Why do conservatives still focus on abortion as a major issue?


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I am not trying to troll here, I ask this question from a strategic point of view.

Abortion has been around for more than 50 years now.

To me it's kinda like the gun debate, banning abortion, like guns, is simply not going to happen.

It's a complete losing battle. I think the numbers for supporting abortions are astronomically high.

You can be as principled as you want on a moral level, but tactically it's completely useless. It's such an outdated political topic. Very 90's.

Take solace in the fact that it's mostly liberals offing future soyboys and blue haired women.
When I hear people argue about abortion my reaction is like "*sigggggh* again? what is this, fucking 1997? jesus christ"
Partial birth abortions aren't even allowed unless in case of life of mother. 90%+ of abortions are just little balls of cells and blastocysts.

A poor prole taker single mom hoe is in no condition to raise a future money grabbing waste of air. Count your blessings.
It's a tool they use to whip up the base, they use it like chum for their bottom feeders

Exactly. My very Xtian sister-in-law voted for Trump solely on that issue, believing that if he could appoint a conservative forced-birth justice to the SCt, abortion would then somehow magically be made illegal again. When I pointed out that in the past Trump stated that he was pro-choice, she was aware of that, but has bought into the idea that God laid his/her hand on the Orange Waffle and led him to The Light.
It is about the only conceivable way these crooks can persuade the self-righteous pretend 'Christians' to vote for their nonsense without giving up the pretence that brings in business. I keep telling the buggers that the most evil thing anyone can do is to force unwanted children to be born into this vomitous hell of a system.
I am not trying to troll here, I ask this question from a strategic point of view.

Abortion has been around for more than 50 years now.

To me it's kinda like the gun debate, banning abortion, like guns, is simply not going to happen.

It's a complete losing battle. I think the numbers for supporting abortions are astronomically high.

You can be as principled as you want on a moral level, but tactically it's completely useless. It's such an outdated political topic. Very 90's.

Take solace in the fact that it's mostly liberals offing future soyboys and blue haired women.

Red Herrings are never a failed tactic in politics. Both sides have them. They don't want the victory. They want the issue dividing people.
Exactly. My very Xtian sister-in-law voted for Trump solely on that issue, believing that if he could appoint a conservative forced-birth justice to the SCt, abortion would then somehow magically be made illegal again. When I pointed out that in the past Trump stated that he was pro-choice, she was aware of that, but has bought into the idea that God laid his/her hand on the Orange Waffle and led him to The Light.

So nice to see you brag about the disdain you have for your sister. Yo mama must be proud
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
Exactly. My very Xtian sister-in-law voted for Trump solely on that issue, believing that if he could appoint a conservative forced-birth justice to the SCt, abortion would then somehow magically be made illegal again. When I pointed out that in the past Trump stated that he was pro-choice, she was aware of that, but has bought into the idea that God laid his/her hand on the Orange Waffle and led him to The Light.
and he appointed a conservative justice.......I'm glad and your sister in law I'm sure is glad.......that he did what we voted him to do.......couple more and maybe that abomination can be overturned........by the way, judicial decisions are not magic.......
It is about the only conceivable way these crooks can persuade the self-righteous pretend 'Christians' to vote for their nonsense without giving up the pretence that brings in business. I keep telling the buggers that the most evil thing anyone can do is to force unwanted children to be born into this vomitous hell of a system.

Yes. I would have far more sympathy for their position if they were also as adamant in support of programs to feed, clothe, house, and educate those children forced to come into the world. But they are not. "Let those women be responsible," "It's not society's job to raise your kids," "If they can't afford them they shouldn't have them," etc.
It is about the only conceivable way these crooks can persuade the self-righteous pretend 'Christians' to vote for their nonsense without giving up the pretence that brings in business. I keep telling the buggers that the most evil thing anyone can do is to force unwanted children to be born into this vomitous hell of a system.

don't pretend demmycrats don't campaign on protecting the right to kill the unborn.......
First of all, Conservatives don't give a FUCK about Children, their Policies have proven that fact over and over again.

... and if you're a Brown Child, you're less than Human.
Because murder is wrong

It was interesting, on a BBC programme I heard last night, that a study of sixteen men on death row showed fourteen of them to have been abused as children. Abortion is murder under no law known to man, murder, since the foetuses could not survive on their own. To force unwanted children to be born into this horror is very, very wicked, as you know.