Why China will clean our clocks.

right the easy soloution of keeping buying Chinese stuff...
That is the Bush way not mine. but it is yours.

Bush's way is presenting the situation as if it's a foregone conclusion, and the trend cannot be reversed. that's your way as well. We banned ivory, and boycotted south america,. We should do something like this with china. And reform our education system so we can stop dumbing down america.

What does bush do? Introduces no child left behind, which is a fantasyland "make it so" proclamation from a ignorant dictator, which forces schools to dumb everything down.
Agreed bush has been a Nero type fiddling with Rove's ...err never mind.
I agree, work to reverse the trend. the first thing to do as a consumer is to stop buying Chinese stuff.
Or do you want to have the govt MAKE you stop buying Chinese stuff so you can whine about that too ?
Agreed bush has been a Nero type fiddling with Rove's ...err never mind.
I agree, work to reverse the trend. the first thing to do as a consumer is to stop buying Chinese stuff.
Or do you want to have the govt MAKE you stop buying Chinese stuff so you can whine about that too ?

I would prefer a government ban on slave goods, yes. I WANT that, I wouldn't whine. But this is not really tied to the education issue. We should improve education instead of admitting defeat and outsourcing our future.
The solution is to develop extra incentives to get people to go into the field, not import scabs they can mistreat.
That's a very long term solution: it would take several years, at best, to really bear fruit. It doesn't address the problem companies face today.

Look, I compete directly with these guys. They're often very good. It would be to my interest indeed to see the number of visas cutback dramatically. I just don't think it's practical right now. All you'll do is to drive companies out of the U.S. entirely.

Too damned many useless MBA types and too few engineers coming out of U.S. colleges. Therein lies the problem.
Too damned many useless MBA types and too few engineers coming out of U.S. colleges. Therein lies the problem.

MBA's are about the highest paid degree's for dimwhits.
do a little research that education is worth the expense:clink:
Mostly your paid to sell out your fellow man.

Umm you don't know that he works for big oil then did you ?
At the risk of encouraging them as shouldn't be -- :rolleyes: -- I will say that one of the things that has to happen is for wages to rise in the technical professions. Getting any sort of engineering degree is hard work. When a far easier degree in business leads to jobs that pay more . . . well, in the words of Adam Savage, there's your problem.

We could probably cut back on visas but can't take an axe to the number allowed. Not when it's so easy for companies to simply open an office in Mumbai or Bangalore or Singapore.
MBA's are about the highest paid degree's for dimwhits.
do a little research that education is worth the expense:clink:
I suppose this is somewhat of a retort to my post. All I will say is, you don't know me if you think I don't value education or know what education is worth. Trust me when I tell you, I can whip out an MBA (from any program) without breaking a sweat.

Ornot knows my credentials and he's probably chuckling right now. Dude, do I lie?
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you penis envy jackasses are funny as shit.
I could whip out and mba, but I'd rather this suckass job that pays a third.

Engineering degrees are hard, so is gymnastics

MBA''s pay more than both.
Though we start engineers at 90,000 plus signing bonus:clink: