Why Can't We Vacation like the French?

Not for laughs it is a function of management figuring required headcount.

Sure it is. And its also for businesses to decide what pay scales are. Government doesn't generate money, private sectors do.

Vacations are not a right, nor are jobs, or incomes. If you expect government to make them such, then Marx is blushing at your compliment.
Why would I need it to be?

Spoken like a true republican ;)

Well, outside of you giving a crap about other americans, there's always the possiblility that you could switch jobs and that vacation time won't carry over to the new job. Or, that your company could crater, you could get laid off, and have to accept a job with less vacation at a crappier company.

That's why nationally mandated employee vacation time would be different.
I get like 30 if you include federal holidays. If I carry over I get an insane amount.

But this is the first company I've worked at that's this generous. My other companies were running analyst sweatshops.
Why is the labor market different from the goods market to you lefties?

Price fixing on the appliance market - Bad, horrible, evil.

Price fixing the labor market - Orgasm, heaven, pot of gold.

Why now?
Why is the labor market different from the goods market to you lefties?

Price fixing on the appliance market - Bad, horrible, evil.

Price fixing the labor market - Orgasm, heaven, pot of gold.

Why now?

Why is the labor market different from the goods market to you lefties?

Because people aren't refrigerators.

We make labor laws and labor protections to promote the interests of people, families, and society in general.

Before Ceasar Chavez, migrant farm workers weren't even allowed bathroom breaks. And they certainly weren't provided portable toilets.

We make labor laws because we're human beings. There are plenty of laws that protect the interest of capital.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -- ABRAHAM LINCOLN
Why is the labor market different from the goods market to you lefties?

Because people aren't refrigerators.

We make labor laws and labor protections to promote the interests of people, families, and society in general.

Before Ceasar Chavez, migrant farm workers weren't even allowed bathroom breaks. And they certainly weren't provided portable toilets.

We make labor laws because we're human beings. There are plenty of laws that protect the interest of capital.

The interests of people? Or political institutions. Are the labor unions really acting at the behest of the interest of people? What about the scabs, the people that cannot get jobs unless they join the union? How are they being protected? How is making the ability of a person to work a certain job contingent on joining a political organization (union) fair?
The interests of people? Or political institutions. Are the labor unions really acting at the behest of the interest of people? What about the scabs, the people that cannot get jobs unless they join the union? How are they being protected? How is making the ability of a person to work a certain job contingent on joining a political organization (union) fair?

Not everything about unions is perfect.

Not everything about capitalism itself, is perfect.

I merely invite you to look at the wealth, stability, and egalitarianism of societies and economies that have strong unions and labor protections, versus those that have no unions or formal labor protections:

Compare and Contrast:

Sweden to Sudan
Netherlands to Pakistan
United States to Congo
Japan to Bangladesh.

Beefy, I think I'm going with the societies that have unions, and strong formal labor protections.
Compare apples to oranges yourself. I don't see the similarity.

I'll agree that capitalism is imperfect, and that it can be unfair. But the one thing that I find sacred about it is the freedom it affords. Now, we can discuss forms of government, and the fact that labor law is what it is, but I'll take capitalism over other economic forms. I prefer my freedom to my vacation time.
With many jobs you can't just pull someone in off the street and say take over this deal flow for three weeks. It doesn't work that way.
Right, that is why you hire a few more than you actually need if everyone is there. People also get sick, have babies, etc.

And depending on the job one too few people can pretty much shut the whole process down.