Bullshit. For every Antifa slap or punch you find there's a Right winger driving a car through a crowd to kill someone. For every building set ablaze in a BLM riot there's a dead abortion doctor. For every picture of a balaclava-wearing leftist holding a sign there's about a hundred pictures of Right Wingers holding a gun.
Not true. Antifa shows up in the hundreds, even thousands, and takes over entire city downtowns sometimes for days, even weeks. Some individual on the Right shows up with a gun somewhere and the violence is over in a less than an hour and the idiot on the Right is dead.
But the Right is usually better at killing people.
I already acknowledged that, until the Left gains political power and establishes a dictatorship like they always do. Then the Left has no equal in body count.
Oh my! Graffitti! OH NOES!
Graffiti, arson, looting, property destruction, bodily injury, and general mayhem. The Left, again, has no equal in doing that shit.
"beat their opposition"? How about running them down with cars? Oh, wait, that's what Right Wingers do like in Charlottesville.
You are deluded. Seriously. You can't imagine simultaneously that the Left is a bunch of pearl-clutching pussies AND that they are a vicious gang of dangerous thugs.
Individually, the Left is a bunch of pearl-clutching pussies. But get them together in a large group, and they become a dangerous, riotous mob. The far Right has trouble getting a dozen of their crazies in the same room.
Ahhhh, so it's "hidden violence" that no one can see but you know is there. Got it! (You do realize you sound like you are brain damaged, right now, right?)
Yep. The Left is smart enough to put the gulag camps, prison camps, death concentration camps in secluded locations. Out of sight, out of mind.
Give it a rest, Clarence. No one is creating "concentration camps". Maybe the "good people" on the neo-nazi side your buddy Trump found in Charlottesville would like to start some camps, though.
N. Korea has them. So did the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. FDR (a Progressive of his time) created them for Japanese Americans if you recall. Yes, those were prison camps.
Usually. Sometimes it's two or three. Great example is Timothy McVey and Terry Nichols. Two Rightwing nutters and they blow up a building.
So America's off-the-charts level of gun homicides and gun violence isn't a "threat to society"? Got it.
That isn't political. That's a crime problem. Taking the guns away won't solve the crime issue. If that were true, most of Central America and Mexico would be crime free.
Just typing that should be grounds to have you committed. Are you really that fucked in the head?
It's true. The Left has killed more people in the last century alone than war, pestilence, disease... The Left when they gain political power is incredibly good at killing people.