Why China will clean our clocks.

you guys are tools
Let me educate you fools yet again

what do you guys think the average income in China is per capita, quickly now.

Our college education system is the best in the world by far, why greed we have the highest paying college graduate salary in the world by 50% to second place.

Greed is good. Who said it?:clink:

But the globalists you worship openly state that the plan is for all standards of living to average out. It's just a matter of time.
Bullshit azzhatdumbass
the goal is to raise all standards of living which our is doing very fast for the college educated.
You uneducated fucks have to compete with Chineese and Indians who work twice as hard as you do for 1/5 the income. lOL
Bullshit azzhatdumbass
the goal is to raise all standards of living which our is doing very fast for the college educated.
You uneducated fucks have to compete with Chineese and Indians who work twice as hard as you do for 1/5 the income. lOL

oh. so the benefits are only for the college educated. I see. Does that seem right to you?

Oh, and let's not forget that the IT field specifically has been targetted for wage reduction in the west. Programmers are college educated. Are they just not worthy of the class based protectionism you middle managers save for youselves?
You catching on grasshopper.

Like Clint Eastwood said "Deserve's got nuthin to do with it"
IBM just laid off a couple thousand more programmers. Zero's and one's yada yada obviously you can teach a monkey that.
Instead of getting a marketable skill you waste away at a shitty job and call the upper class Globalist oppressors. LOFL
Yup that's me, Get back to work Dilbert
You catching on grasshopper.

Like Clint Eastwood said "Deserve's got nuthin to do with it"
IBM just laid off a couple thousand more programmers. Zero's and one's yada yada obviously you can teach a monkey that.
Instead of getting a marketable skill you waste away at a shitty job and call the upper class Globalist oppressors. LOFL
Yup that's me, Get back to work Dilbert

Thanks for being honest about what globalism has to offer:manipulation of immigration or anything else necessary to strategically devalue whoever they wish.

Programming: not a marketable skill. Monkeyworthy.
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You catching on grasshopper.

Like Clint Eastwood said "Deserve's got nuthin to do with it"
IBM just laid off a couple thousand more programmers. Zero's and one's yada yada obviously you can teach a monkey that.
Instead of getting a marketable skill you waste away at a shitty job and call the upper class Globalist oppressors. LOFL
Yup that's me, Get back to work Dilbert

Top you have got to be the biggest prick on this board, in many ways.
Yeah Top, everybody's jealous of you.

Everybody wants to be a mean-spirited, elitist prick. I feel sorry for you most of the time. You must be the most insecure person in every room you enter. And I'd wager you've brightened more than one room by leaving it.
But the globalists you worship openly state that the plan is for all standards of living to average out. It's just a matter of time.

It's impossible for all standards of living to average out. It's possible for everyone nation in the worlds standard of living to be much more closer to our current standard is now, but that wouldn't affect us.
azzhat covington, la
come on down and I'll call you a computer dork to your face!!!
Duhla, your continus whinning is comical:clink:
Technology Firm Executives Say Immigration Barriers Hurt America

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

By Donald Snyder

The United States has an immigration problem — it needs more immigrants, say technology firm executives.

The national immigration debate has focused primarily on the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States and how to define their status once they cross America’s porous borders.

But a less discussed aspect of immigration — how to supply American corporations with the qualified professionals necessary to maintain our global lead in technology — has equally important implications for the United States economy.

The number of American college graduates with advanced degrees in science and math has not kept pace with demand, forcing companies like Microsoft and Google to hire foreigners. And technology firm executives say they can’t bring in enough highly educated immigrants to fill the specialized jobs in computer sciences, mathematics and engineering for which they are in high demand.

Too darn many MBA's not enough techies...

Technology Firm Executives Say Immigration Barriers Hurt America

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

By Donald Snyder

The United States has an immigration problem — it needs more immigrants, say technology firm executives.

The national immigration debate has focused primarily on the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States and how to define their status once they cross America’s porous borders.

But a less discussed aspect of immigration — how to supply American corporations with the qualified professionals necessary to maintain our global lead in technology — has equally important implications for the United States economy.

The number of American college graduates with advanced degrees in science and math has not kept pace with demand, forcing companies like Microsoft and Google to hire foreigners. And technology firm executives say they can’t bring in enough highly educated immigrants to fill the specialized jobs in computer sciences, mathematics and engineering for which they are in high demand.

Too darn many MBA's not enough techies...


They just don't want to pay them. let the salaries rise until enough native talent is sucked in, instead of glutting the workforce with foreigners and driving wages down. These executives like work visa workers who they can treat like crap. That's the actual truth of the matter.

Don't you think you should question yourself when your on bush's side?
They just don't want to pay them. let the salaries rise until enough native talent is sucked in, instead of glutting the workforce with foreigners and driving wages down. These executives like work visa workers who they can treat like crap. That's the actual truth of the matter.

Don't you think you should question yourself when your on bush's side?
You assume that there are enough qualified Americans available. In many industries, there simply aren't.
You assume that there are enough qualified Americans available. In many industries, there simply aren't.

why I put that article in there. We are not properly educating our young for a place in the american life.
Hence the imports, both materials and people will clean our clocks.
The solution is to develop extra incentives to get people to go into the field, not import scabs they can mistreat.

welfare to get people to learn and work ???

Wow, what a liberal. And you want the govt to fix this for ya ? And will not even take the step of not buying chinese stuff on your own ?
You are a liberal fer sure. One of those rush speaks of.
why I put that article in there. We are not properly educating our young for a place in the american life.
Hence the imports, both materials and people will clean our clocks.

And we need to reverse the entire trend, not simply accept the easy solution we've been manipulated into accepting.