racist, sexist and homophobic language that is allowed on this board under the same rubric of free speech that this stupid billboard is hiding behind. And don't confuse any of the shit that goes on the internet with freedom of speech or the first amendment, the first amendment does not have anything to do with the internet or the people who run it or the individual websites they run. If you wanted to you could stop people from using the "n" word and the "c" word and various pornographic rape imagery especially anal rape and other egregious symptoms of derangement but you choose to cater to the lowest common denominator and you have no one but yourselves to blame for your slow growth. In addition, you seem to believe that racists, sexists and homophobes need a place to go and that you are serving them by providing such a place. It is nothing but justification for doing nothing and encouraging the kind of behavior you maintain is everywhere because that is just the way people are. This is the kind of circular thinking that characterizes the management of this place from top to bottom!

If it upsets you so much then just fuck off, how hard is that?
If it upsets you so much then just fuck off, how hard is that?

Ohhhh look the washer woman, looks up from her tub of suds and dirty socks and interjects another highly meaningful opinion. And then runs off and grtaons a few of my comments for good measure!

Go for it washer woman it's the best you can do, so give it your best shot!

You poor besmirched bloke!
Raw Story, Huffington Post and many other sites are much more closely moderated, don't allow the stuff that goes on her every day by so many people it is unconscionable, both service millions of more hits a month than JPP does and they don't allow a tenth of the racist, sexist and homophobic language that is allowed on this board under the same rubric of free speech that this stupid billboard is hiding behind. And don't confuse any of the shit that goes on the internet with freedom of speech or the first amendment, the first amendment does not have anything to do with the internet or the people who run it or the individual websites they run. If you wanted to you could stop people from using the "n" word and the "c" word and various pornographic rape imagery especially anal rape and other egregious symptoms of derangement but you choose to cater to the lowest common denominator and you have no one but yourselves to blame for your slow growth. In addition, you seem to believe that racists, sexists and homophobes need a place to go and that you are serving them by providing such a place. It is nothing but justification for doing nothing and encouraging the kind of behavior you maintain is everywhere because that is just the way people are. This is the kind of circular thinking that characterizes the management of this place from top to bottom!

I usually post on USMB, but that board is proof that not modding the racists has nothing to do with this board's slow growth. There are plenty of infamous racists on USMB, but there are a lot more members, and more people are joining everyday. I haven't been here long enough to say why it is that this board isn't more popular than it is, but it certainly has nothing to do with allowing racists free speech.
. And don't confuse any of the shit that goes on the internet with freedom of speech or the first amendment, the first amendment does not have anything to do with the internet or the people who run it or the individual websites they run.

first, the 1st amendment does have a lot to do with the internet, obviously.

second, no one is claiming someone has a 1st amendment right to say whatever they want on a private board, but that doesn't mean that the principles of free speech aren't important and can't be applied to other spheres.

Yeah, there are LOTS of places on the internet where there is strict moderation. So there are plenty of choices for people that want that. And we'll hang out over here with our own system.
I usually post on USMB, but that board is proof that not modding the racists has nothing to do with this board's slow growth. There are plenty of infamous racists on USMB, but there are a lot more members, and more people are joining everyday. I haven't been here long enough to say why it is that this board isn't more popular than it is, but it certainly has nothing to do with allowing racists free speech.

Really, that board is actually thriving? Wow.
I usually post on USMB, but that board is proof that not modding the racists has nothing to do with this board's slow growth. There are plenty of infamous racists on USMB, but there are a lot more members, and more people are joining everyday. I haven't been here long enough to say why it is that this board isn't more popular than it is, but it certainly has nothing to do with allowing racists free speech.

I did say racists, sexists and homophobes, not just racists! There is no doubt that these are the same people and generally all sexists are racists for numerous reasons the most important of which is their need to feel domineering and superior. They want to be superior to men of a different skin color, they want to be superior to women because they are the patriarchy and must be obeyed to maintain order in the universe and they want to be superior to gays because they just demand to be superior. So all of these problems stem from a desire to be superior, which usually paradoxically stem from an inferiority complex.

The most extreme case from history that I know of is that contained in the salve narrative of Sojouner Truth. Truth unlike many slaves for whom we have their narratives, was help in captivity by Dutch people in Upstate New York. When New York finally and incrementally freed the slaves on July 4th, 1827, those who were younger were to be held in indentured servitude until about the 1850s. Her youngest son Peter who was 6 years old was to be held until 1849. But before the day of freedom even arrived, Peter was sold down river to Alabama against New York's emancipation law which said children headed for indentured servitude could not be sold down river into Southern slavery. Truth took the case to court and won, and Peter's owner was forced to return him to New York.

When a man named Fowler who owned her son returned Peter to his mother, Truth saw that the boy has been severely beaten for most of the year he was in the South. But remarkably, the same man who had beaten her son so severely killed his wife shortly after losing Peter. The lesson Truth learned from this according to Nell Painter is that "a man who would abuse a black child so cruelly could murder someone white, even one of his own, especially a woman." l this shows a clear linkage between the beating of a slave and the murder of a white woman.

For all those who are going to come and demand a website, I got this from two books. And for those who are going to claim that slaves were never beaten, prove that anything I said here is false.
Really, that board is actually thriving? Wow.

Certainly everybody needs to have a place where they can go and yell: "Ni**er!" "C**t and "I hope your wife get's raped anally," as loud as they want. It all counts as free speech and it's the great white way!