Why are there so many people with racist feelings on these boards?

They do have a lot more sub forums, I shall probably start posting in the Science and Technology one and see how it goes.

I hope you enjoy the boards, just as I hope I enjoy my time here. No reason to keep yourself isolated to one message board. The internet is a big place. :)
American was a racist country nearly from the beginning. The first slaves were brought to Jamestown in 1619, and while white people were brought as indentured slaves for a period, black people were brought as slaves for their lives or until emancipated through self-purchase. One of the strangest concepts in early America or at least through 1865 when the 13th amendment finally freed the slaves and outlawed slavery "except as a punishment for crime," the exception that together with laws such as not getting off the sidewalk so that a white person could pass, or spitting in public or not showing proper respect to a white person and so on that nearly made being black a crime, permitted slavery well into the late twentieth century. Slavery itself was a badge of inferiority and the ideology of white superiority and black superiority was written into the constitution in 1789 and had been a great part of American ideology, legal history and cultural imperative through the twentieth century and was last seen in its most virulent form in the well know New York Times best-seller The Bell Curve (1994), which claimed to scientifically prove (see Edward W. Saïd's Orientalism (1978), for how science works culturally to justify racism), that black children because of numerous influences and racial attributes, were just more ignorant than white children.

So with a history of white superiority in law and culture that goes back to 1619 is it any wonder that some poor misguided fools still haven't gotten the memo? Hardly. It is part and parcel of who we are as a nation and as a people, that is, a nation of racists who have to consciously work daily to subvert our cultural heritage and proclivities. For the most part we have still a lot of work to do. And the level of understanding about it is really rather stark and bleak! But as long as we continue to pretend that allowing people to be as racist as they want to be is simply freedom of expression, and pretend that spouting racist sentiments is permitted and justified under freedom of speech, and forget exactly what white superiority is about and what it's history is, we are still hardly better than we were in the 1850s.

You are so full of verbal diarrhoea, you could block a main sewer pipe with it. I would love to know exactly what scientific credentials you bring to the table. You are like any liberal arts Marxist leaning blowhard I have ever met and believe me I've met many. So what is your area of expertise anyway sunshine? I would make a guess at sociology, English literature or maybe even history.

I have a friend, who is left leaning, that was a lecturer at Oxford university for many years in environmental science. We converse often on the subject of AGW and I've noticed recently that his stance has markedly changed and he is more ready to accept alternative scenarios. You, however, are one of the many that think they can use ridicule as an alternative to serious discussion. Everything you say is laden with dogma and ignorance, nobody on here takes you seriously apart from the Darlaks.
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Ah, it's so wonderful not having to pay for school. Almost worth the nightmares, insomnia, hearing loss, and myriad of other problems I have. Almost.
Yes....but look at the bright side...you're already more productive. I know the feeling though. I had to pay for my education via work and student loans and I when I was younger I resented the hell out of the kids who's parents could afford to send them to elite schools while I went to good ole State U. What really peeved me was that hardly any of them appreciated this gift from their parents and were Mickey Mouse majors.
You are so full of verbal diarrhoea, you could block a main sewer pipe with it. I would love to know exactly what scientific credentials you bring to the table. You are like any liberal arts Marxist leaning blowhard I have ever met and believe me I've met many. So what is your area of expertise anyway sunshine? I would make a guess at sociology, English literature or maybe even history.

I have a friend, who is left leaning, that was a lecturer at Oxford university for many years in environmental science. We converse often on the subject of AGW and I've noticed recently that his stance has markedly changed and he is more ready to accept alternative scenarios. You, however, are one of the many that think they can use ridicule as an alternative to serious discussion. Everything you say is laden with dogma and ignorance, nobody on here takes you seriously apart from the Darlaks.

Rule #5 from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Ridicule is the most potent weapon. Take the time to read his book. When you do, like I did, you will see that what he advocates is shown on this board on a daily basis by the likes of Darla and Dante's. They are radical activists. They are not seeking reasoned debate. They seek to change this board like they want to change everything else they don't like about our society. That the board mods do not bend to their will drives them fucking insane. I would venture to guess that their routine has been quite effective on the internets, but this is still a bastion of freedom of expression. That cannot be tolerated by the Darlaks and must be squashed.

That people don't see this is astonishing to me.
Rule #5 from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Ridicule is the most potent weapon. Take the time to read his book. When you do, like I did, you will see that what he advocates is shown on this board on a daily basis by the likes of Darla and Dante's. They are radical activists. They are not seeking reasoned debate. They seek to change this board like they want to change everything else they don't like about our society. That the board mods do not bend to their will drives them fucking insane. I would venture to guess that their routine has been quite effective on the internets, but this is still a bastion of freedom of expression. That cannot be tolerated by the Darlaks and must be squashed.

That people don't see this is astonishing to me.
Yea right....like anyone is going to take your advice.
Rule #5 from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Ridicule is the most potent weapon. Take the time to read his book. When you do, like I did, you will see that what he advocates is shown on this board on a daily basis by the likes of Darla and Dante's. They are radical activists. They are not seeking reasoned debate. They seek to change this board like they want to change everything else they don't like about our society. That the board mods do not bend to their will drives them fucking insane. I would venture to guess that their routine has been quite effective on the internets, but this is still a bastion of freedom of expression. That cannot be tolerated by the Darlaks and must be squashed.

That people don't see this is astonishing to me.

The Tea Party "leadership" has been heavily influenced by Rules for Radicals as well.
Good lord! That's like saying Kentucky has the best poultry science program in the United States...so what? ;)

The more expensive a program the more prestige of that program. Most schools that are very prestigious charge that amount. I might as well go to an Ivy League school is my point. SC is a very good school with a good alumni base.
The more expensive a program the more prestige of that program. Most schools that are very prestigious charge that amount. I might as well go to an Ivy League school is my point. SC is a very good school with a good alumni base.
Prestige experation date is 9 months after graduation!
Yes....but look at the bright side...you're already more productive. I know the feeling though. I had to pay for my education via work and student loans and I when I was younger I resented the hell out of the kids who's parents could afford to send them to elite schools while I went to good ole State U. What really peeved me was that hardly any of them appreciated this gift from their parents and were Mickey Mouse majors.

LOL if this is towards me look at it this way. Would you prefer me to have a Mickey Mouse major slash masters degree or me running up on you putting my pistol in your mouth making you strip so I can rob you?

People always talk about degrees but not the productivity of those who at least are going to college and aren't out there being criminals. I'd rather have college students major in cooking than those who are out there killing people for loose change.
Prestige experation date is 9 months after graduation!

Not if you're an alumni. At my job fucking people cream their pants if I tell them I go to USC. I don't say shit because I'm not like those UCLA students that fucking use their school as a bus pass for everything in life. I'm actually humble with it.