Why Can't We Vacation like the French?


You are sheltered, aren't you cawacko?

I've worked for one company for eleven years since I graduated. My company offers vacation.

Prior to that I worked everywhere as a part-time employee. I took those jobs because I wanted to work and needed the money. I didn't need vacation.

What full time jobs don't offer vacation?
So a retail employee, or a minimum wage worker in Coos Bay Oregon, should just move to Portland, to find a job with paid vacation? Its their fault if they want to live in Coos Bay?

If their goal is to get more vacation time and it is offered elsewhere then, yes. They can also see if the rest of the workers agree and form a Union to fight for that vacation time.

..."in vacation time". That is an entirely accurate statement.


As I said, the measure from the liberal standpoint is "What can we force others to do with the power of the government." That is not my measure, and likely never will be.

I don't know what you mean by "way ahead". We were talking about vacation. We're way behind.
Vacation time is not what I measure it by. I measure it by the amount of joy I get from advancing my own life by my own choices.

Take a scientific poll of americans. Anytime, anywhere. Americans want more paid time off to spend with their families.

And if they do, they can unionize (as I said long ago it is pert of Capitalism) and work toward that goal all without government enforced fiat.

Your "fix" is IMO worse than the problem. If there is no direct victim, as in this case, the government should not interfere.
"What full time jobs don't offer vacation?"

Let me tell you a little story, Cawacko. This is just one story, about what one of your fellow americans goes through in life:

I knew a gal who was a retail florist. It was a skilled job. She was a good florist. She made about ten dollars an hour.

She had two kids. She was divorced. Dead beat ex-husband. She had to use almost her whole salary for day care, rent, and food. She couldn't even afford to buy clothes from anywhere, except salvation army. She couldn't even afford to buy new DVDs or videos for her kids. She had to buy old, hand-me-down copies of Disney's Lion King, or Alladin. Her company didn't offer health care. Typical for the retail florist industry.

She didn't have any paid time off, or paid vacations. Again, typical for the retail florist industry.

When, her kids got sick, she had to miss work, and lose wages. When she had to take her kids to an appointment, she had to lose wages. She could never take a week off and take her kids to Disneyworld, because it wasn't financially feasible. She would lose a week in wages.

Those kinds of things almost make me cry, Cawacko. That is not family values.

And if any man told her to just "shut up, it's your fault! You could just get another job...or MOVE!", I would probably punch that dude in the face.
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Let me tell you a little story, Cawacko. This is just one story, about what one of your fellow americans goes through in life:

I knew a gal who was a retail florist. It was a skilled job. She was a good florist. She made about ten dollars an hour.

She had two kids. She was divorced. Dead beat dad. She had to use almost her whole salary for day care, rent, and food. She couldn't even afford to buy clothes from anywhere, except salvation army. She couldn't even afford to buy new DVDs or videos for her kids. She had to buy old, hand-me-down copies of Disney's Lion King, or Alladin. Her company didn't offer health care. Typical for the retail florist industry.

She didn't have any paid time off, or paid vacations. Again, typical for the retail florist industry.

When, her kids got sick, she had to miss work, and lose wages. When she had to take her kids to an appointment, she had to lose wages. She could never take a week off and take her kids to Disneyworld, because it wasn't financially feasible. She would lose a week in wages.

Those kinds of things almost make me cry, Cawacko. That is not family values.

And if any man told her to just "shut up, it's your fault! You could just get another job...or MOVE!", I would probably punch that dude in the face.

I feel sorry for that lady and I feel compassion for what she is going through. I also strongly dislike deadbeat dads who father a child and then abanden it and the family.

That still doesn't make me support government mandated vacation. As I said before there are economic consequences to the government mandating such action. That will have a(n) (negative) effect on businesses which I believe would hurt the small businesses most. And what would be worse than this ladies current situation is if she were in it and did not have a job.
I feel sorry for that lady and I feel compassion for what she is going through. I also strongly dislike deadbeat dads who father a child and then abanden it and the family.

That still doesn't make me support government mandated vacation. As I said before there are economic consequences to the government mandating such action. That will have a(n) (negative) effect on businesses which I believe would hurt the small businesses most. And what would be worse than this ladies current situation is if she were in it and did not have a job.

You guys always have so much compassion for small businesses until it comes to legislation in their favor! Like raising the minimum wage of workers, this won't have the impact you believe it would.
You guys always have so much compassion for small businesses until it comes to legislation in their favor! Like raising the minimum wage of workers, this won't have the impact you believe it would.

How does raising the minimum wage help small businesses?
I feel sorry for that lady and I feel compassion for what she is going through. I also strongly dislike deadbeat dads who father a child and then abanden it and the family.

That still doesn't make me support government mandated vacation. As I said before there are economic consequences to the government mandating such action. That will have a(n) (negative) effect on businesses which I believe would hurt the small businesses most. And what would be worse than this ladies current situation is if she were in it and did not have a job.

You automatically jump to the assumption that well-rested workers, who are healthy and mentally refreshed from having adequate healthcare and paid vacation, are going to cost business money.

I contend that well-rested, happy, and healthy employees are more productive for their boss.
You automatically jump to the assumption that well-rested workers, who are healthy and mentally refreshed from having adequate healthcare and paid vacation, are going to cost business money.

I contend that well-rested, happy, and healthy employees are more productive for their boss.

I agree well rested employees would be more productive. I don't believe it is the federal governments job to mandate it. A business owner is only hurting his business if he wears out his employees.
I agree well rested employees would be more productive. I don't believe it is the federal governments job to mandate it. A business owner is only hurting his business if he wears out his employees.

Agreed, which is why most employers do give vacation days, as well as personal and sick days. Granted, a Mc D's may not give many, but then again if that is where someone wishes to spend 20 years, well...
Mandate vacation time has nothing to do with communists or socialists. Every industrial country on the planet, and many large developing countries mandate minimum paid vacation. That's not communism. Have you been reading Lydon Larouche, Ayn Rand, or something?

Lyndon Larouche? Isn't he a socialist? Or something of a supporter of "the American system"?
You automatically jump to the assumption that well-rested workers, who are healthy and mentally refreshed from having adequate healthcare and paid vacation, are going to cost business money.

I contend that well-rested, happy, and healthy employees are more productive for their boss.

Cypress, even you can't believe the shit flying out of your mouth.
How does raising the minimum wage help small businesses?

Better grade of employee. My friend who owns a sandwich shop pays higher on his own and he has very little turn over. His employees love him. He also give paid vacation after they have been there six months.
You automatically jump to the assumption that well-rested workers, who are healthy and mentally refreshed from having adequate healthcare and paid vacation, are going to cost business money.

I contend that well-rested, happy, and healthy employees are more productive for their boss.

I can only speak from my experience and I know that I am.
lol... that would be funny. "Froggie the federal government demands that you not work today and take a vacation."

In my field, i don't get paid for government holidays, so it does affect my small business. When the Feds shut down, I am shut down, too.
Better grade of employee. My friend who owns a sandwich shop pays higher on his own and he has very little turn over. His employees love him. He also give paid vacation after they have been there six months.

Of course that's how it works. The higher the wage you pay the better the employee you get. Hence the racism involved. The higher the wage the more the poor minority get left out i.e. - black and hispanic folk.

So for all those who want a higher minimum wage claiming to be a fan of the lower income or poor folk you should recognize what the real effect is, i.e. - it cost the lowest income folk their job.