Grind, again, another excellent example of what I was pointing out.
What? Your "immorality"? Liberalism is a constant "self contradiction". You feign equality but declare its a right of privacy to be superior to an unborn feign TOLERANCE but constantly display intolerance to anyone that dare disagree with your secular view of humanity. You claim to be PROGRESSIVE but invoke a political ideology that has been in effect since Moses was a child. You say you are against Capital Punishment but kill unborn human children in support of this position? You say you are anti-capitalism but worship modern Technology corporations that could not exist void of CAPITALISM. You say you support anyone's choice to openly engage in the deviant acts of homosexuality but endorse Muslim migration and its middle age views. You support the religion of Darwinism (and its basic concept of survival of the fittest) but would march through the gates of hell to stop an extinction event in nature where the weakest is about to go under.
You support religious freedom for everyone EXCEPT evidenced by your retort.
You feign support for a quality education but bitch and whine when someone wants to privately educate their own child by requesting government vouchers in support of this superior education chance. YOU CLAIM "HATE SPEECH" ANY TIME SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR project HATE WITH EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE, just read through the archives on this site.
You claim to be for women's rights.....but attempt to destroy the careers of any and all successful conservative females. Example: Sarah Palin.
You claim to be against evaluate and place into categories people based upon THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. Example: Black Pride Month..etc., And you have a fit when any Black becomes successful in the private sector void of Government help. support ABORTION when its the Black Roots that are slowly being killed in this nation through Abortion....that had its beginning as a means to control the Black Population growth of this nation.
You claim to be PRO-JEW....but HATE the modern nation of Israel?
Why so many self contradictions? Again...its not rocket science. You are AGAINST you must support anything deviant to Christian values such as your support for allowing Abortion on demand or the support of ISLAM.
Its the Bible that supports "personal responsibility".....thus your support for the VILLAGE in raising a child. The Bible supports private ownership...thus you must support the state ownership of property and wealth. The Bible supports absolute moral standards....thus you must support morality as a personal choice with each person being their own moral compass.