Why are they always so surprised?

The libtards still push the dangerous rhetoric that caused an assassination attempt.

And cry about an office being ransacked.

You can't make this shit up. :ROFLMAO:
Can you produce one photo or recorded incidence of any Democrat or Progressive (or Independent, for that matter) politician or pundit in the last 7 years that:

- has taken selfies of their family holding assault rifles to put on their Christmas cards?
- has openly advocated violence against those who do not agree with them on any level?
- has run commercials using sniper rifles and such to accent their approach to opposing political candidates or ideologies?
- has generalized all immigrants (legal, illegal, DACA) as murderers, rapists, thugs that are "poisoning our (meaning America) blood?
- has passed laws that allow the state to decide a pregnant woman's status and medical procedures without her doctors (let alone her own) input?
- has used the deaths of children via a mass shooting in their campaign rhetoric DESPITE requests from the surviving parents NOT to do so?
- has REFUSED to acknowledge the simple FACT that a weapon FORMERLY BANNED has become a default usage for numerous mass shootings?
- has continuously repeated statements that have been PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW to be untrue?
- has vowed retribution as part of their political agenda should they be elected to office?

These are just for starters. But I'm sure you have at least ONE documented point that will fit your opening sentence. If not, it'll be entertaining to watch you twist like a pretzel while trying to blow smoke up everyone's butt.
Can you produce one photo or recorded incidence of any Democrat or Progressive (or Independent, for that matter) politician or pundit in the last 7 years that:

- has taken selfies of their family holding assault rifles to put on their Christmas cards?
- has openly advocated violence against those who do not agree with them on any level?
- has run commercials using sniper rifles and such to accent their approach to opposing political candidates or ideologies?
- has generalized all immigrants (legal, illegal, DACA) as murderers, rapists, thugs that are "poisoning our (meaning America) blood?
- has passed laws that allow the state to decide a pregnant woman's status and medical procedures without her doctors (let alone her own) input?
- has used the deaths of children via a mass shooting in their campaign rhetoric DESPITE requests from the surviving parents NOT to do so?
- has REFUSED to acknowledge the simple FACT that a weapon FORMERLY BANNED has become a default usage for numerous mass shootings?
- has continuously repeated statements that have been PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW to be untrue?
- has vowed retribution as part of their political agenda should they be elected to office?

These are just for starters. But I'm sure you have at least ONE documented point that will fit your opening sentence. If not, it'll be entertaining to watch you twist like a pretzel while trying to blow smoke up everyone's butt.
Not to mention always carrying around guns and stuff:


(Republican Congressman from KY Thomas Massey and his family Christmas card photo)
these are celebrations of gun rights.

here's the incitement.

Can you produce one photo or recorded incidence of any Democrat or Progressive (or Independent, for that matter) politician or pundit in the last 7 years that:

- has taken selfies of their family holding assault rifles to put on their Christmas cards?
- has openly advocated violence against those who do not agree with them on any level?
- has run commercials using sniper rifles and such to accent their approach to opposing political candidates or ideologies?
- has generalized all immigrants (legal, illegal, DACA) as murderers, rapists, thugs that are "poisoning our (meaning America) blood?
- has passed laws that allow the state to decide a pregnant woman's status and medical procedures without her doctors (let alone her own) input?
- has used the deaths of children via a mass shooting in their campaign rhetoric DESPITE requests from the surviving parents NOT to do so?
- has REFUSED to acknowledge the simple FACT that a weapon FORMERLY BANNED has become a default usage for numerous mass shootings?
- has continuously repeated statements that have been PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW to be untrue?
- has vowed retribution as part of their political agenda should they be elected to office?

These are just for starters. But I'm sure you have at least ONE documented point that will fit your opening sentence. If not, it'll be entertaining to watch you twist like a pretzel while trying to blow smoke up everyone's butt.
you're utterly fucking delusional.

This is why you're losing.

you're not smart; you're insane.
No, it's worship of guns. I grew up in a hunting family in the Midwest. So I know what PROPER gun treatment looks like. This is the kind of shit that morons who don't have any business owning guns do. They play with them like toys.

These people are a danger to everyone around them and at all times.
Good thing there's nobody around for acres and acres then, huh? :awesome:

They're certainly not pointing guns at anyone and pulling triggers.
No, it's worship of guns. I grew up in a hunting family in the Midwest. So I know what PROPER gun treatment looks like. This is the kind of shit that morons who don't have any business owning guns do. They play with them like toys.

These people are a danger to everyone around them and at all times.
You're making big deal out of nothing, little bitch.

calling people hitler for 8 years is incitement.

a picture of a gun is not incitement.
"Trump and MAGA are the biggest threats to our Democracy".-Leftist Shitlords all the fucking time.

I guess it was Joe Biden that said that.

“A Reuters analysis of more than 200 incidents of politically motivated violence between 2021 and 2023, however, presented a different picture: In those years, fatal political violence more often emanated from the American right than from the left.”

Good thing there's nobody around for acres and acres then, huh? :awesome:

They're certainly not pointing guns at anyone and pulling triggers.

No, they are treating these tools like children's toys.

Honestly, this is not adult behavior and NOT proper gun safety behavior.

If you think it is then you might be part of the problem.
“A Reuters analysis of more than 200 incidents of politically motivated violence between 2021 and 2023, however, presented a different picture: In those years, fatal political violence more often emanated from the American right than from the left.”

"Reuters analysis". (n)

"Biden warns Trump, 'MAGA' movement threaten American democracy"​

You're making big deal out of nothing, little bitch.

No, but unlike you my dad taught me how to treat a gun. In other words: GROW UP AND TREAT IT LIKE A SERIOUS TOOL.

These people are just posing to show how "bad ass" they are. They don't use these guns. They would have no business using these guns.

I can tell because this is what they think a good Christmas Card is. This is absurd.

I would never go hunting with people who think the gun is a toy.

Couldn't follow the point of the post? LOL. Were the words too large? Let me know which ones you didn't understand and maybe I can help you. It's always fun when someone first learns to read and I want to help you become as literate as possible.
More likely his brain is too small.