Why are young women are so FEEBLE: They can’t cope with ideas that challenge them?

Yeh, that is bullshit as well. I posted this article last week but of course you missed it as usual. I have told you many times that I have very little respect for gender feminists. I am not alone in that belief, there are many women who also loath them as well. That you don't agree is perfectly fine with me, what is not fine is to provide succour to ocean going c***s like Legion and Leon Troll. I would remind you of your own signature line!!


Look at that!! Rana posted within two minutes with post 39 yet now has gone to ground.
I comprehend just fine, thanks.
You stated, "I suspect that there are", this to me indicates that you think the majority of men...aren't hard working people like Mott described, you suspect there are decent hardworking people, but you agree with the OP that most are feeble.

I never used that quote.. I used "I'm sure there are". That changes the entire subtext from one of grudging acquiescence to simple
declarative agreement to Mott's
You shouldn't let a handful of upper middle class spoiled soccer kids speak for an entire generation

anyways...the fallacy of men vs. women's millennials PC infestation, is not what I was speaking about.
It's a non-discriminatory equal opportunity mind f*cking for either sex.

I don't even blame the younger generation -it's the goof balls of mine and other generations that value that crap-speak.
That shove it down their learning minds
I never used that quote.. I used "I'm sure there are". That changes the entire subtext from one of grudging acquiescence to simple
declarative agreement to Mott's

anyways...the fallacy of men vs. women's millennials PC infestation, is not what I was speaking about.
It's a non-discriminatory equal opportunity mind f*cking for either sex.

I don't even blame the younger generation -it's the goof balls of mine and other generations that value that crap-speak.
That shove it down their learning minds

I think you have to be incredibly blind or just wilfully arrogant to not notice what is going on.
LOL Conservatives fear strong women so as a defense they bring up isolated incidents to hide their own feelings of inferiority and emasculation. Look at all the draft dodgers among the conservative men as an example. They sponge off America as Ryan and others have done, then put on their warrior show mission accomplished style. A show similar to our congress of weak, do nothing men. Consider it was a woman who ate of the tree of knowledge, conservatives miss that fact as they kowtow to inanimate objects of money markets and corporate gods. Pity them when they bow to that buffoon who talks big but who too was a draft dodger. Weak and afraid is the right today and unable to see that they are being played.

It's not fear, I've seen what happened to some women in war and it isn't pretty. Queer women want to be men. So everybody is supposed to pretend that there's no difference between men and women like Rana does.

That's not fear, it's common sense.
LOL Conservatives fear strong women so as a defense they bring up isolated incidents to hide their own feelings of inferiority and emasculation. Look at all the draft dodgers among the conservative men as an example. They sponge off America as Ryan and others have done, then put on their warrior show mission accomplished style. A show similar to our congress of weak, do nothing men. Consider it was a woman who ate of the tree of knowledge, conservatives miss that fact as they kowtow to inanimate objects of money markets and corporate gods. Pity them when they bow to that buffoon who talks big but who too was a draft dodger. Weak and afraid is the right today and unable to see that they are being played.

The woman that wrote that article was a Communist for over 20 years!!
Safe spaces are an expression of the conviction, increasingly prevalent among college students, that their schools should keep them from being “bombarded” by discomfiting or distressing viewpoints. Think of the safe space as the live-action version of the better-known trigger warning, a notice put on top of a syllabus or an assigned reading to alert students to the presence of potentially disturbing material.

Some people trace safe spaces back to the feminist consciousness-raising groups of the 1960s and 1970s, others to the gay and lesbian movement of the early 1990s. In most cases, safe spaces are innocuous gatherings of like-minded people who agree to refrain from ridicule, criticism or what they term microaggressions — subtle displays of racial or sexual bias — so that everyone can relax enough to explore the nuances of, say, a fluid gender identity. As long as all parties consent to such restrictions, these little islands of self-restraint seem like a perfectly fine idea.
sounds more like navel contemplation ; spending too much time thinking about yourself ...utterly without purpose - unlike meditation
I think you have to be incredibly blind or just wilfully arrogant to not notice what is going on.
I find it amazing any of this is looked up as adding value to education, a purposeful life, or the complexities of living in general.

It's a conflict ridden world..be polite and value all perspectives. that's enough
Claire Fox is Director of the Institute of Ideas. Her new book ‘I Find That Offensive!’ was published by Biteback in May.

By Claire Fox

Published: 01:25, 9 June 2016 | Updated: 07:23, 9 June 2016

  • ‘Generation Snowflake’ describes a fragile, thin-skinned generation
  • Claire Fox says teenage girls began sobbing during debate on Ched Evans
  • She has written about the issue in a book called 'I Find That Offensive!'
Some of the girls were sobbing and hugging each other, while others shrieked. The majority appeared at the very least shell-shocked. It was distress on a scale appropriate for some horrible disaster. Thankfully, however, I wasn’t in a war zone or at the scene of a pile-up - but in a school hall filled with A-level students. What had provoked such hysteria? I’d dared express an opinion that went against their accepted way of thinking.


‘Generation Snowflake’ is a fragile, thin-skinned younger generation that can’t cope with conflicting views

‘Generation Snowflake’ is the term for these teens, one that’s now used frequently in the U.S. and becoming more common here. It describes a fragile, thin-skinned younger generation that can’t cope with conflicting views, let alone criticism. Being faced by a roomful of weepy teenagers certainly isn’t the only example of such behaviour I could cite, but it’s the most dramatic I have experienced. It happened when I was taking part in a debate at a North London school as director of the Institute of Ideas early last year.

The subject under discussion was footballer Ched Evans - who was then a convicted rapist and had just been released from prison (he’s since had his conviction quashed and is awaiting a retrial). His team, Sheffield United, had taken him back, and we were debating whether the subsequent furore was social justice or mob rule. I knew many wouldn’t agree with my stance, which was that Evans had completed his sentence and should be able to return to his profession. But during the final Q&A all hell broke loose. I dared suggest (as eminent feminists have before me) that rape wasn’t necessarily the worst thing a woman could experience. I expected robust discussion - not for them all to dissolve into outraged gasps of, ‘You can’t say that!’

Their reaction shocked me. I take no pleasure in making teenagers cry, but it also brought home the contrast to previous generations of young people, who would have relished the chance to argue back. It illustrated this generation’s almost belligerent sense of entitlement. They assume their emotional suffering takes precedence. Express a view they disagree with and you must immediately recant and apologise. But as I argue in my new book - I Find That Offensive! - Generation Snowflake believe it’s their right to be protected from anything they might find unpalatable.

This mindset is particularly rife in universities. The examples are beyond parody: a National Union of Students conference banning clapping as it might trigger trauma (‘please use jazz hands’, delegates were told); the Edinburgh University student threatened with expulsion from a meeting after raising her hand in disagreement. Last year, students at the University of East Anglia banned a Mexican restaurant from giving out sombreros because of racist stereotyping.

In March, Cambridge University banned an ‘Around The World in 80 Days’ themed party over fears wearing ethnic costumes might cause offence. Students demand that universities are ‘safe spaces’, free from opinions that will make them feel uncomfortable. There has been a rise in ‘No platforming’ - barring someone with controversial views from speaking at an event at all. Faced with such thin-skinned students, no wonder Oxford University has introduced ‘trigger warnings’ about ‘potentially distressing subject matter’ in law lectures on cases involving sexual violence. Never mind that a future in criminal law will mean dealing with all the unpleasant aspects of human experience.

The list goes on. And on.


She says The Reclaim The Internet campaign, launched by MPs such as Yvette Cooper and Maria Miller, only fuels stereotypes of young women as weak and fragile
I claim the first use of the term Generation Snowflake on here, now even Rana has caught on!

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So did you see my comment about generalizing using a non-representative sample of spoiled privelaged children?

Conversely people with an authoritarian mindset tend not to do well in an academic setting. Academia is supposed to foster outside the mainstream thinking. To argue the views inside the ivory towers of academia as being representative of generational thinking is as silly as generalizing today's youths as NAZI's because an authoritarian mindset is prevalent in the military where the point of view is as much outside the mainstream as academia.
Yet you wonder why Trump won??

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I suspect you can comprehend but choose not to. Nowhere did I mention folks weren't "decent". Majority or otherwise.

Even the bird-brains who use censorship to impose PC, i'm sure belabor under the delusion they are on a right cause.

Fortunately it's not main-stream thought; being such a bizarre mannerism of speech - but it needs to be stamped out
before it spreads any further.
She self identifies as a snowflake now!

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There was a study recently done about facebook unfriending and not tolerating opposing ideas. They broke it down by gender and political party.

Almost across the board, Conservative men, Conservative women, liberal men, had little deviation. They wouldn't unfriend people that disagreed with them and could tolerate opposing views. The only outlier were liberal women, who by an insane margin would unfriend people and not listen to opposing viewpoints. I found this to be very interesting and was going to make a thread on it. Why only liberal women?

My theory is liberal women live in a bubble where they tell themselves how strong and independent they are, but when confronted with opinions they dont like, they find themselves crying like the little girls they are, they can't live outside the bubble, so they mentally shut down and just unfriend everybody instead.

This also matches my observation on JPP. Historically, the vast majority of liberal women on here talked a big game, but when push came to shove they couldn't handle the heat. Weak.
There was a study recently done about facebook unfriending and not tolerating opposing ideas. They broke it down by gender and political party.

Almost across the board, Conservative men, Conservative women, liberal men, had little deviation. They wouldn't unfriend people that disagreed with them and could tolerate opposing views. The only outlier were liberal women, who by an insane margin would unfriend people and not listen to opposing viewpoints. I found this to be very interesting and was going to make a thread on it. Why only liberal women?

My theory is liberal women live in a bubble where they tell themselves how strong and independent they are, but when confronted with opinions they dont like, they find themselves crying like the little girls they are, they can't live outside the bubble, so they mentally shut down and just unfriend everybody instead.

This also matches my observation on JPP. Historically, the vast majority of liberal women on here talked a big game, but when push came to shove they couldn't handle the heat. Weak.
Still single eh Grind?
About as big a moron as posting on JPP.

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i disagree. Oh not that there aren't a lot of morons on JPP but JPP was created for discussing politics. FB was created for social networking and I can think of no better way to screw that up than by discussing politics.
i disagree. Oh not that there aren't a lot of morons on JPP but JPP was created for discussing politics. FB was created for social networking and I can think of no better way to screw that up than by discussing politics.
Take it easy fella, just messing with yer! Actually there is a whole bunch of us on FB that do discuss politics but we have our own groups.

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