Why current conservatism is NOT good for you.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I didn't ask for a sample of the smoke you're blowing up your compadre's butts. I asked for you to logically and factually refute the POINTS put forth in the OP. Hell, I'd settle for you having the cojones to address just one. Use valid, documented sources, NOT more of your mental flatulence.

Quit stalling and get cracking. If you can't do it, then you're done.

You are very full of yourself I see.....

translation: Another MAGA minion who can't logically or factually refute a simple truism regarding his political party.

You're done, chump.
Shockingly enough I dont have a lot of use for tyrants.

Yet you'd jump at the chance to publicly kiss Trump's foot.

You're just another MAGA minion who can't logically or factually refute a simple truism regarding his political party.

You're done, chump.
I was hoping none of you commietards would figure that one out. However, do note the Founding Fathers included themselves in "We The People"

and didn't just refer to them in an abstract manner.

Once again, you need to sober up before your fingers hit the keys. How do you think this moot point of yours changes anything? What point in the OP can you logically and/or factually refute?

Get back to us before you tipple your first of the day. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Hawkeye10 View Post
You are very full of yourself I see.....

I see that too; And once the little bitch's points are owned, he puts the one who did it on ignore because he can't take it on account of being a true


Your version of reality is truly pathetic, Matty. Try seeing life without the booze.

This is a printed medium, so all people have to do is read past exchanges to see your pathetic revisionism. I've put clowns/trolls like you on the ignore list for a month or so when you've been reduced to babbling buffoons or stubbornly repetitive children. Interesting how you all constantly follow my threads & posts with responses or commentary. Note I rarely act likewise, because let's face it....you've seldom got anything intellectually stimulating or worthwhile to respond to.

Case in point, this thread. To date, neither you or the usual MAGA peanut gallery have given a fact base, logical and rational refutation of the points put forth in the OP. Circle jerking and bitching about me is no substitute.

Get it together, Matty. Its not to late.
Actually yes:

It's called U.N. Agenda 21


Their meetings are Bilderberg, G7, Climate conferences, Event 201.

These are some unAmerican motherfuckers, and they have infested world governments, including the United States with their representatives at every

level, from bottom to top where allowed. And there has been wayyy too much allowing.

Google ICLEI. Coming soon to your neighborhood to usurp representation of you and your neighbors.

They wholly own the Democrats and partially own the Republicans too.

Amazing how the willfully ignorant can find skewed clap trap sources to make themselves feel comfortable.

Here's a homework assignment for you when you sober up, Matty; put on your socks & shoes, toddle down to the library and research the Potsdam Conference in 1945. That's a start.

Meanwhile, any fact based argument against the OP? We'll wait.
Why would anyone condone an international organization usurping their local and organic representation?




ICLEI poisons Democracy, the real Democracy in America. They hijack it with their UN-sympathetic people.

Let's be real: Local elections are actually true democracy.

These ICLEI people don't care about you, they are there to push the UN's agenda.

Um, Matty? Why weren't you screaming bloody murder when Reagan, the Bush family and Trump were all pushing to treat corporations like people who OUTSOURCE American jobs? Just curious, given your little tirade here.
You are not getting the point whatsoever. I have been harmed by ICLEI shill policies instituted by my City Council; OK?

You obviously did not read anything I linked. It's not about the U.S.'s membership in the UN, it's about the UN sending people to fuck Americans over in local elections. DAMN!


And yes, they do that.

Here's where they have people planted:


Places where they have influence. All those green dots are where they have their shills planted.

ICLEI=THE EnviroNazis. They have to oust actual local politicians in order to achieve their goals, though.

If I can open your eyes to how bad it is, I'd consider that a large boon.

It's really about attacking Democracy and instituting tyranny under the guise of "saving the planet".

From the link: "Local governments are the first responders to the social and environmental challenges facing our communities. "

They're in Canada even more.


Spare us all this MAGA mush, Matty...answer the fucking question.


And can you logically or factually disprove what the OP says?
Once again, you need to sober up before your fingers hit the keys. How do you think this moot point of yours changes anything? What point in the OP can you logically and/or factually refute?

Get back to us before you tipple your first of the day. Thanks.

What, some video of a literal commie faggot railing against conservatism? Go Fuck Yourself with that.

Since you're the OP; Why don't you lay out the key points he made that you so espouse, motherfucker?

Or are you that poofter in the video?
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Spare us all this MAGA mush, Matty...answer the fucking question.


And can you logically or factually disprove what the OP says?

Can you type what the OP says? All you did is post a video with a ranting faggot.
Um, Matty? Why weren't you screaming bloody murder when Reagan, the Bush family and Trump were all pushing to treat corporations like people who OUTSOURCE American jobs? Just curious, given your little tirade here.

I was. With Reagan the 3 million illegal amnesty deal was in exchange for a promise (from Congress) of the border being secured and IT STILL ISN'T. The funding for a wall has been raised and looted 3x by

Congress since. NAFTA was a terrible deal written by globalist H.W. Bush, and it didn't go into effect until Clinton signed it during the lame duck period of his 2nd term in office.
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1 quote used as a simplistic example of how & why the current GOP is screwing dolts like you into the ground, and you can't even handle that.

Like your compadre Hawkeye, you can't logically or factually disprove or contradict one of the major points put forth in the OP. So instead you'll run like a MAGA cockroach down any corner to avoid admitting such.

Carry on, chump....you're a perfect example of why Trump can use you and wipe his feet on you at the same time.

No, you used a common narrative, a definition of conservatives by liberals, then ax'd conservatives to defend that.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Once again, you need to sober up before your fingers hit the keys. How do you think this moot point of yours changes anything? What point in the OP can you logically and/or factually refute?

Get back to us before you tipple your first of the day. Thanks.

What, some video of a literal commie faggot railing against conservatism? Go Fuck Yourself with that.

Since you're the OP; Why don't you lay out the key points he made that you so espouse, motherfucker?

Or are you that poofter in the video?

Poor Matty, and intellectually impotent bigot who can't sober up long enough to watch/listen to a video when he forgets what he initially saw....yet here he is bitching and moaning because he can't logically or factually refute it's contents.

Quit stalling, Matty. You've got time and effort to post your smoke blowing bilge but you can't tell the reading audience the content of what you're complaining about? That's just BS on your part Matty. GTFU and debate like an adult. If you can't, don't waste our time.

And see a therapist with this gay sex obsession of yours. Not everyone who proves you wrong or tells you truths you don't want to hear is gay, you know.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Spare us all this MAGA mush, Matty...answer the fucking question.


And can you logically or factually disprove what the OP says?

Can you type what the OP says? All you did is post a video with a ranting faggot.

Quit stalling, you no good sheet wearing drunk. If you can't retain what you see and hear in a less than 5 minute video, then that should tell you to sober up for a day or so before you start typing. And if you're too cowardly to watch the video, then grow a pair and answer the fucking question.

Also, see a therapist about this gay obsession of yours.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Um, Matty? Why weren't you screaming bloody murder when Reagan, the Bush family and Trump were all pushing to treat corporations like people who OUTSOURCE American jobs? Just curious, given your little tirade here.

I was. With Reagan the 3 million illegal amnesty deal was in exchange for a promise (from Congress) of the border being secured and IT STILL ISN'T. The funding for a wall has been raised and looted 3x by

Congress since. NAFTA was a terrible deal written by globalist H.W. Bush, and it didn't go into effect until Clinton signed it during the lame duck period of his 2nd term in office.

So let us get this straight....you're a MAGA minion, but you were against H.W. Bush, but you supported G.W. Bush, you supported Reagan's "trickle down economics" but blame him for your error ridden obsession with illegal aliens.

Hmm, seems you're just a lying , bigoted MAGA drunk ranting as usual. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1 quote used as a simplistic example of how & why the current GOP is screwing dolts like you into the ground, and you can't even handle that.

Like your compadre Hawkeye, you can't logically or factually disprove or contradict one of the major points put forth in the OP. So instead you'll run like a MAGA cockroach down any corner to avoid admitting such.

Carry on, chump....you're a perfect example of why Trump can use you and wipe his feet on you at the same time.

No, you used a common narrative, a definition of conservatives by liberals, then ax'd conservatives to defend that.

No stupid, I used a common FACT BASED observation(s) that "conservatives" NEVER honestly and directly address....as you do here.

My previous assessment of you stands proven by this latest stall/dodge tactic of yours. You fool no one but yourself and the clods you circle jerk with on this site. Carry on, chump.
Poor Matty, and intellectually impotent bigot who can't sober up long enough to watch/listen to a video when he forgets what he initially saw....yet here he is bitching and moaning because he can't logically or factually refute it's contents.

Quit stalling, Matty. You've got time and effort to post your smoke blowing bilge but you can't tell the reading audience the content of what you're complaining about? That's just BS on your part Matty. GTFU and debate like an adult. If you can't, don't waste our time.

And see a therapist with this gay sex obsession of yours. Not everyone who proves you wrong or tells you truths you don't want to hear is gay, you know.

Yeah, you have time to sling a paragraph of ah-homs but not time or intellect enough to make a salient point. Fuck off, hoser! :laugh:

Your OP would get sent to the dungeon or closed at bigger sites for no personal input and failure to make any kind of assertion whatsoever.

See if you can type out the salient points the ranting commie faggot in your video made that you wish to debate on.

If you can't; I win by default! :laugh:

That's how it works, boy.
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Yeah, you have time to sling a paragraph of ah-homs but not time or intellect enough to make a salient point. Fuck off, hoser! :laugh:

Your OP would get sent to the dungeon or closed at bigger sites for no personal input and failure to make any kind of assertion whatsoever.

See if you can type out the salient points the ranting commie faggot in your video made that you wish to debate on.

If you can't; I win by default! :laugh:

That's how it works, boy.

Umm, Matty? The POINT was the OP....you know, the thing that burns your alcohol soaked flabby ass because you can't logically or factually disprove the content thereof? So far, you've just blown smoke every which way you can. But if you're truly this ignorant and can't understand what has transpired, get a nearby adult to explain it to you. Moronic retorts like you're doing doesn't cut it. Put up or shut up.
So now it's your opinion that is supposedly fact. My gosh you are dumb.

So you're full of it as usual, because for over 48 hours neither you or your brethren can logically or factually refute the point put forth in the OP. Instead, you waste time and effort blowing smoke like you do here. Gosh, you've got to be dumb if you think you're fooling anyone beyond the man in the mirror and the clods you circle jerk with.

Put up or shut up, toodles. What PRECISELY do you find not true in the OP video? Can you logically disprove it? We'll wait.