Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So you're full of it as usual, because for over 48 hours neither you or your brethren can logically or factually refute the point put forth in the OP.
I did in my first post. You have been pwned, as usual.
Posts number 87, 97 and 172.
All you've done is just display mental flatulence and then tell the drunk you see in the mirror that it's brilliant. There were two major points the OP video subject stated that contain FACTS neither you or your brethren can disprove. You blow all types of smoke to try and hide that fact, but the chronology of the posts will always be your undoing. Now, repeat your BS, throw out some childish attempt at insult and run-a-long.
Oh, and by the way...you gave your Ultra Maga sock puppet. Carry on.