Why do I need 30 rounds?

So, are you now admitting that there is a black market for them?

Nope. Quit being a chicken shit and make an argument if you have one to offer.

There is no significant supply of armor piercing ammo for handguns available through black markets, because there is no real demand for it while legal alternatives exist. If there was a ban on high capacity magazines there would not likely be a significant black market supply for them.

Most gun owners are law abiding citizens, are they not? They are not likely to break the law unless there is some pressing need or desire that can only be filled by doing so. Further, the extra costs created by a black market will reduce demand.
Nope. Quit being a chicken shit and make an argument if you have one to offer.

There is no significant supply of armor piercing ammo for handguns available through black markets, because there is no real demand for it while legal alternatives exist. If there was a ban on high capacity magazines there would not likely be a significant black market supply for them.

Most gun owners are law abiding citizens, are they not? They are not likely to break the law unless there is some pressing need or desire that can only be filled by doing so. Further, the extra costs created by a black market will reduce demand.

Lets dispense with the nonsense. There already is falling support for what you call for.

Senator Manchin has already been whipped back into line. Feinstein is going nowhere with her bill.

Nothing will be brought to the floor of the house.

Americans as always have voted with their wallets. Gun stores have been cleaned out. Now if you were smart like me, you already own three AR15s with 15 thirty round clips an plenty of ammo to keep em hummin for some time.

Lastly if this issue were so important to you, you wouldn't wait for a tragedy to scamper across the dead bodies to take advantage of the crisis

Have the balls to push your agenda without hiding behind dead children or fuck off
Lets dispense with the nonsense. There already is falling support for what you call for.

Senator Manchin has already been whipped back into line. Feinstein is going nowhere with her bill.

Nothing will be brought to the floor of the house.

Americans as always have voted with their wallets. Gun stores have been cleaned out. Now if you were smart like me, you already own three AR15s with 15 thirty round clips an plenty of ammo to keep em hummin for some time.

Lastly if this issue were so important to you, you wouldn't wait for a tragedy to scamper across the dead bodies to take advantage of the crisis

Have the balls to push your agenda without hiding behind dead children or fuck off

Again, I don't call for any new laws. I know in your dark little world everyone is either completely in agreement with you or part of some Marxist conspiracy, but that's the real nonsense.

Again, I don't think any bans related to guns are likely to pass or would really be that worthwhile in protecting kids. It's possible that a ban on high capacity ammo might reduce the numbers killed in such incidents and I don't see much real harm in it, other than it seems to piss off people that are insane, like you.

Like I said in the video game thread and then repeated in response to your false concerns over children being raised by homosexuals... If you really want to help children then it is far more effective to simply do so. There is rarely any need for laws, restricting the rights of others or punishing some minority group through the political process. That's for turds like you and often does more harm to children than any good.

I am simply discussing the merits of the argument that it would be inneffective due to a black market. It is a weak argument.
Oh no there are plenty of Yanks I do like, But princess it's not uncommon to use a term against some one or a group when they piss you off, Fuck how often I call a British a Whinging Pom, Don't mean I hate them.. You need to toughen up and stop assuming every time some one says something against a Yank that there evil, retarded and full of hate.

I simply called you a Septic because you piss me off princess, But my compliments on understanding the term, Must do it enough to know it or I have not given you enough credit.

As I have stated constant amount of times, My views about the solution may be different but the end result of reducing crime is the same so give up your pathetic little argument that I want to protect criminals and get a boner off people getting hurt, It really is just sad that you have to revert to those arguments.

Obviously though you have failed to learn you Vote for your leader's, If you cant vote the best way that's your fuck up and apparently your guys control 2/3rds of congress so what you whinging about? As for Obama taking the 401k's and such, It has been speculated that he is trying to take them over although it is just as possible he is aiming to get 78 million Americans with out a savings plan onto one, One that they can opt out of if they like.. So stop getting your panties in a twist every time congress opens there mouth.
any law that violates the constitution is null and void. it's as if it never existed.

Hey you find me the sub paragraph in the 2nd amendment that says you need 30, 50 fuck 100 round clips and I'll lay off on my view but there isn't so I'm going to keep being some ass hole dick head retarded un educated Aussie about it, I mean when the NRA is trying to push to legalize silencers then you have lost the fucking plot.
Nope. Quit being a chicken shit and make an argument if you have one to offer.

There is no significant supply of armor piercing ammo for handguns available through black markets, because there is no real demand for it while legal alternatives exist. If there was a ban on high capacity magazines there would not likely be a significant black market supply for them.

Most gun owners are law abiding citizens, are they not? They are not likely to break the law unless there is some pressing need or desire that can only be filled by doing so. Further, the extra costs created by a black market will reduce demand.

You seem to believe that abscense of proof, means proof of abscence; which doesn't hold true.
You have nothing to support your assertion that there is no black market for them.

30 Round grease gun!

In service 1942–1992 (US)
Philippines (Revived 2004-)
Used by See Users
Wars World War II[1]
Chinese Civil War
Greek Civil War [2]

Korean War[1]
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Vietnam War[1]
Argentine Dirty War
Falklands War[3]
Hey you find me the sub paragraph in the 2nd amendment that says you need 30, 50 fuck 100 round clips and I'll lay off on my view but there isn't so I'm going to keep being some ass hole dick head retarded un educated Aussie about it, I mean when the NRA is trying to push to legalize silencers then you have lost the fucking plot.
here's the thing about the constitution that you statist assholes like to ignore.....It doesn't tell me what I can and cannot do/have, it tells the government what they cannot do, which is infringe on my rights. period.

No good. Which one of those do you believe is an example of illegal ap ammo. I am not going to look through every one to support your claim.

The laws prohibiting armor piercing bullets only apply to handguns as just about all ammo for rifle will defeat body armor.

Of the top 4 you have two that are about the same guy with rifle ammo, a second about a guy with rifle ammo and one about handgun ammo in the Phillipines.
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here's the thing about the constitution that you statist assholes like to ignore.....It doesn't tell me what I can and cannot do/have, it tells the government what they cannot do, which is infringe on my rights. period.

Well hot damn, I take it your going out to pick up a nice bran new shiny M-134 Minigun? =) I mean those pesky kid's could threaten your family with a knife and what better then to have a Minigun that can shoot them in half? I mean family safety and all, No such thing as over kill in the US is there .. Have to say if Jesus does exist he more likely to come to Australia to live here then the Hell hole that the US has turned its self into.
Well, yeah, Jesus tended to go where He was needed...

And I can always use a sane drinking buddy so he more then welcome =)

But being serious about Jesus and where he went, He tended to stay around a very limited area and around those times there was always one military campaign or another against various empires so your argument that he goes where he was needed is really null and void. Guess your attempt to get back at me crashed and burned xD
Well hot damn, I take it your going out to pick up a nice bran new shiny M-134 Minigun? =) I mean those pesky kid's could threaten your family with a knife and what better then to have a Minigun that can shoot them in half? I mean family safety and all, No such thing as over kill in the US is there .. Have to say if Jesus does exist he more likely to come to Australia to live here then the Hell hole that the US has turned its self into.
The Abos could do with some help, that's for sure!
The way they are treated by whites and other immigrants to Australia should be a national disgrace!

They don't even get casinos!
Well hot damn, I take it your going out to pick up a nice bran new shiny M-134 Minigun? =) I mean those pesky kid's could threaten your family with a knife and what better then to have a Minigun that can shoot them in half? I mean family safety and all, No such thing as over kill in the US is there .. Have to say if Jesus does exist he more likely to come to Australia to live here then the Hell hole that the US has turned its self into.
well blah blah blah......any other whiny assed rants you want to make?
And I can always use a sane drinking buddy so he more then welcome =)

But being serious about Jesus and where he went, He tended to stay around a very limited area and around those times there was always one military campaign or another against various empires so your argument that he goes where he was needed is really null and void. Guess your attempt to get back at me crashed and burned xD

He liked to tend to groups made up of criminals and riff raff. Rome's foreign military policies weren't really all that relevant to His mission...

Where better in 2013 than a penal colony?
He liked to tend to groups made up of criminals and riff raff. Rome's foreign military policies weren't really all that relevant to His mission...

Where better in 2013 than a penal colony?

Groups made up of criminals? Genius, Around those times there where criminals all over, Its not like that when Jesus was alive that crime only existed around the Egyptian, Palestinian, Jordan and Syrian area's and that the rest of the world was all peaceful and law abiding so the whole argument that he went to where he was needed is once again, Null and void.. Show me that he rocked up in Mongolia or Japan or even South America some where and Ill cede this argument to you =).

As for the penal colony, Did you really expect you pointing out that Australia born from a penal colony would piss me off? Just makes me more proud knowing that with all the challanges we have faced we went on to create such a great damn nation with good people in it. I mean can America really say in WWII that they got the respect of both the Germans, Italians and Japanese.. Nope but we can =), Hell we got the respect of the Vietcong when we went over there, Used there tactics but better and pissed them way off :P, Hell in WWII Hitler asked Rommel what he needed to win in NA, He said a Division of Australians =), So Yea I love it here and the fact we came from a Penal colony, From a tough start was born tough men and fact is most the criminals where here for trying to just feed them selves or there family and the same is true today here.

Give me one reason I should not be proud of Australia?
Groups made up of criminals? Genius, Around those times there where criminals all over, Its not like that when Jesus was alive that crime only existed around the Egyptian, Palestinian, Jordan and Syrian area's and that the rest of the world was all peaceful and law abiding so the whole argument that he went to where he was needed is once again, Null and void.. Show me that he rocked up in Mongolia or Japan or even South America some where and Ill cede this argument to you =).

As for the penal colony, Did you really expect you pointing out that Australia born from a penal colony would piss me off? Just makes me more proud knowing that with all the challanges we have faced we went on to create such a great damn nation with good people in it. I mean can America really say in WWII that they got the respect of both the Germans, Italians and Japanese.. Nope but we can =), Hell we got the respect of the Vietcong when we went over there, Used there tactics but better and pissed them way off :P, Hell in WWII Hitler asked Rommel what he needed to win in NA, He said a Division of Australians =), So Yea I love it here and the fact we came from a Penal colony, From a tough start was born tough men and fact is most the criminals where here for trying to just feed them selves or there family and the same is true today here.

Give me one reason I should not be proud of Australia?
There is not one!
You should be proud.

Now keep your whinging fucking nose out of US domestic policy!

Ta very much!!