Must say it speaks a lot of the US when those that may have a slight intellectual disability or simply make a spelling mistake are so easily called retarded.. Just pathetic responses from a group that appear to be unable to have a civil debate, Not there way so they must act like a bunch of children.. Do grow up kiddies =)
Incredibly stupid hey? Oh come on, Your going to hurt my feelings -pouts-. The odd thing is that your argument is flawed, Law abiding citizens follow law's there because they are there, For them to be la abiding citizens requires law's to be in place for them to follow other wise your argument that tougher gun law's will effect these 'good and honest folk' pretty much says that you don't need any law's at all, I mean there all such good and honest folk we don't need law's against murder, rape, speeding, drug use etc etc..
Ignoring the completely childish, immature and largely intellectually challenged need to insult because I appear to threaten your need for over powered guns, The Laws in the UK admittedly did not have an effect straight off however for those that keep using the UK as an excuse, For the last 7 years in a row there has been a decrease in gun related deaths and crime every year.
As for calling Australia a backward shit hole retard factory.. Get your head out of your ass and actually look at how much Australia and our Digger's have backed up you Yanks through our your war's.. Insult me with your petty remarks if you like but do not go and insult my country or its people as a whole, Better yet go and say that about Australia to some of your US service men and woman that have been through here and see just how well or little they agree with some pathetic excuse for a human being internet troll.. Interesting that people act so tough on the net yet quite often those same people in real life are little pussies that have to hide behind a weapon or superior numbers. Grow a pair, Harden the fuck up, Talk some facts and get some maturity Hunny bun.
Amusing how you attack my grammar yet you have made grammar mistakes in your own reply

Thanks for giving me a chuckle love.
As for that being the solution, If that is the best you can come up with then I must congratulate you guys, You have solved your immigration problem. At your current rate people will be trying to get out of the US and into South America.
Calling some one a retard for a simple spelling mistake, Really? Honestly the childish behavior is just appalling. For a nation that claims to be moving forward you seem to take 3 steps back with every step forward, Give it 2 decades and these 'Evil' Muslim nations will look like a garden paradise trying to change the US for the better rather then the US trying to change them.
As for keeping my nose out, Fact is the world is heavily interconnected, Domestic programs in one nation can these days affect another nation so it is the right of foreigners to voice there concern when the biggest economy in the world is driving its self into the ground faster then ever before. Not to mention It is better for you that we voice our concern to try and get change other wise a nation that is looking increasingly less stable becomes a far worse trade option and the US economy suffers due to it.
Cheers Sweet Hearts =)
$1,000 says at least one ill educated person calls me a retard again

They will never learn.