Groups made up of criminals? Genius, Around those times there where criminals all over, Its not like that when Jesus was alive that crime only existed around the Egyptian, Palestinian, Jordan and Syrian area's and that the rest of the world was all peaceful and law abiding so the whole argument that he went to where he was needed is once again, Null and void.. Show me that he rocked up in Mongolia or Japan or even South America some where and Ill cede this argument to you =).
As for the penal colony, Did you really expect you pointing out that Australia born from a penal colony would piss me off? Just makes me more proud knowing that with all the challanges we have faced we went on to create such a great damn nation with good people in it. I mean can America really say in WWII that they got the respect of both the Germans, Italians and Japanese.. Nope but we can =), Hell we got the respect of the Vietcong when we went over there, Used there tactics but better and pissed them way off

, Hell in WWII Hitler asked Rommel what he needed to win in NA, He said a Division of Australians =), So Yea I love it here and the fact we came from a Penal colony, From a tough start was born tough men and fact is most the criminals where here for trying to just feed them selves or there family and the same is true today here.
Give me one reason I should not be proud of Australia?