Why current conservatism is NOT good for you.

"The people" is codeword for that they're commies. You know, like "The Peoples' Republic" of China; Which is NOT a republic by any classic

definition. They are the first and foremost commies in the world today, even.

"The people", "Workers" - Karl Marx

Karl Marx never did a day of honest work in his life, that POS.

You've got to be drunk because you can't be this stupid!

Here's a homework assignment for you; "WE THE PEOPLE...." find out what American document is started by this phrase. Thank you.
You are blind.

No, he's a a piss poor MAGA troll who's getting paid to keep a discussion going at any cost. Facts & logic mean nothing to him..it's all about getting a response, thus getting attention. One of the reasons why I have the little fool on "ignore"....it saves time and space.
The Leftist neo marxist WOKE Revolution which runs America is burning it to the ground on purpose so that UTOPIA can arise from the ashes.....they are a much bigger problem than COnservatives.....who's main sin is incompetence and impotence.


:whome: Just waiting for you to logically and factually try to refute and disprove the points put forth in the OP.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Just waiting for you to logically and factually try to refute and disprove the points put forth in the OP.

The fact is that Conservatives are not the abusers in this story, they are the ones who failed to protect America from these abusers.

I didn't ask for a sample of the smoke you're blowing up your compadre's butts. I asked for you to logically and factually refute the POINTS put forth in the OP. Hell, I'd settle for you having the cojones to address just one. Use valid, documented sources, NOT more of your mental flatulence.

Quit stalling and get cracking. If you can't do it, then you're done.
I didn't ask for a sample of the smoke you're blowing up your compadre's butts. I asked for you to logically and factually refute the POINTS put forth in the OP. Hell, I'd settle for you having the cojones to address just one. Use valid, documented sources, NOT more of your mental flatulence.

Quit stalling and get cracking. If you can't do it, then you're done.

You are very full of yourself I see.....
1. What is your problem, since "leftists" and "liberals" a just different names with the same basic political/social ideology? What you are trying to do is redefine are terminologies already used....it's called left or right of center, or sometimes "moderate" or "hard" are used as adjectives. Seems you are in a constant struggle to place what you think are demeaning labels of those you are opposed to.

2. Once again, you keep pushing your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. You can't deal with the simple truth derived from the FACTS the OP puts forth, so you go off babbling this blather.

3. See #2. And given the historical FACT of the efforts of the Shrub and the Orange Oaf to centralize decision power to the executive branch, you're blathering is just a collection of tired old cliches that essentially lost the GOP elections to Obama and Biden.

4. A moot point.

5. It's only complexed to YOU because those deals happened under GOP administrations & congressional majority. And once again, you push your opinion, supposition and conjecture as logical fact. In addition to owning businesses & real estate foreign companies can and are trucking along doing all types of commerce with the USA WITHOUT making the aforementioned ownership as part of the deal. Also, your "2 wrongs does make a right" attitude doesn't fly here...Texaco sold in part to Shell in 2002, now the Arabs own the whole thing. Note that we have no beef with Shell, but our gov't (no matter which party is in control) has problems with Saudi's free funding of religious sects prone to fundamentalist jihad (i.e., 9-11). In any event, partnership is one thing, complete ownership is a whole other smoke...just ask any stock holder on Wall St.

6. Nice try, but this moot assessment does NOT CHANGE THE FACTS REGARDING THE OP ONE IOTA. You just don't like how the pendulum swings.

leftists are totalitarian marxists who hate the constitution.

donald trump is a liberal.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I was hoping none of you commietards would figure that one out. However, do note the Founding Fathers included themselves in "We The People"

and didn't just refer to them in an abstract manner.
Oh wow, who knew?! Do these globalists have like a bible or something, a manual where you can find out more? Do they have churches and meetings and stuff? Does it cost to join?


Actually yes:

It's called U.N. Agenda 21


Their meetings are Bilderberg, G7, Climate conferences, Event 201.

These are some unAmerican motherfuckers, and they have infested world governments, including the United States with their representatives at every

level, from bottom to top where allowed. And there has been wayyy too much allowing.

Google ICLEI. Coming soon to your neighborhood to usurp representation of you and your neighbors.

They wholly own the Democrats and partially own the Republicans too.
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Actually yes:

It's called U.N. Agenda 21


Their meetings are Bilderberg, G7, Climate conferences, Event 201.

These are some unAmerican motherfuckers, and they have infested world governments, including the United States with their representatives at every

level, from bottom to top where allowed. And there has been wayyy too much allowing.

Google ICLEI. Coming soon to your neighborhood to usurp representation of you and your neighbors.

They wholly own the Democrats and partially own the Republicans too.

I am puzzled as to why you believe that a global organization, like the UN or the G7, should cater to America rather than represent all the member nations. Of course it's "un-American." It's INTERNATIONNAL. :rolleyes:

What you nationalists want, of course, is isolationism. That's never going to happen, ever again. As a world leader, America is part and parcel of the world's commerce, economics, science, the arts, medicine, technology. Why would anyone want to change that?
I am puzzled as to why you believe that a global organization, like the UN or the G7, should cater to America rather than represent all the member nations. Of course it's "un-American." It's INTERNATIONNAL. :rolleyes:

What you nationalists want, of course, is isolationism. That's never going to happen, ever again. As a world leader, America is part and parcel of the world's commerce, economics, science, the arts, medicine, technology. Why would anyone want to change that?

Why would anyone condone an international organization usurping their local and organic representation?




ICLEI poisons Democracy, the real Democracy in America. They hijack it with their UN-sympathetic people.

Let's be real: Local elections are actually true democracy.

These ICLEI people don't care about you, they are there to push the UN's agenda.
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Why would anyone condone an international organization usurping their local and organic representation?




ICLEI poisons Democracy, the real Democracy in America. They hijack it with their UN-sympathetic people.

Let's be real: Local elections are actually true democracy.

These ICLEI people don't care about you, they are there to push the UN's agenda.

Good gods. So tell us -- in what way have you, personally, been harmed by the U.S.'s membership in *any* international organization? In what way have you been harmed by global trade with other nations?
Good gods. So tell us -- in what way have you, personally, been harmed by the U.S.'s membership in *any* international organization? In what way have you been harmed by global trade with other nations?

You are not getting the point whatsoever. I have been harmed by ICLEI shill policies instituted by my City Council; OK?

You obviously did not read anything I linked. It's not about the U.S.'s membership in the UN, it's about the UN sending people to fuck Americans over in local elections. DAMN!


And yes, they do that.

Here's where they have people planted:


Places where they have influence. All those green dots are where they have their shills planted.

ICLEI=THE EnviroNazis. They have to oust actual local politicians in order to achieve their goals, though.

If I can open your eyes to how bad it is, I'd consider that a large boon.

It's really about attacking Democracy and instituting tyranny under the guise of "saving the planet".

From the link: "Local governments are the first responders to the social and environmental challenges facing our communities. "

They're in Canada even more.

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Only a liberal would think that a comedian's opinion is a fact. :rofl2:

1 quote used as a simplistic example of how & why the current GOP is screwing dolts like you into the ground, and you can't even handle that.

Like your compadre Hawkeye, you can't logically or factually disprove or contradict one of the major points put forth in the OP. So instead you'll run like a MAGA cockroach down any corner to avoid admitting such.

Carry on, chump....you're a perfect example of why Trump can use you and wipe his feet on you at the same time.