I am not trying to troll here, I ask this question from a strategic point of view.
Abortion has been around for more than 50 years now.
To me it's kinda like the gun debate, banning abortion, like guns, is simply not going to happen.
It's a complete losing battle. I think the numbers for supporting abortions are astronomically high.
You can be as principled as you want on a moral level, but tactically it's completely useless. It's such an outdated political topic. Very 90's.
Take solace in the fact that it's mostly liberals offing future soyboys and blue haired women.
You have to go back to the early days of the Reagan revolution. Most Republicans at that time didn’t have a lot to say on the issue but after the Roe vs. Wade decision it quickly became apparent that the GOP could attract massive numbers of evengelicals and particularly Catholics on just this issue.
Now I know what you’re thinking...even proles can’t be that stupid to vote based on a single religious issue. You’d be wrong.
For example when I joined the Mercer County Republican Party in 1982 one of the first things we did was attempt unseat our Democrat Mayor. Mercer County is rural and it’s citizens overwhelmingly farmers and agricultural workers of German Catholic heritage renowned for their reactionary views that are slightly more progressive than the Amish. They were also overwhelmingly Democrats.
So we tried all the standard GOP arguments on business, taxes, economic prosperity, strong national defense, blah blah blah. Major fail as no one cared. So then we came up with an dirty trick of an idea. We decided to try circulating a flyer that, with no truthful evidence what so ever that our Democratic Mayor was a secret member of The Way International (a famous Religious cult HQ’d in near by New Knoxville, OH that local Catholics were terrified of) and that new community clinic being built in Celina under the Mayors administration was going to be an abortion clinic. The flyer was to be followed up by an organized whisper campaign that each member of the Mercer County GOP were to whisper into the ears of at least 10 people that the Mayor was a secret member of The Way and that he was building an abortion clinic.
Now the town fathers of the Mercer County GOP derided our idea as an obvious tissue of lies with no supporting evidence and easily dismissed as the smear tactic that it was.
It was a spectacular success and the Democratic Mayor lost re-election.
The Moral of the story is if the first rule of politics is that you must first build a constituency the second rule is most of that constituency are proles who will believe any lie if it strikes to the heart of that which they fear.
That is why Abortion is an affective political football. It’s also why identity politics and guns is an affective political football. It’s just a matter of using them to manipulate people’s fears and prejudices to build a constituency.
So Grind in politics, as elsewhere, You usually can’t go wrong underestimating the average Proles intelligence.