As I have stated, With the current US domestic climate such a belief that the only solution is to get more and more guns only increases the foreign view that the US is a bad bet, Hell I know a good dozen families already said they wont be visiting the US, Ever.
As for the amount of weapon's, You are just feeding my belief that the US has the Most paranoid bunch in the world, Congrads.
And a Humanities degree, Woopty doo? The US belief that College is such a requirement is seriously flawed, It start's to feed a job employment issue where so many are over qualified that certain job area's (even those paying good) lack the work force while others have far to many creating quite a number that are jobless.
As for my nation, Am guessing you have yet to have done any research into it what so ever otherwise you may have learnt that Australia has the
-Highest amount of Inventions per a capita in the world,
-We were ranked as the most generous nation around the world for 2012,
-Australia is responsible for the first major defeats inflicted upon Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII.
-Australian Digger's pissed off/scared the Germans to a great degree in WWI with our knack to attack at any time and all to often use 'peaceful penetration'
-Australia is now in the process of designing several car's for a number of foreign automotive groups including those from the US
and so so much more, For an insignificant nation we sure do punch above our weight a lot more then most, Can the US claim that too?
As for uneducated, You do realize that Australian education system currently and for a while know has been and is better then the US gaining better results? Real smart calling some one uneducated when your nation is behind us 'retarded Aussies'

. Hell if your so well educated name the nation that was the first to command US troops in an offensive battle other then the US its self =) (Hint, Was in WWI)
Now if my talking about this US domestic issue is a problem, Might I make 2 very simple little suggestions?
1. How about the US keep there nose out of other nations domestic situations, You guys have seemed to make a really bad habit of it since WWII.
2. If it bothers you what I say how about ignoring it? Or you too little of a man to take some criticism, Hurting your feelings sweet heart? Toughen up.