Why do conservatives still focus on abortion as a major issue?

You can criminalize abortion, but you cannot stop it. Abortion was going on it Roman times. Not new at all. When it was illegal in the US, girls of means went on vacation to a country that allowed it and came back 5 lbs 8 ozs lighter. The rest of us were forced into back alley or self induced abortions. It was dangerous and young girls died , were damaged or were robbed. Desperate girls paid for abortions by people who were not qualified and often it was a mess. But they still went for them.

Abortion was always on teens minds during those times. But it did not stop teen sex.

Want to cut abortion, then back easily obtained contraception and sex education. Religious beliefs cause abortions. Just say no, never works. Because no is not said.
Another unbeliever who will face God's wrath.
easily obtained conteraception?.......you can get a condom at any truck stop restroom for a buck....and would you care to explain why you were hanging around in alleys killing children, you sickfuck?......
Your assholery gets worse all the time PP. You are aTruth Deflector quality now.
Yeah? Tell that same bilge to inner city BLACK churches!

the urban religious operations own the political/ voting process in the every city, disgusting, depressing and just plain wrong inner city shitholes [ it is truly nasty]. I know, I have done much labors in these places. I know the people which propagate and perpetuate inner city fail. hey. ...
were to start on your screed, you dumb goy

I am am jewish, it doesn't mean one can be against the actions of israel , that doesn't make them anti jewish

your goyim buy bull has been used throughout history for genocide and racism, some morals huh?

from inquisitions, slaughter of native populations

the rest of your screed against muslims and others show the true face of your mentality, thankfully you rightwing white goyim are a minority now and dying off fast

Exactly: You think I'm white Charlie Brown? Can you show us the Book, Chapter and Verse in the New Testament Covenant that produced the (wink, wink) inquisitions and the slaughter of native Americans? It does not exist....it was the tradition of men, not doctrine from God incarnate.....Jesus Christ the Messiah that produced sword point conversation, just like the other FALSE religions such as modern Judaism and Islam.

As far as taking land from the natives of the American's......how do you suppose these tribes came to possess these lands in the first place? They took those lands by force from other human beings as All the native nations of the Americas were war like in nature and battled each other for hunting grounds for centuries before....WHITEY showed up.

You have demonstrated the point. You are both IGNNORANT and Uninformed not to mention being a BIGOT. Your anger and ID demonstrated as much. This is priceless:laugh: MUD PEOPLE (GOLEM) accusing others. The typical bigot.
First of all, Conservatives don't give a FUCK about Children, their Policies have proven that fact over and over again.

... and if you're a Brown Child, you're less than Human.

What a moronic statement from a member of the Democratic Party of the Jackass that supports murdering unborn children on demand. STFU already you witless twit.
... Shooting an Unarmed Human Being 10 to 20 times is what?

You don't know how many times still? Moron. Of course, in whiny loser land where the Democratic Party of the Jackass wallows, it is perfectly okay to bash in peoples windows and steal, then to run away from the cops and then when cornered refuse to obey any instructions and act in a threatening manner.

You morons are beyond mere stupid.
Yes. I would have far more sympathy for their position if they were also as adamant in support of programs to feed, clothe, house, and educate those children forced to come into the world. But they are not. "Let those women be responsible," "It's not society's job to raise your kids," "If they can't afford them they shouldn't have them," etc.

What child is forced to come into this world? Abortion is legal. What that means is any child born is done so by choice of the one having the child. Since that is the case, if the one choosing to have the child does so, it's not society's place to be financially responsible for a choice they were told was none of their business.
You can criminalize abortion, but you cannot stop it. Abortion was going on it Roman times. Not new at all. When it was illegal in the US, girls of means went on vacation to a country that allowed it and came back 5 lbs 8 ozs lighter. The rest of us were forced into back alley or self induced abortions. It was dangerous and young girls died , were damaged or were robbed. Desperate girls paid for abortions by people who were not qualified and often it was a mess. But they still went for them.

Abortion was always on teens minds during those times. But it did not stop teen sex.

Want to cut abortion, then back easily obtained contraception and sex education. Religious beliefs cause abortions. Just say no, never works. Because no is not said.

Give them coat hangers.

I support easily obtained contraception. I also support the one using it paying for it.

Why is those of you that say what a woman does with her body is her choice then make the funding of it someone else's responsibility?

If a woman chooses to have a child, it's HER place to support that child not society's place.
Trump is a heinous individual who instead of leading us to better things, has lowered the level of discourse (who knew that was even possible?), engaged in blustering bullying public behaviors, and is actively destroying Obama's legacy along with the robust economy that Trump inherited. It has nothing to do with whether I like or dislike him -- it has everything to do with what he is doing to both the image and the substance of America.

When those of you that elected Obama based solely on skin color did so, you lost any ability to talk about image and substance.