Why current conservatism is NOT good for you.

They were trying to subvert the Constitution. Congress was following constitutional procedures.

Capital Hill is a good place to carry out a demonstration but not for a violent attack that vandalized our Capitol and assaulted and injured 140 police officers.

Proof 140 police officers were injured-?
translation: not being able to fault the OP, our MAGA Celticguy fabricates an accusation to deflect from that fact. Typical Trump tactic that has culminated in his current dilemma.

Obama sold the public down the river re RX, is he liberal or conservative ?

What happens if the Saudis play games with water ? We just take it. What are they going to do, sue us ?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: not being able to fault the OP, our MAGA Celticguy fabricates an accusation to deflect from that fact. Typical Trump tactic that has culminated in his current dilemma.

Obama sold the public down the river re RX, is he liberal or conservative ?

What happens if the Saudis play games with water ? We just take it. What are they going to do, sue us ?

"But, but, but Obama....." Puh-leeze! How is getting millions of more folk (you must be employed for the ACA) access to healthcare selling them down the river?
Ask your conservative business and gov't buddies about selling the Saudi's water rights. By the time the legal moves to "ownership" get's through, our rates will be raised. Again, thank fools like you who consistently vote in the creeps who shaft us.
So you say. How about some proof?

Wasn't I arguing about how leftists change the meaning of words every year so a new dictionary is necessary every year just yesterday?

How about fuck off with that. I'll use words in the classic manner in which they have been and you have zero authority to assign new definitions to words.

My main dictionary is World Book from 1958. I do have some older Webster's too.

If you want the real definition of words, I'm going to recommend this:


An example of a definition:


I'm referring to Asshat, you simpleton. He's rift with his own definitions and neologisms, as others point out on this thread.

You're a drunken MAGA moron, so I have you mostly on ignore. But since I created this thread, I was curious what you were blathering about.

I don't give a damn about your dictionary antics....if you can't refute, disprove or agree with the OP, then you're a waste of space here.
Now you're just lying, commie faggot.

You can try your sophistry bullshit all you want; But in the end, you're a lying little commie faggot.

So one drunken MAGA troll sticks up for the other one. That and a metro card will get you on the bus.

When you start with this "little commie faggot" babble, it's a clear indicator that you're drunk and frustrated. The OP stands. Go sober up, Matty.
Here are some simple, easily researched and verified FACTS that should convince even the most ardent MAGA/Trump/GOP supporter that the current version of conservatism does NOT bode well for Americans. Kudos to this guy:

Actually, dude is wrong on several counts.

First, he says the difference between Leftists (yes, he uses "Liberals" but he means Leftists) and Conservatives is the Left cares about people while Conservatives care about property and profits. This patently untrue and wrong.

The Left only cares about people in the abstract. What they really care about is Power. That is, they want to control everything. They want to control people because they think they know better how to run someone's life than that person does. This is a necessity in order to make things like Socialism or Communism work. They have to force altruism on society.
They don't care about you, or me. They care that in their delusion we are "equal." That's in the literal, physical sense. The Left wants to level the playing field by handicapping the successful and giving to the incompetent such that everyone gets the same share of 'stuff.'
So, in a sense, the Left is extremely sensitive to property and profit making sure everyone gets exactly the same amount of 'stuff.'

Conservatives--or the Right--doesn't care about property and profit. Instead, they care about the Individual. They see a system where everyone has an opportunity to succeed or fail on their individual merits. There is no 'Rob Peter to pay Paul,' in that. How much stuff you have depends on you, not some central power grabbing from some to give to others.

Both--more or less--have values that say violence and crime are wrong, with some differences in what constitutes a crime.

He mentions the Saudis buying land in Arizona. This is more complex than he makes it out to be. Like the Chinese, the Saudis have bought a lot of private property in the state. They've also gotten some leased land from the state. This can't be just dumped on the state and a Conservative government. Rather, the Saudis--like the Chinese--take advantage of US land laws and are profiting from it.
I suppose the US could do what say, Mexico does and make it illegal for foreigners to own land. The problem with that is no foreigner is willing to invest into anything that has fixed, immovable, infrastructure. That is, there is no way a foreign company would buy say an oil refinery in Mexico because the risk of losing it on a whim of the government is far too great. As for the Saudi owned refinery in Port Authur Texas, this was owned 50 - 50 by Aramco and Royal Dutch Shell until the Dutch pulled out of the picture. So, I don't know what he's bitching about here as this refinery was owned by foreign businesses long before the Saudi's (Aramco) took full control.

Certainly, the Democrats have made little effort to stop foreign investment in such things in the US as have the Republicans. So, blaming conservatives is hardly accurate here as both ends of the political spectrum allow it.
Actually, dude is wrong on several counts.

First, he says the difference between Leftists (yes, he uses "Liberals" but he means Leftists) and Conservatives is the Left cares about people while Conservatives care about property and profits. This patently untrue and wrong.

The Left only cares about people in the abstract. What they really care about is Power. That is, they want to control everything. They want to control people because they think they know better how to run someone's life than that person does. This is a necessity in order to make things like Socialism or Communism work. They have to force altruism on society.
They don't care about you, or me. They care that in their delusion we are "equal." That's in the literal, physical sense. The Left wants to level the playing field by handicapping the successful and giving to the incompetent such that everyone gets the same share of 'stuff.'
So, in a sense, the Left is extremely sensitive to property and profit making sure everyone gets exactly the same amount of 'stuff.'

Conservatives--or the Right--doesn't care about property and profit. Instead, they care about the Individual. They see a system where everyone has an opportunity to succeed or fail on their individual merits. There is no 'Rob Peter to pay Paul,' in that. How much stuff you have depends on you, not some central power grabbing from some to give to others.

Both--more or less--have values that say violence and crime are wrong, with some differences in what constitutes a crime.

He mentions the Saudis buying land in Arizona. This is more complex than he makes it out to be. Like the Chinese, the Saudis have bought a lot of private property in the state. They've also gotten some leased land from the state. This can't be just dumped on the state and a Conservative government. Rather, the Saudis--like the Chinese--take advantage of US land laws and are profiting from it.
I suppose the US could do what say, Mexico does and make it illegal for foreigners to own land. The problem with that is no foreigner is willing to invest into anything that has fixed, immovable, infrastructure. That is, there is no way a foreign company would buy say an oil refinery in Mexico because the risk of losing it on a whim of the government is far too great. As for the Saudi owned refinery in Port Authur Texas, this was owned 50 - 50 by Aramco and Royal Dutch Shell until the Dutch pulled out of the picture. So, I don't know what he's bitching about here as this refinery was owned by foreign businesses long before the Saudi's (Aramco) took full control.

Certainly, the Democrats have made little effort to stop foreign investment in such things in the US as have the Republicans. So, blaming conservatives is hardly accurate here as both ends of the political spectrum allow it.

Taichiliberal has zero interest in telling the truth.
Ironic, now they want to "preserve the Constitution," yet back anything Trump says or does that shits on the Constitution, and what the hell is "Old America?"

Making fun of people that want to preserve the document YOU want to discard won't work dude.
You obviously have never read the thing.

Discard of history.
No warrant was politicalized,
and please, spare us the talk radio rhetoric.
Not used.
If you are referring to Pennsylvania,
He wasn't.
even the SCOTUS confirmed none of that happened,
None of what happened?
impeachment wasn't political,
Yes it was.
and I can't think of anyone who ever stacked the SCOTUS or abolished the electoral college,
The Democrats want to abolish the electoral college. Democrats also want to pack the court with additional judges.
again, talk radio rhetoric
On the other hand though, actual examples, several from Conservative sources, and none of them even include attempting to stop Congress from executing its Constitutional responsibilities on January 6th
Congress has no authority to choose the electors for any State.
Quoting Fake News won't help you.
Typical MAGA moron....ignores everything else because the man quoted Carlin to make a point.

Laugh, clown, laugh!

I ignore it because it is a narrative. You take something that a comedian claims is fact, then ax me to defend it. Zero logic and epic thread fail. :rofl2: