Why do conservatives still focus on abortion as a major issue?

Yes. I would have far more sympathy for their position if they were also as adamant in support of programs to feed, clothe, house, and educate those children forced to come into the world. But they are not. "Let those women be responsible," "It's not society's job to raise your kids," "If they can't afford them they shouldn't have them," etc.

We are called upon to be charitable—which we do—while leftists do not.
I am not trying to troll here, I ask this question from a strategic point of view.

Abortion has been around for more than 50 years now.

To me it's kinda like the gun debate, banning abortion, like guns, is simply not going to happen.

It's a complete losing battle. I think the numbers for supporting abortions are astronomically high.

You can be as principled as you want on a moral level, but tactically it's completely useless. It's such an outdated political topic. Very 90's.

Take solace in the fact that it's mostly liberals offing future soyboys and blue haired women.

Your post has merit, but I think the reason why it keeps coming up runs deeper than strategy. To those who are for abortion, what is aborted is simply tissue, but to those who are against abortion, it is a baby that is aborted. With this in mind, it will be hard for for those who are for abortion to see the matter as anything more than strategy. For those who are against abortion, it is something that is too hard to let go. Obviously, this exposes those who are against abortion to being victims of strategy. The left tend to weaponize emotion for political gain, but their perception of what is actually aborted leaves abortion off the radar as far as using abortion as weaponized emotion for strategy.
I am not trying to troll here, I ask this question from a strategic point of view.

Abortion has been around for more than 50 years now.

To me it's kinda like the gun debate, banning abortion, like guns, is simply not going to happen.

It's a complete losing battle. I think the numbers for supporting abortions are astronomically high.

You can be as principled as you want on a moral level, but tactically it's completely useless. It's such an outdated political topic. Very 90's.

Take solace in the fact that it's mostly liberals offing future soyboys and blue haired women.

The power structure has always needed to keep the masses quibbling amongst themselves lest the unsubstantial people cast their collective gaze upward toward their common enemy, goes back to Bacon's Rebellion. Abortion, guns, gays, religion, faux partisanshit, "the deficit"; all are useful in distracting the masses from the continual extraction, concentration and redistribution of soceital wealth.
Exactly. My very Xtian sister-in-law voted for Trump solely on that issue, believing that if he could appoint a conservative forced-birth justice to the SCt, abortion would then somehow magically be made illegal again. When I pointed out that in the past Trump stated that he was pro-choice, she was aware of that, but has bought into the idea that God laid his/her hand on the Orange Waffle and led him to The Light.

"The orange waffle", make my day! :rofl2:
Not murder. So premise is wrong. Have long talks with zygotes lately? Just a collection of cells. If you think it is potential life, then masturbation is wrong.